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The best Father’s Day gift idea comes packed in cosmonline. Grab a big gift basket, two Mosin Nagants, a tin of ammo, and a whole lot of spare time.  You and your father can spend a few hours bonding over the tremendously tedious process of cleaning all the cosmonline from your new-to-you rifles. Then, after hours of shoulder-to-shoulder scrubbing, washing, and waiting, you can take them out to the range together, filled with a sense of accomplishment and bliss when you hear that first crack usher forth from your freshly cleaned Russki rifle. And you can both reminisce over how all of your hard work finally paid off. Note: If you were born before the 80’s, replace “reminisce” with “bitch about how kids nowadays are no damned good and don’t understand hard work.” Either way you and your father will be closer than ever!

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  1. I tried to talk my dad (and several friends) out of three grand a couple weeks back when there was that post about Classic Firearms having full crates in stock and for sale. I had no luck.

    • Yeah, I should have picked up a case a year or so ago when they were $1300. Guess I’ll just hang on to the 7 SA MN’s that I have…

  2. My last cosmo’d 91/30 turned into a gathering when it was time to degunk it. In the garage with me were my son, son in law and stepson. Various women and grandkids came and went during the process. 129 dollars is a cheap price to pay for a .30-06 class rifle. But the family gathering that old rifle turned into was without price.

  3. “a tin of ammo” For those that might not already know, that’s 440 rounds in a spam can. 7.62x54R was still widely available throughout the recent ammo shortage.

  4. I am on my 7th Mosiy, This one has a beautiful laminated stock and honestly I cannot see how it ever was issued to any one or for any purpose. This one is the most heavily cosmolined one yet. It is a standard round receiver. I have not cleaned or shot it yet but know this stock will be mated and bedded in with a 1928 Hex Tula receiver that has done a 3 inch spread at 100 yards right from the box. As Forest Gump immortalized the saying Mosiy’s are like a crate of chocolates you never know what you will get. Truly addictive.

  5. Cosmonline is the crap you have to spray out of the internet when you’re looking for a simple answer to most gun questions.

  6. Being old enough to be issued a rifle with a wooden stock covered in cosmoline on the first day of boot camp, we boiled water in some old pots and threw all the metal parts in. Cosmoline dissolved and the parts dried in seconds on their own. That wooden stock was a bitch though. I understand wrapping the stock in paper towels, then black plastic and leaving them in the sun works wonders.

      • I put a little simple green in the boiling water. And make sure I chuck a segment of cleaning rod into a power drill and slow speed work a shotgun brush in the chamber. No sticky bolt for me.

        • Make sure you just clean out the chamber, don’t get into the throat when you do it. You just need to get the areas that the bolt face would contact.

        • Sixpack 70, that should clear up the problem with sticky bolt. It has on every case I’ve seen. I don’t have a set schedule for each rifle but every so often I will work the chamber over with the shotgun brush during cleaning.

          I shoot surplus steel cased ammo and that stuff has lacquer on it that can leave a residue in a chamber after prolonged shooting.

  7. A good friend and I both picked out a pair of 91/30s bathed in cosmoline a while back. He paid me a spam can to clean his. He said it was the best $80 he spent and I was super happy to have the ammunition. 440 rounds goes a long way–especially when one’s shoulder starts to bark after 80 rounds in an afternoon.

  8. Dang it you guys. All of you.
    I have a really important hunt starting next week. Can’t sleep, wishing the 20+ hours in the air was behind me. Totally concentrating on skimping and saving for a trophy class Kudu bull. This hunt has been 14 months in planning since the friends of he NRA banquet.
    And you bring up a Mosin again. With inexpensive, plentiful ammo.
    Now my logical side is saying, ” hey, another rifle will last you a lifetime, a hunt is just two weeks”.
    My emotional side is almost ready to cuss you guys out for distracting me.
    It’s OK, I’m under control, I have a grand daughter in the house. I don’t cuss anymore.
    Dang it!!!!

    • I wish I had your problem. The hunt of a lifetime coming up in Africa. I ain’t green caused I just Hulked out. Have 2 less drinks on the flight and buy the mosin.

      • Way ahead of ya. Just stashed 200 bucks back in the safe so it’ll be here when I get back.

  9. After playing with about 500 of them over the last few years, I just purchased my first Mosin a few hours ago. Sadly looking forward to cleaning the Devil’s Snot out of it the next day or so; feels like a gun-owner right of passage.

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