
This is the time of year that firearms publications award their “Best of 2013” prizes, recognizing the gun companies that gave them the most money made the best products. While TTAG shares our colleagues’ desire to reward product excellence, we wanted to do so in a way that took our bottom line biases out of the equation. So we’ve decided to put our very first annual awards in your hands. Make the jump to use our super awesome voting system to make your voices heard. Feel free to lobby for your choice below. We’ll tally up the results some time after Christmas and announce the winners in the New Year, just in time for SHOT Show schmoozing. [ED: I added that word.] See you on the other side . . .

Can’t see the voting system? Click here!


  1. larue predatobr and it’s not even close (now shipping)
    S&B 1.1-8 if they would ship the thing already. Or SWFA SS HD 1-6x.

  2. Once you put it in list form it seems like slim pickings in the “new” department. Most of the new stuff is just an update or mod of a much older product. I wish there were more originality in the firearms or that the market would support it at least.

        • Shrug. Either you live your life in fear or you don’t. I own guns, I buy accessories, I buy ammo, and mostly all of that is done on plastic and/or with paperwork.

        • If you want to make a really radical comment – use a new name, a new email, and send it from like … a Panera bread or something and use a removable network PC card you can throw away if you need to later (for the disposal of MAC addresses). Purchase your network PC card with cash. If you have a fancy laptop you can basically… make up your own MAC address in the BIOs. Then you don’t have buy a “panera bread PC card.” Never forget to ensure you are using the right MAC address.

          Congratulations, now you only need to worry about eye witnesses, surveillance cameras, and satellite imagery. Like in the movie “enemy of the state” – don’t look up, wear a hat, keep your head down. Wear glasses and clothing to mask your identity. If you don’t want to wear a hat, wear a rug like hickenlooper. Never go to the same Panera bread twice.

          Haha 🙂

  3. Jeez people, if youre gonna add a gun to the list at least make sure its kind of close to being a 2013 gun

  4. “You may now go away.”


    ..!., to you too

    (no hard feelings, just could have been “have a good day.” or something)

  5. Submitting vote for best Firearm Accessory… FAILED.

    Apparently it didn’t like my vote for “Any of the CZ model girls”.

  6. best accessory… Failed. I wrote in the 5 star bedside block and speed loader. maybe not new for 2013 but it was new for me. It quenches my OCD nicely.

    Best knife… I bought a limited edition Havalon for deer season and its awesome. I loved it so much I bought them as gifts.

  7. If some AR wins best rifle over the Tavor I am going to burn down the internet.

    I put winchester whitebox as the best new ammo. for those who say its not new, it sure as hell didnt exist for most of THIS year!

  8. our records have indicated you’ve already voted..

    sheesh. how rude. you know some places they let me vote twice now, or more, if its for an approved outcome. Democracy is so 18th century.

  9. Ammo selection…….FAILED!????

    Nooooooo…….this cannot be allowed to happen (runs to his laptop)

    I’ll make my voice heard yet 🙂


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