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TTAG upgrades – Editing Your Comments (Yourself)

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We love TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia. We love it even more when you feel moved to comment on something you read—as long as you avoid flaming. But in the big-league, razzle-dazzle, live-on-the-razor’s edge, take-your-life-in-your-hands world of blog commenting, sometimes there’s a slip betwixt the “publish button” and the lip. In plain(er) English, you hit “send” and just as the key travels back up to neutral on the old keyboard, you realize “butwaitI’mnotreadytosendthatIneedtomakesomechanges.”


We hear you. But being that TTAG is not the brainchild of some little-known, multinational corporation, bent on world domination, we don’t have an army of crack PHP programmers to go forth and instantly do our bidding. Nope. There’s just me, and some guys up RF’s way that host our site.

So to answer the call, we are trying a few plugins out, to see if they get the job done. The one we’re trying right now will allow you to edit your comments for up to 90 minutes after you hit the SEND button. So it’s not a fix that will work if you change your mind (much) later. But it will help if you want to immediately edit, or clarify something you’ve read that you want to say a little differently.

Please let us know if this works for you. Remember…after 90 minutes, your comments are set in eConcrete.

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