
Yes, well, it is April 1. And whether or not you go in for the never-ending yukfest of practical jokes, you have to appreciate the Photoshop job. So thanks to Outdoor Hub and their post, Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor of Expanded Gun Rights...even if it may have posted a few minutes early . . .

Want to buy a gun on your couch at 3 a.m.? Now you can – And the problem with that is…what?

Substitute apologizes for threatening students with stun gun – “They were extremely rowdy, this group. I knew this was probably going to be a troublesome group. I’ve never had students that disruptive before ever.” That’ll learn ’em.

Life as a millennial woman working in the gun industry – A few more of them wouldn’t hurt.

Armed robbers surrender after Cleveland deli worker draws gun – It’s funny how often that works, isn’t it?

Four Dead, 11 Wounded In Thursday Gun Violence In Chicago – All in all, a slow day in the City of Big Shoulders.

Oak Harbor police chief loses gun in grocery store bathroom – Anyone see a GLOCK 22 laying around anywhere? Anyone?


      • Australian Style Gun Control for the US is Hillary’s promise.
        Even pellet guns will be registered.

  1. Hillary – “From my cold… BANG,BANG,BANG, SHE HAS A GUN SHOOT HER!!!!!!!!!

    Dammit, If somebody only had swapped that prop for a G18 with a full mag and accidentally chambered the first round…. dammit. Hey is that the Glock that shot Gabrielle Giffords? Hmmm.

    • I wouldn’t keep it. It may have bodies on it. I wouldn’t leave it laying. I’d be afraid a kid would find it.

      So I’d call the police and secure it til they showed up.

      • Call the cops and have them run the SN. If it’s reported stolen it goes back to the owner, otherwise you get to keep it. Put a new barrel on it if you think it has a body on it.

        • Is this a joke? Seriously, we’ve got some cops on this site, can I call in a SN and have it run for stolen guns, etc? Shouldn’t I expect some requirements, like my name, rank, and service number, bring it in, turn it in, etc? Somehow, I suspect that option is not an option, but I don’t know.

        • It’s an option in the Northwest at least, because I know people who have done so. Of course, it helps to call the right cop who won’t lock it into evidence while they wait and then pretend you never gave it to them.

        • That’s what I was thinking, you don’t just call them, you take the gun to them and count on them being honest. Which requires you to handle the gun, hope it wasn’t used in a shooting. Don’t you think they would shoot a test bullet as well? Or does that only work on CSI?

    • It drowned with the boat. Of. Course Id keep it until I could trade it to a sucker for a 1911,.

    • Call the cops and stand guard until they get there. Do not touch. May have fingerprints, may have been used in a crime. And I don’t need it.

  2. The friend told police he tried to coax the robber out of the bathroom, saying “my gun is bigger than yours.” Marco Rubio, slumming again?

    • Nah, the Clintons are more like Cabot Black Diamonds: trying really hard to seem classy, but really just dressed-up trash that doesn’t work.

      • I dunno, it kinda seems to me like the Clinton’s weapons work most of the time.

  3. It seems that whenever Black Lives Matter takes over the streets more black lives are lost.

    Ban BLM, if it saves one life.

  4. I have seen videos of these unruly kids who need tasing. Assaulting each other, assaulting teachers, vandalizing, cussing, making out in the middle of class. It would be enough to get every single kid in the class expelled, just 15 short years ago. I really don’t blame a teacher for carrying a taser knowing this. And the fact that he/she has to apologize for it, rather than the “parents” who raise these monsters makes me sick.

    • The sad thing about it is them kidds are the future. Scarrie isnt it … damn it Stumpy lay down… dog wants patted. Keeps hittingvmy hand. Fuckn pit bulls

  5. Yes, well, it is Arpil 1.

    What? Don’t you mean “April”?

    Oh, wait, I get it. Good joke, mate!

  6. Ive never seen a gun look so ugly. If my dog had a face that looked like Hillary’s, Id shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards. I do not like her. If she becomes prez I am joining Is …Is

  7. In less than ten years a woman will be running a gun manufacturer somewhere in america.

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