Anti-Gun Group Tweets a Photo of a Gun…That’s Loaded Backwards – No, smart ass, it wasn’t an HK . . .

Everytown For Gun Safety, an anti-gun activist group known for posting all kinds of false stats about gun violence in an effort to strip law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights, tweeted a Newsweek article alleging that arming teachers would somehow make minority children in urban schools “less safe.”

Officer who fatally shot Justine Damond charged with murder, turns himself in – Minneapolis’s police chief was fired after the shooting . . .

Damond was shot July 15, minutes after calling 911 to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her home. The 40-year-old life coach’s death drew international attention, cost the police chief her job and forced major revisions to the department’s policy on body cameras.

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman was scheduled to discuss charges Tuesday afternoon.

(Officer Mohamed) Noor, a 32-year-old Somali-American, has not talked publicly about the case and declined to be interviewed by state investigators.

In a statement Tuesday, Damond’s family praised the charges, calling them “one step toward justice.”

City of Richmond School Safety Resolution: Ban ‘Large-Capacity Ammunition Cartridges’ – They really have no f-ing idea what they’re talking about . . .

A proposed City of Richmond School Safety resolution asks Congress to ban “large-capacity ammunition cartridges.”

The proposed resolution also calls on Congress to “ban the manufacture, sale, purchase, possession, and use of assault weapons.”

It also asks to implement “universal background checks.” Such checks would require a background check for a private sale just like the background check currently required for a retail purchase. Ironically, almost every high-profile firearm-based attacker acquires his or her gun via background checks at retail sales, so such an expansion would do nothing to prevent future attacks.

Lacey Township School District revises policy banning guns outside of school – Punching back at zero tolerance stupidity . . .

The Ocean County school district has revised a policy that banned students from having guns outside of school.

The policy had said Lacey students could be punished for having weapons “on or off school grounds.” It now states students cannot bring weapons to school or on a bus.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs had threatened to sue the district over the policy. That came amid reports that two students had been suspended for posting a picture of guns at a shooting range.

Island NRA benefit cancelled by The Vanderbilt – The other-ing of guns and gun owners continues apace . . .

The annual Staten Island Friends of the NRA fundraiser at The Vanderbilt has been cancelled, said Mark Tranchina, owner of the venue in South Beach.

Tranchina declined to comment further about the decision to cancel to fundraiser.

The fundraiser was scheduled to take place in September.

The event was cancelled after borough Democrats and others expressed outrage, citing the Feb. 14 shooting in Parkland, Fla., and the number of unfounded gun threats on Staten Island.

Never been seen befoa!


  1. Yet another advantage of revolvers over pistols, even the brainiacs at Newsweek can figure out which way the cartridges go.

      • OK, point conceded, maybe the brainiacs at Newsweek could be stumped by that, but even a dyslexic monkey could figure out which way the cartridges go in a revolver.

    • Thats assuming they can open the cylinder on a double action, or find the loading gate on a single action.

      Even then, i think you can drop 45acp into a colt saa backwards.

    • Frank, I believe you’re right, but Cliff is wrong. A .357 has a straight wall at .379″ while a 9 mm tapers from .380″ at the neck to .391″ at the base. Since I have both, I checked and you can’t insert the 9 backwards. You can insert it forwards, but it won’t go in all the way and you won’t be able to close the cylinder. On the other hand the ACP has a rim diameter of .480″ that matches the base/neck diameter of the Colt. Both the 9 and the ACP are shorter loaded than the .357/.45 cases so they would fit if the 9 wasn’t too fat. I don’t have any .45s so I can’t test it but the ACP should fit right in.

      Anyway, dyslexic monkeys know enough to pick the right cartridge, although they have been known to confuse .357 magnum with .375 H&H. You’re definitely not fitting the H&H in a revolver though.

  2. Ban large capacity dumbness, we’d sweep aside 97+ percent of the inept bozos in public office.

  3. Wait, are they claiming their kids are doing things that would cause their teachers to use lethal force upon them?

    Or are they so goddam racist, they truly think that white people are only held back from randomly killing the ‘black and brown’ around them every day because of the lack of a gun in their hands?

    Or that handguns possess the wielder and cause them to become racist and randomly fire at ‘black and brown’ around them?

    Or are white childrens simply bulletproof by dint of their priviledge?

    I know they gotta make everything about race, being racist and all, but this makes no sense on any level (again, because they’re racist).

    Last but not least; how often is a ‘black or brown’ kid killed in a mass school shooting (i.e. not a gang/drug/robbery shooting)? The student demographics at most of these events seem to be white, unless I’m mistaken. Which mostly agrees with them being the majority population, and these events generally happening at random (with some selection bias for places like Parkland where violent crazies go ignored for years by authorities)

    • The ones that get all the *press* are when the white kiddies are killed.

      Note the lack of press about Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland, etc…

  4. “large-capacity ammunition cartridges.”

    Duplex rounds and birdshot, the scariest of all firearms cartridges…

    • At Apature Science we use a pattened system to fire the whole bullet! That’s 60% more bullet per bullet!

  5. “A proposed City of Richmond School Safety resolution asks Congress to ban “large-capacity ammunition cartridges.”

    Leftist’s do not understand the items they seek to ban so much for truth,facts or nomenclature.

    • Remember that dim-witted legislator in Colorado who believed that by banning large capacity magazines the supply would dry up because, she assumed, you throw them away when they are empty?

  6. Wait, I’m not understanding what Everytown is insinuating. Are they saying black and brown kids are naturally more violent than other kids? Or that liberal teachers are just more violent and racist than other people? Tough call!

  7. Wait a sec here. The woman who tweeted (per Everytown) that arming teachers “would make children, like mine, less safe” also says that her child was shot and killed in 2013. If her child was killed in or at a school, you can’t get any less safe than that, can you?

  8. I can’t find Magical Fire Dust in any of my reloading manuals. Is that an IMR powder, Hodgdon?

  9. What I do outside of school control is none of your damn business. If you think nothing I do is outside school control, we need to have a different conversation.

    Let me make this easy for you. I’ll be protesting outside your next school board meeting, holding a sign with every single controversial issue represented on it, and my deer rifle slung on my back. Video of the whole thing will be uploaded to the internet in real time, as will my every interaction with you.

    Here’s my lawyer’s contact info. For convenience, you might want to cc everything there from now on… they’re getting a copy anyway.

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