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TTAG Daily Digest: Full Force Anti-Firearms Freedom Firehose

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Today’s Daily Digest is an embarrassment of riches — if you like to read about American citizens working to degrade and destroy your natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. I haven’t seen this amount of anti-gun agitprop since Newtown. That’s despite the fact . . .

that the FBI could have stopped the killer before he attacked. As opposed to gun control, which offers lottery player odds of stopping a criminal, crazy or terrorist by making it more difficult — but not impossible — to get a gun. So here we go . . .

AR15s (courtesy gunsinthenews.com)

No one becomes a mass shooter without a mass-shooting gun – LA Times columnist and self-proclaimed gun guy George Skelton acknowledges multiple failures to intercept mass murderer Nikolas Cruz, and ignores them . . .

Look, it’s really simple: Mass shootings will continue in this country until we finally ban mass-shooting weapons.

The more bullets a gun can fire rapidly, the more people will die.

Pretty basic stuff. We don’t need to twist elementary logic into a contortion.

Anyone who doesn’t understand this is probably a firearms addict in denial.

Let’s be clear: I’m not anti-gun. I grew up shooting, have owned firearms all my life and enjoyed them. I’m pro-common sense.

There’s absolutely no reason to possess a semiautomatic, military-style rifle with large-capacity ammunition magazines except to kill lots of people within a few minutes.

It’s not a good hunting weapon. And for personal protection, you’re better off with a 12-gauge shotgun or a handgun. Of course, with those weapons at home, you also might shoot a family member or yourself.

Senator Nelson holding an AK (courtesy orlandosentinel.com)

Sen. Bill Nelson’s 2nd Amendment Litmus Test: Only Hunting Rifles Protected – And here’s a Fudd we prepared earlier . . .

This is a mental health problem and we’ve got to face the fact that this is an automatic military assault weapon. I want you to know I grew up on a ranch. I have grown up with guns. I have hunted all my life. I hunt with my son still. An AR-15 is not for hunting, it’s for killing. And the question is, should this be a legal weapon in our society?

Just think, all of these children are our children and if we were the parents of one of those children, if we thought that it was not easy to get an assault weapon, we might be thinking that one less child was dead. The fact is we can’t make our schools armed camps. I mean, that’s just not practical and it’s not reflective of our open society.

Anti-Rubio billboards (usatoday.com)

Three billboards in Florida target Rubio on guns – Bad landing, wrong airport . . .

An online activist group is mimicking the critically acclaimed film Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri to troll Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., with three rolling billboards in Florida calling for gun control.

The group Avaaz created the campaign, which features three trucks with billboard-like images splashed across the side. They read, “Slaughtered in school,”  then “And still no gun control?” followed by, “How come, Marco Rubio?” . . .

Rubio also chose a tack similar to President Trump when he labeled as “inexcusable” the FBI’s failure to follow protocols and inform the Miami Field Office after getting a warning that suspected shooter Nikolas Cruz had expressed a desire to kill and had displayed erratic behavior. Rubio called for Congress to initiate its own investigations into the FBI’s protocols for ensuring tips from the public about potential killers are followed through.

Ruby-Sachs was unimpressed.

“The senator has taken fire across the country for his toothless response to the shooting, calling it ‘inexplicable.’ We call that inexcusable,” she said.

LA County's Great Gun Melt of 2016 (courtesy marketwatch.com)

Opinion: What if we solve the gun problem like we did with cigarettes?Market Watch? WTF?

Some people have responded to the idea that guns are “killing machines” with the fact that these killing machines can be used for other enjoyable purposes that don’t involve killing. That’s true. But let’s go back to first principles here because that’s how I think about things, and I think it’s an appropriate way to think about this.

Guns were invented to kill. The first human uses of gun-like instruments were in China and the Middle East in various wars. They evolved over time as weaponry. They are literally designed to kill things. So, for instance, I can use a knife for lots of fun purposes, but at the end of the day it’s designed to cut things. The fact that a knife can be used for other purposes doesn’t change the fact that it’s a tool for cutting things.

Guns can be used for other purposes, but we should stop distracting from the fact that these weapons are designed for one primary purpose: killing

Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway (courtesy wfaa.com)

Mayor Demands NRA Move Convention from Dallas — Because of the 1963 JFK Assassination – Or something . . .

Gun violence has played a significant part in Dallas’ historical past from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to the five Dallas Police officers gunned down in July 2016 to the brutal murder of a mother of six children in District 4 this past Christmas. It is time to put the heat on the NRA and demand that they work with elected officials in our country to establish gun laws that protect our children and keep our communities safe.  We have got to take on the NRA.

Who is this guy and what have you done with John Kasich? More to the point, what has John Kasich done with John Kasich?

Memorial for victims of the Parkland, Florida high school mass shooting (courtesy forbes.com)

One Simple Step Toward Sane Gun Laws – One simple step towards fascism, actually . . .

Our first step toward sensible gun regulation is simple. Repeal federal laws that ban gun registries and gun tracking. Specifically, we could start by repealing the provisions of the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act that block the federal government from creating a gun registry, and make it difficult for states to build their own.

