Home » Blogs » TURN IN A GUN, STAY FOR A BACK RUB: Father Michael Pfleger Sponsors Gun ‘Buyback’ Just For Those 25 and Under

TURN IN A GUN, STAY FOR A BACK RUB: Father Michael Pfleger Sponsors Gun ‘Buyback’ Just For Those 25 and Under

John Boch - comments No comments

Father Michael Pfleger, fresh off a suspension related to allegations of sexually abusing multiple teenagers, has announced a new gun buyback at his St. Sabina’s Church in Chicago. The anti-gun cleric is paying good money too: $200 for handguns or “assault rifles” and $20 for magazines. Here’s the catch, it’s open to all…if you’re 25 years of age or under.

Father Pfleger has a long, headlines-grabbing history of gun control advocacy. He’s a regular fixture at Chuck’s Guns in Riverdale demanding not only gun control for the little people but even, on occasion, inciting the crowds to “snuff out” John Riggio, the store’s owner.

What most folks don’t know is that the hypocritical man of the cloth brings multiple armed bodyguards with him to events and employs them at his church as well. He denies it, of course, but one of his regular bodyguards at Chuck’s Guns was once arrested on the steps of St. Sabinas for – you guessed it – carrying without a license.

Jesse Jackson, left and Father Pfleger. One of Pfleger’s bodyguards, Henry Hale, is shown prior to his arrest for carrying a gun without the proper permits on the steps of St. Sabina’s Church in Chicago.
Image by Boch.

Another one of Pfleger’s (now former) bodyguards was arrested for murder. While also acting as “security” for a corner drug store, former Pfleger staffer Louis Hicks, Jr. reportedly shot and killed a woman who allegedly shoplifted some merchandise. Police arrested him after he fled the scene. Nothing like contributing to the atmosphere of violence in Chicago, right?

More recently, the social justice warrior priest was suspended after three men came forward alleging sexual abuse by the priest many years ago. Coming forward for the men proved difficult and a personal risk, because Pfleger has created a “larger the life” reputation among the poor neighborhood in which he works. (He doesn’t shop in that neighborhood, preferring higher-end department stores, but that’s a story for another day.)

The Chicago Archdiocese has since cleared their prolific fundraising priest and returned him to his position.

Now, his latest public relations stunt to keep his name in the news: sponsoring his own gun “buyback” that will pay twice the city of Chicago’s going rate for “buying back” handguns. And Pfleger’s paying $20 per magazine that hold ten rounds or more.

The catch of course, is only those 25 and under are invited.

From WGN TV:

As gun violence continues to rage in the streets of Chicago, a gun buy-back program is set to kick off next week.

Those 25 and younger can turn in guns, no questions asked, and get cash back.

Father Michael Pfleger and other gathered at St. Sabina Church on the South Side Wednesday night, for a special prayer service against gun violence.

Starting next Monday, people will be at the church to accept working guns. You can get $100 for rifles and $200 for handguns or assault rifles.

People who turn in high capacity magazines or clips can get $20. The money was reportedly donated by a businessman fed up with the gun violence.

Some have wondered if, as these young people turn in their guns, they’re evaluated for more, uh, “personal” consultations with the priest. But that’s unfair and awfully cynical.


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