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TTAG Podcast Episode 2: Jon Wayne Taylor Talks Guns, Gear and Politics

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

In this week’s TTAG podcast, writer Jon Wayne Taylor joins RF and me to talk the Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact, the latest from Las Vegas, bump fire stock regulation, the Ryker Fist Grip, school carry in California and much, much more. So grab an adult beverage, kick back and enjoy.

0 thoughts on “TTAG Podcast Episode 2: Jon Wayne Taylor Talks Guns, Gear and Politics”

  1. I am new to gun legislation so please forgive me. I believe in our 2nd amendment and our right to bear arms. What I’m confused about is why SA and RRA would want to support the democrats in gun control agendas when it would hurt their companies bottom line in the long run with reduced sales because of new gun laws.
    So why would they step away from the fight in the first place and contribute to the enemy? It doesn’t make any business sense.

  2. Only of there were some level of organization.

    If there weren’t and it was only a few small groups or individuals at first you’d be damned sure the media will paint them as extremist nut jobs to force the more moderate supporters to fall in line.

  3. The NYPD 12 pound trigger weight started out as the department transitioned from a DAO revolver pull to the semiauto. The weight was increased instead of training the members of service to build new habit with the different style of trigger pull. After the transitioning was over, the fallacy of the heavier trigger weight being a deterrent to “accidental (negligent) discharges” is what kept things artificially as the status quo. Someone got a kudo from the higher ups who had no clue and even experienced shooters in the NYPD have to work around an unrealistic and unnecessary idea. Take most people and put a factory weight trigger in their hand and they are shooting x rings all day with proper application of the fundamentals. Fundamentals shift so much toward maintaining the sights and grip while the trigger travels that fatigue sets in after 100 rounds on average thus discouraging ALOT of new shooters with these triggers. Can they shoot fast and accurate these guns- sure, but that’s with thousands of rounds and a lot of range time which isn’t going happen in reality unless that’s your full time gig.

  4. Positive stories never make the news. We never hear about the cop that does his job right, or the pilot that safely lands his plane or the taxi driver showing up on time. Nobody talks about a charity donation or some normal person doing a good deed. Why would it be any different for guns?

  5. A Trump removal due to impeachment and conviction is extremely unlikely, especially as long as Republicans control the House and Senate. Voting for conviction would be political suicide for them, unless it was obvious to everybody in the nation that Trump was absolutely guilty of something really heinous.

    However, I think that there is a slim possibility that he might be removed due to the provisions of the 25th Amendment:

    “Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

    In other words, if the adults in the White House determine that keeping Trump around is too dangerous, and that they cannot control him, they will remove him and put Pence in charge.

    Trump will probably serve out his term. But I don’t see him being reelected in 2020. I think it’s much more likely that the Republican Nomination will go to somebody else. Regardless of how Trump leaves office, I don’t see a revolution coming as a result of it.

  6. Are you all genuinely that blissfully ignorant. Why do you all mock a strategy to reduce gun violence that DOESN’T involve gun control legislation… TRULY, how stupid are you hillbillies?! This is exactly the sort of thing you should be ADVOCATING for. As it doesn’t require you to give up your guns…

    Absolutely unreal.

  7. Good luck. Neo-marxists have taken over Colorado. They aren’t interested in freedom. They are interested in managing and supervising your lives with laws.

  8. Their would be dancing and partying in the streets and many former duped Drumpf voters would be amongst them too.

    It cannot come to soon as of this morning Michael Moore’s dire prediction may be closer to reality than most think as mad dog Herr Drumpf has just recalled robotic retired Nuclear Bomber pilots, and put them on 24 hour alert and they along with the ghost of Slim Pickens are chomping at the bit to let loose the Nuclear bombs which would draw in both the Russians and the Chinese to launch their missiles at us. Brilliant Herr Drumpf you could not be a bigger Moron or a more depraved maniac.

    In these times of crisis we need a “real President” like Obama not a Moron like Herr Drumpf.


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