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Readers of a certain age may remember that catch phrase. Others won’t catch it. But both groups will appreciate the story of Chris Mannino [not shown], a California refugee living in Alaska. Which kinda tells you all you need to know. Here’s the rest, courtesy “Mannino bought a [chiropractic] practice in North Pole and has been cracking backs in Fairbanks and North Pole for about 15 years. His business is called Afternoons and Evenings Chiropractic and it’s growing. In the coming weeks, Mannino is moving the practice from a house on Smythe Street to an office on the Old Steese Highway. On the side, Mannino flies planes and sells custom-made machine guns and explosives. He helped start the Fairbanks chapter of the Alaska Machine Gun Association last year. Radio personality Michael Dukes is the chapter president. Dukes described Mannino as a modern-day cowboy owing to his interests in aviation, firearms and explosives. ‘He’s a fun-loving guy,’ Dukes said. ‘He speaks his mind.'” I would have gone for a “wild and crazy” characterization (being ironoclastic and all). Still, truer words have never been spoken. And yet, we hear nothing more about Mannino’s firearms and explosive business. It seems that even in The Last Frontier, discretion is the better part of valor.

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  1. So now those of us who remember the original SNL are "of a certain age?"

    That's as depressing as it is undoubtedly true.

  2. Mannino was convicted of building and transferring a suppressed STEN for use in a contract killing and then was later convicted of conspiracy to solicit murder of multiple federal law enforcement officers. He is currently serving a 17 year sentence in federal custody.

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