A body lies on a road in Halle, Germany, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019 after a shooting incident. A gunman fired several shots on Wednesday in German city of Halle and at least two got killed, according to local media FOCUS online. The gunman is on the run and police have sealed off the surrounding area. (Sebastian Willnow/dpa via AP)

The AP report below notes that it’s not exactly clear what the target was when a masked man opened fire this morning in the German city of Halle. The shooter opened fire near a synagogue on the Yom Kippur holiday, but he was also apparently near a kebab shop. But a Washington Post report indicates that the shooter may have also tossed a grenade into the synagogue’s cemetery.

Anti-semitic attacks have been increasing throughout Europe in recent years including France and Germany. But across the old continent, civilians are almost entirely prevented from defending themselves and their families with the best tool for the job. Predators who have little problem obtaining firearms and no regard for the law operate in what they can be confident are gun-free zones.

The situation isn’t unlike a surge in anti-semitic attacks in New York City were, again, civilians are almost entirely denied the right to carry firearms.

By Jens Meyer and Geir Moulson, Associated Press

Several shots were fired Wednesday in the eastern German city of Halle, leaving two people dead as the suspected assailants fled, police said. The exact target of the attack was not clear, since it took place near both a synagogue and a kebab shop, local media and witnesses said.

Police said in a tweet that the suspects fled in a car, and soon after reported that one person had been arrested. They gave no information about the arrested person or reasons why they thought the attack could have been carried out by more than one person.

Officers were out in force across the city hunting down the suspects and urged residents to stay at home or indoors. The railway station in Halle, a city of 240,000, was closed down as a precaution.

Police gave no details about the target, or targets, of the attack.

Pictures from the scene showed a body lying in the street behind a police cordon. News agency dpa reported the body was lying opposite a synagogue, about 30 meters (yards) from the building. Wednesday is the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur.

A video clip broadcast by regional public broadcaster MDR showed a man in a helmet and an olive-colored top getting out of a car and firing four shots from behind the vehicle from a long-barreled gun. It wasn’t clear what he was shooting at.

A man interviewed on n-tv television said he had been in a kebab shop when he saw a man with a helmet and a military jacket fire shots into the shop.

Police said shots were also fired in Landsberg, about 15 kilometers (nearly 10 miles) from Halle. It wasn’t clear whether that shooting was related to the shooting in Halle.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, lamented what he called “terrible news from Halle” but government officials said they had no information on the attack.


  1. Welcome to the caliphate. Socialism has overseen the loss of europe. The women of europe, almost all socialist, need to get fitted for burkas and get used to being treated like goats.

    Or they need to grow up, shake off a false idealogy and gun up. I’m betting they get the burkas.

    • Eurabia. It’s sure getting interesting there. Though Eastern Europe and Russia won’t tolerate it. The EU has already heavily criticized those Eastern European countries for their strong border control. Last I heard they were still telling them to pound sand. Western Europe is probably irrecoverable at this point, though there are increasing gains made by “far” right parties there.

      • I find it really amusing that the shooter streamed himself complaining about the very things you guys are complaining about. Of course, the shooter, as well as at least one other user on this page, blamed it on the Jewish people themselves. I wonder how many ideas are shared with these Nazi scumbags, who, ironically share many ideas with the Islamists they so hate. But don’t think I’m accusing you of sharing sympathies with this man, else I’d be joining you in the group of accused. Obviously ideas often overlap even with people we hate, but realize that these scumbags will use conservatives as camouflage and as a way to spread their ideas. They’ll share some political positions with us, sure, but the goal is always to get us to their level of thinking. Be careful and root out these people when you see them. They are not your friends, and if you don’t hate Jews, minorities, or anyone who isn’t a Nazi, then you will be joining those same groups in a mass grave if these shitbags ever take power.

        • The original Nazis actually loved Islam. I’m sure modern Nazis have no clue of this. There was even a Muslim SS division, and in his final days Hitler lamented that the Ottomans should’ve won at the battle of Vienna, bringing Islam into Germany. He believed Christianity had made the Germans weak and Islam was a warrior religion more in line with his world view.

