I run lots of Tulammo through my 5.56 AR and AK. It’s not the most accurate 5.56 ammo in the world, but it was cheap and it goes bang and it’s great for plinking and practice. (Although not necessarily with match-chambered race guns…) And now, like anything chambered in 5.56, it’s either gone or way overpriced. But…
Don’t blame Tulammo. Their reps told me the Russian-based manufacturer has increased its delivery volume, diverted production resources from other less-popular calibers to 5.56, and held their wholesale prices constant for the last six weeks. Any price gouging, they say, is happening at the retail level.
The Obama Panic buying surge has also reduced or postponed production of other calibers, including .38 Special which I’m now told is now on indefinite hold.
I’m in the same boat. I usually replenish the stash this time of year in preparation for our local USPSA and ICORE seasons but I’m trapped. Even if I could find loaded ammo in bulk I won’t / can’t pay the post-apocalyptic pricing (~$400 for 1000 38 Specials? Really?). I could try my friends who reload, but then comes the issue of replacing the components so they’re not left high and dry. I’d start reloading except for the component shortage. So I’m left with the choice of shooting up what little I have left and then being completely out, or having a very quiet summer.
I guess i’ll be putting a lot more miles on the bike this summer. I hope gas prices don’t spike again…
New inexperienced Kahr C45 user. I carried a Ruger.357 for protection in my liquor store in MA for 13 years and am not an accomplished marksman. Now retired in Florida, I have a lot to learn on firing my new Kahr. I have read many of the blogs and believe I made a good choice in the CM45 over the CW. Any advice would be appreciated.