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As a Remington 700 owner (like RF), I’m really looking forward to testing the new Remington Model 700 SPS Tactical AAC-SD. As much as I’ve been salivating over shooting a suppressed rifle, I’m almost overwhelmed by the hassles and delays involved. My new state law [Washington] won’t take effect until late July. My sheriff won’t even think of signing any ATF applications (his signature is required) until the law takes effect. Another problem: there’s only one Class III manufacturer/dealer in Washington state, and they only sell to military and law enforcement . . .

My understanding: every time a suppressor changes hands, the $200 stamp has to be paid for and approved in advance.  I’m uncertain whether another fee has to be paid to return the suppressor to the manufacturer. This stuff is, pardon my french, really fucked up shit. I’m a lawyer and I’m not even sure what means what or what the procedures are.  It doesn’t help that it’s not even legal in my state yet, and thus NOBODY has ever done it before.


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  1. Lots of people have purchased suppressors in Washington. I purchased 2 of them in 2002. While I no longer live in the state, I’d be happy to point you to RKI if you’d like. T&E of NFA stuff is a little dicy – as the owner of a registered item must be present during its use or it is an unauthorized transfer. If this is not a permanent purchase, but an eval, you would be much better off identifying a local SOT (class 2 or 3) and evaluating it under their guidance – if the item is not in stock, they can form 3 it in much faster than you can form 4 it in. Hot Gates Armory, Wade’s and West Coast Armory (all in Bellevue) are NFA dealers, for example.

    I don’t want to minimize the hassles involved in acquiring and owning NFA firearms – in any state. But, it can be managed. I’d definitely advise against a form 4 transfer for T&E purposes, though. If you’re planning to keep it, however, that is the right way forward.

  2. Why does anybody want a suppressed firearm? Just curious.

    I have a SPS 700/308 stainless steel.

    • In my case, for the house guns. My wife and I have ordered and paid the tax for suppressors for the two handguns in the house. We both decided that permanent hearing loss was to be avoided if we had to use the guns in the house.

      • I understand that but you won’t lose hearing from a one time home defense. However suppression does lower muzzle velocity and I can see how it would be useful in preventing stray round penetrating walls etc. I don’t see the advantage for a suppressed rifle unless you are using it as sniper rifle. You should only need one shot on a deer.

        • Lots of people use supressors for normal/target shooting. It’s easier on your ears and your neighbors. I know people who use them for “backyard” shooting.

        • Suppressors can actually increase the muzzle velocity. Think of them as a lower pressure barrel extension. Integrally suppressed weapons do lose velocity because their barrels are have holes drilled in them to bleed gases into the suppressor.

  3. If CLEO signoff is an issue, then use an NFA trust. There are other advantages as well.

  4. Shoot me an email if you’re interested in testing the AAC Cyclone before you buy.

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