          People often try to draw lines between conservatism and radical ideologies like Nazism or Fascism, but American Conservatism is actually the single best combative ideology for extremist ideologies. All extremism in fact. Now, granted there’s a big difference between American Conservatism and let’s say German or Russian Conservatism. American Conservatism values capitalism, small government, and strict adherence to the American constitution. All those things are opposite of what Nazis or fascist stand for. The left uses conservatives love of tradition, patriotism, and strong borders as a rallying cry for the nazi accusations, but in real life they simply don’t add up.

        • Merle 0 says:
          October 9, 2019 at 16:45

          All those things are opposite of what Nazis or fascist stand for. The left uses conservatives love of tradition, patriotism, and strong borders as a rallying cry for the nazi accusations, but in real life they simply don’t add up.

          False. The Conservatives follow Hitler’s dogma in every way. Hitler and Conservatives hate Refugees, all Immigrants legal and illegal, hate all minorities, hate all Liberal thought and ideology, hate any religion other than their own, they hate the free press (Trump and Hitler being prime examples) want a one party State, love the death penalty even though it has proven to be an absolute failure at stopping crime or mental illness. They believe women should be subservient to men and are only good as sex slaves, they do not want equal rights for all Americans, especially for LGBT people whom they consider as sub-human, they do not want minorities to have the right to vote, they believe that the rich should pay no taxes. Like Hitler and Trump they are xenophobic and believe in the Master Race Syndrome and will argue the superiority of the Aryan Race (which never existed)

          • Mate you very obvioulsy dont know many if any conservatives either that or you are confusing some of the fascists you know (completely different animal to a conservative) with conservatives. Fascism, socialism, comunism all have the very same root. At their heart they are all forms of dictatorship… eg big all powerful govt running the peoples damn lives. Conservatism however does not give a god damn so long as you follow the damn law and by that a few basic laws based around the 10 comandments. Conservatism is also the sort of people who fought for the common law system if governments and legal system which holds the peoples INDIVIDUAL rights well above those of the collective. The reason for this is that without individual rights there is no such thing as rights full stop.
            BTW I am Lesbian, Pagan and i am hardcore conservative. I am for LEGAL immigration but i am dead against ILLEGAL immigration and I dont feel immigrants legal or otherwise should have any right to welfare of any kind until they have been paying taxes for a certain time frame. In saying that though while I support a very small welfare system (for those disabled etc and have no family or family that will support them) i believe that taxing the individual who is simply working for someone else and trading time and skills for money should be able to be taxed. He/She is not making a Profit to be taxed on it is simply time and hard won skills. The common law view of what can be taxed is that there must be a profit made for tax to be able to be paid. I also strongly believe govt should be kept small and extremely lean. Every govt around the world needs to be cut by at least 80% IMHO. I dont give a damn who you are if you treat me with respect i will treat you with respect and every conservative i have ever known has felt the same and i have known many conservatives.
            As for the “christians” who want only their beliefs (there are plenty other religions that also want to live where theirs is the only one), what they are asking for is a theocracy which has proven to be just as bad as socialism, comunism, fascism. All those are about power and control over the population

        • @thomaspaine
          Hateful little bunch, aren’t they.
          Thank you for this probe into beliefs of, not conservatives, but leftists. Now I understand how easy it is for you leftists to hate your opponents and why you feel so righteous when you call for punching “nazis”. You completely dehumanized them in your empty heads.

    • Your confusing lunatics with an entire religion. There are plenty of Christian lunatic mass murders as well in this country so do we call all Christians terrorists?

        • Get serious. Start Watching TV. I could give you a long list of Christian/White Supremacist Terrorists that have committed mass murder in the U.S. But why should I bother you would ignore the list anyway. I suppose mass murder at abortion clinics or black churches, Jewish Synagogues or even at white churches do not count in your opinion. Remember the white guy that was kicked out of the army and used an ar15 and was stopped by a good guy with an ar15 or the Jewish mass murder recently in I think it was Pittsburgh or Dillon Roof at the black church. I could go on but why bother you will reject the facts.

        • There have been few if any mass murders at abortion clinics except maybe the preborn. And White Supremacist does not equal Christian. Leftwing racialist like to puff up the White Supremacist number by including ordinary murders committed by white supremacists in totals.

