Oliver Reed's broom handle Mauser
“Oh, so you ‘improved’ it??? Philistine.”

Last week’s champ was bfitz76239. This week’s winner will receive a box of IMI Systems 5.56 ammunition. To win, just enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by Sunday at midnight. Good luck.




  1. really man? all the guns in the world to make this 300 meter shot and you pick the freaking sniper pistol??

  2. I don’t know what you’re planning on hitting with that thing. The scope is longer than the barrel!

  3. Pistol grip? Check
    High capacity magazine? Check
    Forward grip? Check.

    It’s an assault rifle! Ban it!

  4. “This is hardly the time or place, but I never noticed your creamy soft skin and your perfect nails, Jim.”

  5. “You know respect for your abilities, Jacques, but I think you’ve overestimated yourself this time.”

  6. Hans, I don’t think that is what she meant when she said, “can you pick up a mouser on your way home for our mice problem? We could also use a new broomhandle.”

  7. Frankie paused to contemplate the seriousness of what he was watching. Between shots, Charlie was not pausing to do Tactical T-Rex hands and side to side tactical vision sweeps. Frankie wondered just how far Charlie would go. Would he Teacup his grip or go full Weaver stance? Surely Charlie would not take it that far.

  8. No, seriously! You just put a little spit on the front sight like this, and you’ll hit your target every time!

  9. Movie: “Sitting Target” (1972), according to the web page linked behind the picture at the top of the post.

  10. That day Lester, a former SEAL, managed to convince potential investors his long-barreled pistol design was where the industry was headed…

  11. As he sat there looking at his friend about to shoot the scoped and stocked Mauser “broom handle” his first thought was “he’s about to lose his thumb”…..

    If you’ve ever shot a stocked broom handle, especially a full auto one (I have) the first thing you are taught is not to place your thumb where you think it goes. The hammer will cut you thumb off when the stock is attached.

  12. You’re sure that they’re gonna say Solo acted alone and even when they release the documents decades from now, they’ll keep my involvement redacted?

    Okay. Greedo is one dead Rodian.

  13. He finally answered the age old question of how which caliber is best by simply saying, “shot placement.”

  14. Army Times Photo 10-23-2020. Army announces replacement for M-4, M-17 and M-18. The Army has chosen the Louser XM-20 as the Universal Combat Weapon. It replaces the M-4 Carbine and M-17/18 sidearm. Louser Arms is not new to the Arms Industry, and was formed from a merger of the failed Bolt Industries and Glick Arms.

  15. “now that i have you cuffed, fagan, we’re going to find out how artful that dodger really is.”

  16. “They were both professionals, so neither said a word of it…ever, but the truth hung heavy in the air. When your 9 year old daughter says “Daddy I packed your sniper rifle today!” its still best to check before leaving the house.”

  17. “You’ve got to be kidding. I’ve used a blow gun that was more dangerous and had better range”.

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