Sara T.

We’d set today as the last day for our first TTAG Swag photo contest. But since we had a little, well, mishap this week, we’re extending the deadline. The good news: you now have until September 15th to get your entries in. The bad news: you’ll have to compete with entries like this one from reader Sara T., our first winner (can you spot the TTAG sticker she artfully employed?). Don’t worry, though, there are still four more $100 checks to be had. And if you’re more camera-shy than Sara, fear not. Only your TTAG item needs to appear in your photo to qualify. So if you haven’t already, get over to the TTAG Pro Shop, order some swag and start snapping.


  1. Oh hey, look; it’s a picture of a conventionally attractive young woman.

    Annoying complaints about sexism in T-minus 3…2…1…

    • I was gonna say that’s alot of leg, wear her like a pair of sunglasses, and screw everybody else. But don’t want to be sexist and all, cause being a man is apparently a bad thing.

    • Picture of a chunkster who needs to work out more, and McD’s less.

      For us non-OFWGs, she’s got potential once she gets a trainer and a dietician. Otherwise, the timeless adage of never doing a chick with an arse bigger than yours, is the rule of the day.

      • theres nothing wrong with a normal girl, she probably is a blast to hang out with as compared to some stuckup super skinny girl

        • Uhh yeah. 5’6″ and 120 with not a ripped muscle in sight? Especially before 30? (Let alone as a 20sumpthin’?…)

          It’s 99%+ certain what will happen in your future. I’ve seen it a thousand times with girls who had body types just like the pic. Sorry, too much of my life has been spent with folks in the skin trade to pretend otherwise.

          Do try to beat it, but the genetics are easy to spot for those of us who have done it for a living.

        • So, instead of saying something like “My bad. Excuse me…”

          Lets double down into what even hasn’t come to pass and is NOT guaranteed.

      • Beauty is not size zero. Sara appears to be quite healthy, and I believe that only the most skinny-obsessed would disagree. If it were the 50’s / 60’s she’d be compared to many superstars Hollywood actresses of the day. Remember – Marilyn Monroe was no Paris Hilton. It’s only the recent generation that dictates skinny = hot.

        • No I’m not a size 0…I’m a size 4. Jeez you would think I looked like Roseanne Barr. Rachael McAdams has my exact measurements and is close to my height and weight (she’s slightly shorter). Is she a fat girl too? Wow…I have never been called fat before. I didn’t think I would have to defend myself after winning this contest.

        • This is the internet. I knew it was coming. Not real sure why people find it necessary to pick on you, or to denigrate others’ appreciation for you.

          De gustibus non est disputandum, or as my buddy’s five year old niece says, “Don’t ‘yuck’ someone else’s ‘yum.'”

        • i in no way think your fat and hope you didnt get that from my look great in the picture and glad you won

        • Joe…I didn’t get that from your posts. Thanks for your support…but I guess you just can’t make everyone happy!

        • Egads, what kind of pigs would make you think she’s a 0. Or even a 2? Seriously.

          Christ-on-a-cracker old boy, get some standards.

        • “No Iā€™m not a size 0ā€¦Iā€™m a size 4. Jeez you would think I looked like Roseanne Barr. ”

          Sorry Sara – maybe my post got misinterpreted somehow. I was replying to 16V who went off on some weird tangent and called you fat.

          MY point was that size 0 is not the end all be all of beauty. Then I referenced Marilyn Monroe, who I believe was a size 12, yet most red-blooded males think she was hothothot (me included).

          Ignore the haters – you’re hot and that’s the end of that.

        • First thing I thought: There’s a pretty young girl with nice red hair.

          Haters gonna hate. Porn guys love those little sticks with nothing but fake boobs and a gaping pu##y. Who cares what they like?

          Real people like real women. Like you. šŸ™‚ Nice picture!!

      • Sara T. anybody calling you fat is just too much of a coward to come out of the closet and admit they’re gay. Instead of admitting they like boys they find fault with very atttractive women such as yourself. Ignore it.

  2. Hey, I thought you guys stopped linking to supermodel pictures… Now you put them on the front page??

    (relax, it’s a joke)

  3. Further proof that you can’t rape an M4. Barry and difi would rather she be left with nothing but a whistle. Who’s about empowering women? The party of Ted Kennedy or the POTG?

    • You certainly cannot rape an M4 or an AR-15. It’s a big enough PITA as it is to clean the bloody thing. (Just spent 2 hours cleaning my AR after 500 rds at the range) give me a Mosin any day… Corrosive ammo be damned.

      +1 POTG FTW!

      • Corrosive ammo ain’t no thang. I run a little windex down the barrel when I’m done shooting and then clean normally at the house. Most cleanings I use a bore snake and clp and I’m done in under 15 minutes.

      • Just use Sweets 7.62 Solvent while at the range. Run wet patches up the barrel until the last one is clean. Let the solvent soak for about 5-10 minutes, no more than 15 minutes. Run dry patches up the barrel until the last one is clean. Use an oil patch if you plan on not using the rifle in the next week or two.

  4. You all are so sweet! Thanks for picking me to win…also…it’s a ’66 ford bronco boys. šŸ™‚

  5. What I love women and guns!Great looking gal,but woe is me too young for this old man.Be prepared and ready.Keep your powder dry.

  6. Proper footwear, good trigger discipline, and a very attractive and intelligent shooter. But she’ll have hell to pay if she takes hot brass down that open shirt.

    How the heck are us mere mortal men supposed to compete against this?

    • Funny you should ask Paul53…but I guess I have the best behaved AR in history. It has never loaded itself and escaped my gunsafe…but I will watch it closely

    • Thank you to everyone who supported me. šŸ™‚ and to those who felt it nessecary to post nasty comments about me, I hope it made you feel better about yourself. As for me, I will be spending my $100 on a laser sight for my concealed carry gun. Thank you TTAG!

  7. My guess is 16V is one of the losing submissions. Probably submitted one of his porn star posse holding an AR up her crotch or something.

    Class? 16v ain’t got none.

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