          And Pacific Northwest leftist tend to have white supremacist views.

        • Rubicon crossed I’ll call that bluff. Go ahead and provide that list of all these “Christian terrorists” you speak of. I’ll wait.

        • Rubiconcrossed –

          “mass murders at abortion clinics”

          That’s like saying there are books at the library, weights at the gym, or pizza at Domino’s. Mass murder is the primary business of abortion clinics. It is the reason they exist.

        • @rubicon, you are a liar. the guy who shot up the church in Texas didn’t have a “White/Christian” religious animus, he was estranged from family and it was the church of his mother in law and her family which he was targeting for revenge. You can than Barack OBAMA for his Politicized appointments at DoD who wanted to be nice to criminal convictees in the military and who had made reporting Military criminal records to civilian authorities more cumbersome.

          And in a per capita basis Muslims here in th let US as well as African Americans ARE committing mass murder Both regular and hate based at higher rates.

          This murder of two people in Germany is probably right wing from the info we have seen so far. But there is a load of left wing violence and violence from Muslims at elevated rates as well in Europe so anecdote and single data points are not relevant.

        • tdiinva says:
          October 9, 2019 at 11:14
          There have been few if any mass murders at abortion clinics except maybe the preborn. And White Supremacist does not equal Christian. Leftwing racialist like to puff up the White Supremacist number by including ordinary murders committed by white supremacists in totals.

          And Pacific Northwest leftist tend to have white supremacist views.

          Totally false. The people I mentioned , every one of them were raised as Christian especially the Christian that shot up his own church with an AR15. No amount of denial or twisting of the facts changes the truth and by the way lying is against the Christian Religion as well.

        • Rubiconcrossed, being raised in a christian home does not make you a christian. I was and am most definately not christian but I have strong values still that are similar but different to christian values. Hell there have been some very nasty people through history that have been raised christian same as with any other group. The truth is how the person is raised matters not if they have evil in their heart

        • “Remember the white guy that was kicked out of the army and used an ar15 and was stopped by a good guy with an ar15…”

          That murderer was a MILITANT ATHEIST who was at least partly motivated by his hatred of Christianity.

          Don’t piss on us and tell us it is raining!

        • avatarMister Fleas says:
          October 9, 2019 at 16:46
          “Remember the white guy that was kicked out of the army and used an ar15 and was stopped by a good guy with an ar15…”

          That murderer was a MILITANT ATHEIST who was at least partly motivated by his hatred of Christianity.

          Don’t piss on us and tell us it is raining!

          Again you are lying between your teeth. The guy belonged to a Christian Church and attended it regularly.

          • No it is you that are lying through your teeth with your damn forked tongue. I am Pagan and i dont give a damn which religion it is i will stand firm with those i know are in the right. In this case the many good christian conservatives here are right and you are as I said Lying your ass off. You are doing nothing more than making up facts to suit your agenda. He might have been raised in a christian home but he left those beliefs behind. I also grew up in a christian home but i am not christian but pagan.

        • The problem started a long time ago, when the Christian God commanded mass murder.

          “ Deuteronomy 20:16–17


          16 But uin the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, 17 but vyou shall devote them to complete destruction,1 the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, as the Lord your God has commanded,”

          Religion of peace?

        • rubiconcrossed — YOU’RE A LIAR! None of the shooters were “Christians”. Fact is that YOU are just proving biblical prophesy to be true by showing your unjustified hate for anything Christian, and also providing false witness against Christians.

      • Funny, you don’t see Christians kicking women down stairs or in front of trains when they solicit sex either.
        These women need to understand the fact that they are below the family dog in the faith they’re empowering. Enjoy your future women of Europe.

        • Europe has had a tradition of antisemitism going back centuries. Hitler didn’t invent it, he merely tapped into what was already ingrained. Sometimes it was wrapped up in Christianity, sometimes it was nationalist, other times it was just because they were different. It’s easy to assume this is the work of the jihadis they’ve imported but there are plenty of homegrown suspects.

      • You have already moved the goalpost from Christian to white supremacist in your poorly thought out whataboutism. Where to next? White in general?

