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TWHN BS: Nice Shootin’ Edition

Robert Farago - comments No comments

I’ve been studying for my Rhode Island handgun permit. It’s all basic stuff—provided you know a crashing bore from a dog muzzle (or something like that). As a long gun guy and recent convert to gun-nutitudeosityhood, I never contemplated my state’s law re: handguns. These restrictions will, I’m assuming, face the same judicial challenges awaiting all local and state gun control laws in this post Heller, pre-post McDonald Supreme Court ruling world. For example, unless a Row D’eyelander’s schlepping their handgun to or from home or work to or from a bonafide target range, it’s “still considered to be concealed,” even though it has to be in plain view. Well that sucks. The info arrived via a sheet shoved inside (but not fitting) the manual for the written Ocean State handgun test: “Set Your Sites on Handgun Basics.” Which includes this piece of sensible advice: “If you are hunting and down your game or make a terrific shot [without downing your game?], make certain your handgun is pointed in a safe direction before turning to receive congratulations.”

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “TWHN BS: Nice Shootin’ Edition”

  1. If only the former Vice-President had lived in Rhode Island perhaps his hunting buddy would have been spared the brutal peppering.


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