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TTAG Get-Together! December 18 at The Range at Austin. Free Swag! Gun Giveaways!

Robert Farago - comments No comments

I’ve quit smoking cigars. So I don’t darken the doorway of my local cigar store any more — the site of our last TTAG meet-up. But enough about me. Now about you. You can join the TTAG Team at the next TTAG meet-up at The Range at Austin on December 18 from 7 to 9pm. You’ll have the run of The Range’s super-swank Patriot Club. Even better . . .

We’re giving away a ton of free swag to participants: holsters, hats, gun parts and yes, at least two guns. Well, not giving away, exactly. Once again, Nick will be running a firearms-related trivia contest. The guns (revealed in upcoming posts) will go to the winners of a shooting competition.

Please RSVP to thetruthaboutguns@gmail.com. Simply put “COUNT ME IN” in the subject bar and let us know how many folks will be joining you so we have a count. Meanwhile, thanks for reading.

[Note: we’ll also be streaming the event live on our Facebook page for those of you who can’t be there.]

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “TTAG Get-Together! December 18 at The Range at Austin. Free Swag! Gun Giveaways!”

  1. I don’t know if he did the things he’s accused of, and neither does anyone else here. I do know that there is irrefutable evidence of a Dem Senator fondling a sleeping woman, and he’s still in the senate. So I’ll leave it to the voters of Alabama to decide who gets their senate seats, and the prosecutors in Alabama to decide who to charge and try as a criminal. The guy doesn’t seem to me to have great judgement, but I’m not an Alabama resident, so my opinion doesn’t count. And as an NRA member there are many other things the ass-clowns in Fairfax have done that are far worse than endorsing this guy.

  2. This is EXACTLY why Mrs. ATFAgentBob is taught how to use each of the guns I buy, trained in CQB (no not super operator levels but decent enough for Infantry work), and goes armed in the house. She’s home more often than me so more than likely she’s going to be the one dispatching a threat.

  3. So wait times will go down to 90 days by Jan 18 but the form 4 RF did today is still 8 months out, what am I missing?


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