        • Rusty Shackleford says:
          October 9, 2019 at 11:17
          You have already moved the goalpost from Christian to white supremacist in your poorly thought out whataboutism. Where to next? White in general?

          No you are the one that moved the Goal Posts. Ok try and lie your way out of this one. The white Christian guy with the AR15 who was kicked out of the military shot up his own Christian Church. Whats next all Muslims are terrorists and no one who is Christian can ever be?. You seem to think so.

        • “His” church? When, pray tell, had he ever attended said church? The POS was an atheist whom believed his estranged mother-in-law would be there, as she often was and killing Christians was something he considered a bonus, but please, feel free to continue your idiocy.

        • “Ok try and lie your way out of this one. The white Christian guy with the AR15 who was kicked out of the military shot up his own Christian Church.”

          Bull hockey. That murderer was a militant atheist from back in high school. He didn’t have a church.

          This is from the U.K. Daily Mail article about that massacre you are referring to:

          “Texas gunman was a ‘creepy outcast’ who ‘preached his atheism’ online before killing 26
          Former classmates say Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, who stormed First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Texas and opened fire on Sunday, was ‘creepy’, ‘crazy’ and ‘weird’.

          Patrick Boyce, who attended New Braunfels High School with the killer, told DailyMail.com: ‘He had a kid or two, fairly normal, but kinda quiet and lately seemed depressed.

          ‘He was the first atheist I met. He went Air Force after high school, got discharged but I don’t know why.

          ‘I was just shocked [to hear the news]. Still haven’t quite processed how he could have done that.’

          Nina Rose Nava, who went to school with the gunman, wrote on Facebook: ‘In (sic) in complete shock! I legit just deleted him off my fb cause I couldn’t stand his post.

          ‘He was always talking about how people who believe in God we’re stupid and trying to preach his atheism’

          Christopher Leo Longoria replied: ‘I removed him off FB for those same reasons! He was being super nagtive (sic) all the timd (sic).’

          Michael Goff added: ‘He was weird but never that damn weird, always posting his atheist sh** like Nina wrote, but damn he always posted pics of him and his baby – crazy.'”

      • He’s not confusing anything with anything, Abdul. You’re the one lying, you stupid islamoleftist taqiyya spewer.

      • Waiting on the list of confirmed (not alleged) “Christian white supremacist mass murderer” list….

        Pretty sure there are zero people that qualify for that list since mass murder tends to go against several of the Ten Commandments — therefore not a Christian.

        • Brewski says:
          October 9, 2019 at 12:40
          Waiting on the list of confirmed (not alleged) “Christian white supremacist mass murderer” list….

          Pretty sure there are zero people that qualify for that list since mass murder tends to go against several of the Ten Commandments — therefore not a Christian.

          Wrong, the people I mentioned , every one of them were mass murdering white people who were raised as Christians. Period. Especially the guy who shot up his own Christian Church with the ar15. Now dude try and lie your way out of that one. I am waiting.

        • Reviewing data provided by Dr. John Lott’s Crime Preventon Research Center, I see that 9% of mass public shooters in the US claim to be (at least nominally) Christian (including various denominations). Only a fraction of those actually attended church.

          68% of shooters had no discernable religious views.

          4% of shooters were specifically anti-christian or anti-religion.

          10% of shooters were Muslim.

          Do some research, people.

        • rubiconcrossed — AGAIN YOU’RE A BLATANT LIAR! First of all, if I raise a duck with a bunch of chickens, that doesn’t make the duck a chicken. Raising a child in a Christian home does NOT mean he will forever be Christian, especially when asshat leftists like you spew your ignorance through the media and government run leftist indoctrination centers called schools. There is only ONE thing that makes a person a Christian, and that is belief in Jesus Christ and trying to live a righteous life; being born and raised by Christian parents only give a child a good foundation to work with. Your obvious hatred of Christians and Christianity shows that YOU were not raised with any values at all. You were raised by worthless, immoral, ignorant fools that never instilled in you the basics of humanity. When you believe in nothing, you’ll fall for anything! AS YOU HAVE!!

