Here at TTAG we’re always looking for new ways to keep the Armed Intelligentsia entertained and informed. In my opinion, text is the perfect medium, but then again my idea of the perfect day involves a stack of technical manuals at some point. Right now we’ve got a couple interviews we’ve done recently and while we’ve provided the transcript, we thought it might be interesting to provide the audio as well. And, as a delivery mechanism, RF wanted to make a podcast so you’ll automatically get the latest and greatest directly downloaded to your music player or inserted into your feed reader. There’s not much there right now but we’ll be adding more content as we go along. Things like discussions between your faithful writers on timely and interesting topics, so it won’t only be interviews. Make the jump for more info on what this whole “podcast” thing is and how you can use it. Or simply go to if you already know what you’re doing for the feed. And if you have iTunes, just click here. For those on Android devices, we recommend BeyondPod (use the URL above to add the podcast).
From Wikipedia:
A podcast is a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of audio files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device. The word is a neologism derived from “broadcast” and “pod” from the success of the iPod, as podcasts are often listened to on portable media players.
In other words, a podcast is nothing more than a series of mp3 files strung together using a feed of some sort. Just like there’s an RSS feed you can use to subscribe to this blog, the address I mentioned above is a feed with which you can subscribe to the podcast. Once subscribed, new episodes will be downloaded automatically to your computer or device as they become available.
You don’t need iTunes to get the podcast. You don’t actually need anything, as we’ll let you know on the site when a new episode goes online and give you an alternate download, but subscribing is a lot easier. Google’s Reader service is another option for the iTunes adverse, as it will parse the feed and give you the episodes right there on the page.
All you need is the feed — that URL I provided at the beginning of this story. Pop that into your RSS reader of choice and you’re off to the races.
Questions? Post in the comments and I’ll be happy to answer them.
It’s funny to me how much the two you sound like an NPR program. The first one sounds like a call-in show (Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me), and the second one sounds like an interview in someone’s kitchen.
Unintentionally entertaining.
Oh, and “I’ve never liked Glocks to begin with.” Cue the howls of discontent.
The iTunes link isn’t working for me? Anyone else?
I used an Android app on my phone, sorry.
I love me some podcast goodness – Thanks for the treat guys!
My employer squirms about us streaming stuff on our computers. I always take a thumb drive full of pods to work with me every day as an alternative. So keep ’em coming please. 🙂
On the first episode I’m only hearing Nick on the left channel. (I have a bad habit of only using one earbud at work). 🙂
Yeah, it took me some time to get the dust off my mixing board…
I enjoyed listening just as much as I enjoy reading every day. Keep up the good work.
The iTunes link is wrong. Just go to Advanced->Subscribe to Podcast and paste itpc:// into the input field.
I would find it very helpful if you posted links to the referenced websites and events in the podcast summary.
Check out how Michael Bane does it on Down Range Radio.
Another brick out of the wall…
I don’t see a solution for me (initially). What if I don’t want to sign-up for and load iTunes, and I don’t want to use Android? Can this podcast be accessed just using a PC (like all the other podcasts I access)?