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TTAG Goes West

Robert Farago - comments No comments

As part of this website’s ongoing evolution, I’m heading out to Colorado to investigate the possibilities of relocating TTAG to The Centennial State. More specifically, that bastion of liberal thought, Boulder; where I’m looking to build a TTAG members-only gun range. A video and web-enabled facility for research, analysis and reportage on various issues surrounding guns and gun ownership. I also envision a thoroughly modern handgun, shotgun, stun gun and rifle range where [both] TTAG readers can join us for private instruction and, well, fun. This range reconnaissance will take me away from my RI keyboard until next Thursday. I will, of course, bring my mini-me Apple and blog as much as I can from Boulder. Brad Kozak will be blogging and helming TTAG during the interregnum. While the posting pace may slacken slightly, we will maintain the writing and reporting quality that has brought us this far. Meanwhile, thanks for your time and attention. That’s why we’re here.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “TTAG Goes West”

  1. Outstanding, Robert.

    If you're driving, do take the Boxster. Delicous roads to be carved out there.

    I hope you find the locale and the reception you desire — for the good of us all.

    But if you don't, I'll give you an alternate area to scout…

    Like Rocky Raccoon, I hail from the Black Hills of South Dakota. There, in the land of Wild Bill, Calamity Jane, George Armstrong Custer, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, you will find (unlike Boulder, aka Berkely of the Rockies), a mindset that views gun ownership and use as natural as drawing breath.

    You will also find a shall-issue attitude unmatched in any other state (my 72 year-old mother packs a Ruger 357 — and has the training to use it remarkably well).

    Stop by the offices of Black Hills Ammo, get the lay of the land. Swing by Dakota Arms and drool a bit. Run up to Deadwood, have a shot and a beer in Saloon #10, then play a few hands of poker.

    Outside of Deadwood, you will find a nice out-of-the way community range.

    Hunting opportunities abound everywhere — with millions of acres of public acess federal and state land (hear that, Illinois!?). East of the Missouri, you will find yourself in shotgunner's paradise — the pheasant mecca of North America.

    No state income tax. No housing bubble. Very little unemployment. Very little crime (the fact that the presence of a firearm in every residence is darn near 100% may have something to do with that…hmmm).

    For what you describe — a public training facility — you will find an enthusiastic welcome from both the citizenry, elected official and the constabulary.

    Options are good. I hope you find what you seek, but if you don't, Paha Sapa would be a logicial next location to scout.


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