        • James M — So to be clear, that 9% were nothing but blatant liars, because claiming to be Christian does not make one a Christian, and murdering people is NOT leading a “righteous” life as Christ told us we should try to do. So what those statistics prove is that 0% were Christian. Guys like rubiconcrossed, are nothing but blasphemers working for satan. Their objective is to dilute the truth about God/Christ just enough to pull as many weak-minded people as they can, away from salvation, while at the same time ensuring their permanent place in hell! God told us that there are those, like rubiconcrossed, who cannot be saved and are already condemned!

      • Rubi, not ONCE have I heard of a terrorist yelling; “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!!” At least not in my 70+years. Understand or will you require an explanation?

        • Rubi, not ONCE have I heard of a terrorist yelling; “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!!” At least not in my 70+years. Understand or will you require an explanation?

          I understand you live in a fantasy world. The guy with the AR15 who was kicked out of the military used an AR15 to shoot up his own church. Understand or will you require an explanation. (chuckle)

        • Timothy Toroian says:
          October 9, 2019 at 12:59
          Rubi, not ONCE have I heard of a terrorist yelling; “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!!” At least not in my 70+years. Understand or will you require an explanation?

          I forgot to mention Lying is against the Christian Religion too Timothy.

        • Rube said “I forgot to mention Lying is against the Christian Religion too Timothy.”
          Why isn’t there a Christian form of Taqiya? Why would a “religion” need a concept such as taqiya?

      • Merle 0 says:
        October 9, 2019 at 12:27
        Rubicon crossed I’ll call that bluff. Go ahead and provide that list of all these “Christian terrorists” you speak of. I’ll wait

        The guy that shot up the Christian Church recently that was kicked out of the military with the AR15 belonged to the Christian Church he shot up now that is verification he was a Christian committing mass murder. He was shot by a man across the street also with an ar15 and then chased down and he committed suicide while driving away. All the other ones I mentioned were also white christian men. None were Muslims, Jews, etc, etc. Again I knew you people would try and lie your way out of this one. You simply try to exonerate your own religion which is also guilty of the same mass murders while condemning all other religions and claiming all people who belong to other religions are all mass murderers.. By the way the guy from New Zealand who committed mass murder recently was raised as a Christian as well.

        • So like I said, you have no list. You’re making shit up. All these people you mentioned were Killing in the name of white supremacy Not Christianity. The Texas church shooter was an atheist.

        • Again, being raised in a christian home does not make you christian. I am one example of that, i was raised in a christian home but I am not christian. I have similar but different values to christianity but i am not christian. Would I go doing the sorts of things these people have done… NO! So what seperates those who would do those things from a good person no matter what religion…. having EVIL in their hearts is what seperates them NOT being christian or otherwise and being raised in a christian or other religion does not mean you will take on that religion

        • Merle 0 says:
          October 9, 2019 at 14:58
          So like I said, you have no list. You’re making shit up. All these people you mentioned were Killing in the name of white supremacy Not Christianity. The Texas church shooter was an atheist.

          And the Christian nut case Mass Murderer Jim Jones of Guyana was fake news too, right?

        • The supposed Christian that shot up “his” church? He was NOT a member of that church, he went there looking for his mother who did go to that church — huge difference. I really feel sorry for people like you, because you have no idea what you are against. Your entire existence is base on ignorance and hatred, and you are addicted to the “ways of the world” which will prevent you from salvation.

          Eternity is a VERY, VERY, VERY……. long time. If I am wrong I have lost nothing, but if you are wrong…!

      • “…plenty of Christian lunatic mass murders as well in this country so do we call all Christians terrorists?”

        No, we don’t — because there’s an important difference between a mass murderer who just happens to be part of a religion and one who murders FOR religion.

        Similarly, there’s an important distinction between theologies (e.g., Christianity) that discourage killing people and those (e.g., Islam) that actively encourage killing nonbelievers.

        • “…plenty of Christian lunatic mass murders as well in this country so do we call all Christians terrorists?”

          No, we don’t — because there’s an important difference between a mass murderer who just happens to be part of a religion and one who murders FOR religion.