Clete Wetli (courtesy facebook.com)

Sorry, some of your guns have got to go When you hear gun control advocates say they’re not coming for your guns, guess what? They are . . .

I’ve heard your arguments against all that I’ve said here, but the body count of innocent people keeps getting higher no matter how many “good guys” have guns. We have more guns than ever before and we’re not safer as a result. Sadly, we don’t have much common ground in this discussion. I will fight until some of those guns you own are gone. I will fight until there’s a much better system in place to ensure that guns don’t get in the hands of people who should never be near one.

CBS anti-gun agitprop

5 things that are more complicated than buying a gun in Florida – Did CBS superimpose that fact over a memorial for the victims of mass murder? Classic agitprop. Anyway, I wonder how they feel about making it more difficult for people to exercise their right to vote by, you know, showing an ID. . .

Anyone buying more than 25 pounds of fertilizer is required to register and be screened against a known terrorist list. Yes, fertilizer.

So far, so in line with gun purchases. However, there are restrictions on the amount of fertilizer you can purchase in Florida because it contains ammonium nitrate, which, when mixed with other substances, can become explosive. Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh infamously used large quantities of fertilizer to make his bomb, prompting the federal government to clamp down on the sale of the gardening compounds (15 years later).



0 thoughts on “TTAG Daily Digest: Full Force Anti-Firearms Freedom Firehose”

  1. Yeah… and they will accomplish exactly what they accomplished after Newtown. Nothing. We are the ones with the guns and in control of the military. If necessary, we will use both. At this point, I’m really hoping the commie vermin give us an excuse.

  2. I didn’t have time to read all the comments but, how about this? We’ve been teaching sex-ed in this country for over 50 years. Don’t want a kid, use a contraceptive of some kind! Don’t have unprotected sex! And in NO WAY does the wanton abortion slaughter of nearly 80,000 per year the unborn compare in any way to RKBA! That’s my opinion and we all know every has one just like we have an asshole. Don’t like it, tough sh*t…it’s mine and I’m keeping it!

  3. Call me crazy but why could they not just fulfill the existing orders and take the mags off the site? I know it would be a cowardly move but still more professional than this. I hate ordering stuff that is not ready for sale. And if something is out of stock . . . THEN WHY SHOW IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. If it is on your site it should be for sale. And if you already ordered it then fulfill the order. This isn’t rocket science.

    • they can and I am sure they do sell the mags and another stuff to LEOs and Military.
      Chicago is in Cook County and so is OpticsPlanet.com
      they are just following the laws

  4. We need to inundate them with emails regarding this decision. Go to the bottom of their web page and use the “contact us” link and let them know NOT ANOTHER PENNY!

    • I’ve lost a bit of respect for TTAG the rabid posters here tonight with this one. This is a made up story with about as much accuracy as the crap that comes out of Mom’s Demand Action or Everytown.

      You and everyone else swearing them of probably never shopped there.

  5. Ted was my 1st choice for POTUS. I wish he was my senator instead of the twin sh#tstains of Durbin and the pregnant thing…

  6. Parole officer , what’s a parole officer do any way? Another do nothing government parasite , but yet they look down on a welfare recipient when in fact they both get paid by working people’s taxes.

  7. As mentioned Cook county is a home rule place. In MY town south of Chiraq I can legally buy 30 round mags and ASSault rifles(SIC!) aplenty. And shoot them at Eagle Sports range-also in Cook co. Optics Planet was NOT on my radar so no big whoop. Toni Preckwinkee doesn’t have the authority to overrule home rule. PERIOD…

  8. I think I’ve shot Glocks in every caliber except 45GAP (does anyone??) and 357SIG. The 43 and 26 are my favorites. I’ve been gravitating a bit more to the 43 because, as well as I shoot the 26, I shoot the 43 even better thanks to the grip. I’m running 8 round mags, the standard six with a Tango Down 2 round extension. True, the longer grip length can lead to less concealability but it’s more than made up for by that slightly slimmer frame. And when I absolutely need the shorter grip I’ll run a standard mag and the 43 pretty much disappears.

    One 2+mag in the 43 plus one spare 2+ mag means 17 rounds available in a skinny, shootable package compared with 21 rounds in the same config in the chunkier 26. And even with the 2+ extension the 43 mags conceal more easily than the 26 mags

  9. I have a LE in 30-06 with the AK style brake, using factory ammo was a waste. After leaning to load my own ammo using 168gr match ammo and accurate BR2015 powder. I was able to tame the flash and get great accuracy 1/2 MOA using a AR bi-pod and a good steady rest. At the time Indiana was a no riffe state for deer the LE gave me a legal and legit 300yrd gun under perfect bean field conditions. I moose hunt on occasion, our gang goes out to the 200 yard range to check the sites before we leave every year for Canada. My LE is more accurate of the bench than any hunting rifle that they have brought with them yet. I have a Burris 2-7 on it, I wish it had a better trigger is my only wish now. Also the short stout barrel eliminates barrel whip.

  10. “Just a few moments ago I signed a memo directing the attorney general to propose (emphasis added) regulations that ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns”

    Doesn’t sound any different then what the ATF did. And like the ATF, the DOJ will find that “devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns” are already banned.


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