          Similarly, there’s an important distinction between theologies (e.g., Christianity) that discourage killing people and those (e.g., Islam) that actively encourage killing nonbelievers

          Read your own Christian Bible it sanctions killing your enemies and guess what? The Muslim Religion was derived from Christian teachings and follows Christian ideology very closely. You would know this if you had ever bothered to educate yourself and read the Koran and compare it to the bible. But that would be a discussion amongst educated people which leaves you out in the cold.

          • As a pagan who grew up in a christian home i have studied the christian bible quite extensively. i have also studdied islam and i find most of it to be sickening. You dont have a clue what you are talking about

        • You do know, the Christian religion involves much mass killing at the commandment of their sky daddy:

          Deuteronomy 20:16–17


          “16 But in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, 17 but vyou shall devote them to complete destruction,1 the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, as the Lord your God has commanded,”

          Religion of peace, my ass.

        • Tell us, oh educated one, when did you last seen a video of a Christian on Holy War path, sawing off the head of some poor schmuck with a dull knife, hollering “In the name of Jehovah! Jesus is the best!”. Do I have to to post muslim examples of the same behavior?
          Christianity does have a violent past, no doubt. Islam has a very violent present. Educated man like you should understand the difference.

          • agree completely. Just about every other religion has changed their tune in the last few hundred years compared to in the past and in fact for christianity even back before the crusades. The truth about the crusades is that islam was forcing itself upon largely christian nations through europe and england was asked to come to their aid. Moslems had for 400 years been moving in and slowly taking over as the gained more and more power. Raping christian women, enslaving men, women and children alike of christian families and any who refused to convert were also forced to pay the Jizya tax or die, Just as is happening now in countries they are moving in on and they are trying to in western nations as well. The Crusades while not entirely successful because the british were running out of money to keep the effort going gave the rest of europe enough breathing room to be able to fight back themselves and shake of these cretins that were committing these attrocities.
            what i find really interesting is that d%^&#$@ds like Rubiconcrossed turn a blind eye to moslems doing that sort of thing even today but if we were to retaliate in kind to islam they would be going off their goddamn heads about it. Maybe, just maybe we should be treating the likes of Rubiconcrossed and miner69er the same as the moslems treat any that dont live their way in their own countries just so they get a taste….. or maybe we should revoke their citizenship and drop them by parachute into majority moslem occupied territory never to be allowed back into the country. maybe that is what needs to happen to all who hate liberty.

        • rubiconcrossed — Again, what is blatantly obvious is that YOU have NEVER read the Quran. If you had then you would know that, just like with the jews, catholics, mormons, and several other religions, they (muslimes) only use a few distinct portions of the true Holy Bible to JUSTIFY their false religion. It’s called PLAGIARISM; it’s a favored tool of liars, deceivers, and the ignorant like you!

      • I would suggest that before you conflate all religions with terrorism that you spend some time reading the Quran and Hadith’s – both of which provide explicit justification for attacks on non-muslims and is part of the religion. Certainly not all muslims are violent or terrorists. but violence exists as doctrine. Try and find Christian doctrine that encourages/justifies violence. Oh, and Your misdirection – accusation of Christians – could equally be applied to atheism (Lenin/Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc.) the greatest mas murders of all time.

        • Read the above post on the comparison of the two religions. For all practical purposes they are more alike than different and each sanctions killing your enemies. Both religions are based on pure hypocrisy. Neither has anything sanctimonious about it.

          • Actualy christianity does not condone killing your enemies unless in self defence… eg the other attacked first. Islam condones killing one hell of a lot more than christianity does including killing anyone who leaves the faith of islam and even other sects of islam that they do not agree with. In fact islam is the only faith worldwide that has such widespread acceptance of killing. Every other religion only accepts it as a self defence action

        • And I suppose Mass Murderer Christian Jim Jones of Guyana never existed either. Perhaps he too was fake news?????

        • again Not Christian. he might have hiden behind the christian religion for power reasons or to mask his intentions but still NOT CHRISTIAN. Also most of the bloodshed in the bible was old testament. In the new testament it taught to love and help others (though not bow down to enemies who would kill you). the Koran however the early verses are the ones that are more peaceful but still encourage LYING to those who dont believe in islam and then get progesssively more violent and bloodthirsty as time goes on.
          And again, NO I AM NOT CHRISTIAN but rather Pagan

    • Are you talking about the Christian caliphate that already runs Europe?

      You know, the fake birthday of Jesus is an official holiday in every country in Europe, and in America Christmas and Easter are both of government sanctioned religious holidays.

      The killer was a Christian, white nationalist who felt he could take the law into his own hands and kill just whoever he wanted. You do know, the Catholic Church has been responsible for more killing in Europe then any combination of Muslims, right up to and including Adolf Hitler’s Christian empire of death.

      “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. . . . And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God.”

      Preach it, brother Adolf!

      • Good to see the real you coming out, miner. Cheering your man hitler like that. What’s it been since that war ended. 74-75 years? And how long since the jihadi holy war ended against all non muslims? What, it’s still ongoing?

        Good to see you backing up that rabid liar, rubiconwhatever. You’re known by the company you keep. Cheering hitler and backing a liar. You really are a socialist, aren’t you?

        • It seems your sarcasm meter is non-functional today. I think you know that I do not cheer for the excesses of the Christian religion, considering it has been responsible for the suffering and murder of millions ever since the day that unmarried Jewish girl turned up pregnant.

          Personally, I don’t ‘believe’ in any sky daddy, I tend to base my beliefs upon actual evidence.

          Adolf Hitler was no socialist, in his own words he believed in the Almighty Creator and his son Jesus. Hitler’s first treaty was with the Catholic Church, and the Church celebrated Hitler’s birthday with a special mass every year up until 1945.

          In fact, the Catholic Church never excommunicated any Nazi, death camp guards or SS troops, much less Hitler.

          No, the Christians are just as guilty of mass genocide as any other religion, it’s all about seeking sky daddy’s authorization to kill other people and take their stuff.

        • @miner
          “I tend to base my beliefs upon actual evidence.” How come you are still a raging leftist then?

          Repeat after me: ‘Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei means National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party.’
          Yes, Hitler was a socialist. Maybe you have some crooked, twisted, different personal meaning of socialism in mind, but that’s your own personal problem. Don’t call him SINO just because he did not follow exactly your chosen hue of evil madness that is socialism.

    • Marcus,

      The video quality was too poor to see if the attacker was making the motions that you would make on a slam-fire shotgun.

      It would not be hard at all to make a simple hammer mechanism, especially a mechanism where you simply pull the hammer back with your thumb and let go with your thumb to fire.

  2. Everyone cower in fear in their houses while the manhunt goes on. Just like Boston with the two brothers.

    Wait until it’s 20 guys all over the city at once.

    • Absolutely it is gang related, that white supremacist, minority hating neo Nazi gang.

      The same gang that is responsible for the mass shooting at the synagogue in Pennsylvania.

      Think German equivalent of the Aryan brotherhood, or any one of a dozen other white power movement here in the USA. And don’t pretend that American skinhead groups don’t exist, I see postings on this very forum from individuals claiming to have lived the life.

  3. Oh, and the best line in the whole story ….
    “It wasn’t clear what he was shooting at.”

    Gee, near a synagogue on Yom Kippur.
    Here, Einsteins. Let’s spell it out. The first letter starts with the letter L and might end with E, W, and S.

    • “Let’s spell it out. The first letter starts with the letter L and might end with E, W, and S.”

      The letter ‘L’, or ‘J’?

      The Evil ‘Lews’?

      Pretty sad when the little bigots can’t even spell…

      *snicker* 😉

  4. Oy vey! If I was a practising Jew I sure wouldn’t live in Deutschland(Merkeland?). The “never forget” tribe forgot…

      • C’mon now, it’s just the birth pains of ‘multiculturalism’ that Europe must go through. I believe it was Barbara Spectre who said it, or maybe it was Noel Ignatiev, or possibly Abe Foxman.

    • Take a look at the voting records of the 34 members of the 116th Congress that identify as Jewish here in the USA (32 Democrats and 2 Republicans).

      They seem to have forgotten what a Rabbi friend told me a number of years ago…”never again!” (he is armed all the time and one heckuva shot).

      Looks like black powder in the video…easy enough to make along with the single-shot homemade firearm…obviously, we need to ban charcoal, sulfur, potassium nitrate / potassium chlorate, metal pipe, 2×8’s and sharp-edged balloons.

    • I rather like the gun laws in Deutchland, it’s so restrictive that I can purchase them online (from the US), pay the added wire transfer/export/import/shipping/end user cert/BATFE ident/FFL fees, and end up with SMOKING deals (rare guns at a GREAT prices).
      I snatched a Walther P5 Lang (last year, 1 of around 80 produced) for about 1/4 what one sold for on GB this year.

  5. Halle is in the former East Germany which is where most of the modern neo-Nazis come from so I would not be jumping to conclusions about the identity of the gunman.

  6. But remember this NEVER happens in the EU, isn’t that what the Left in America have been telling us for the last 5 years?

  7. I am glad I left that POS country almost 60 years ago never regretted to come here to the USA become a citizen and vote,Europa is going to hell ,they deserve ALL they voted for

  8. To prevent this happening in the future, they need to pass a shiny brand spanking new law that states that this action is against the law. That will stop them !

  9. But wait, former President Obama told us that these events do not happen in other countries, especially in Western Europe.

    I am confused. Did this happen or did it not?


    • uncommon_sense says:
      October 9, 2019 at 13:33
      But wait, former President Obama told us that these events do not happen in other countries, especially in Western Europe.

      I am confused. Did this happen or did it not?


      Obama never said that. He said the rates of gun violence and gun homicide were far lower in Europe than in the U.S which is exactly true. The only confusion is in your own mind not what Obama stated.

      • No, that’s what you think he *meant.*

        This is what Obama actually said, as reported by just about every news outlet on the planet:
        This type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.”

        Don’t believe me? Maybe you’ll believe Politifact. (Or NBC or the Washington Post or the NY Times or…)


        • To ING

          You read but do not understand what the original post said

          “But wait, former President Obama told us that these events do not happen in other countries, especially in Western Europe.

          I am confused. Did this happen or did it not?

          Now do you understand what Obama said was correct???? And this is from your own quote from Politico.

      • Rube, in regards to your totally stupid claim about christian murderers. I was born and raised in the christian church. I do not claim that or any other religion. Simply being born into a christian family does not make you a christian. I follow no orders from a pastor or preacher. I follow no doctrine from the bible or from a church authority.

        Go ahead and say the same about a jihadi or muslim holy warrior aka terrorist.

        • And I suppose Mass Murderer Christian Jim Jones of Guyana never existed either. Perhaps he too was fake news?????

        • “Simply being born into a christian family does not make you a christian.”

          OK, so just because Obama had a Muslim stepdad for a few years doesn’t mean he’s a Muslim, right? I thought you guys all said he must be a Muslim because he was raised Muslim? Why are the rules different for black people and white people in your world?

          • what I hated about obummer is that he was and is a socialist/communist and took many actions to remove liberty from the american people. I care not whether he was moslem (even though moslems are renouned for their abuse of women)

        • Miner. Find a comment of mine where I said barry was a muslim. The trouble with skinheads, white supremacists and socialists is they want to see what their handlers have trained them to see.

          The world would be a better place without them.

      • How many per capital gun deaths are there comparing Germany and the United States? Or any other European country compared to The United States? I’m sure there’s quite a disparity

        • What is a gun death? Explosive disasembly of the firearm?
          Do you mean suicides with a firearms? They comprise about two thirds of “gun deaths”. How are deaths by a shot in brainpan worse than any other ways of dying?
          Oh, you mean violent crime with firearms? It may surprise you, but there is also quite a diaparity in non-gun deaths between Europe and US. As for why, I present you a riddle – which small part of American populace commits over 50% of solved murders and vast majority of the unsolved ones? Hint – it’s the same part of populace conspicuous in Europe by its absence.

      • Crimes with firearms don’t happen as often in countries where there are wery few firearms.
        Isn’t that O’Bama a profound thinker!
        Next he will claim that sunstroke is realy rare in Antarctica.

        We, the people, have a right to own and carry weapons, so we are able to keep our government in line. Or change it, should it become tyrannical. (For example if it tried to take our weapons away.) Deal with it.

        Some will misuse these weapons for crime. They deserve punishment according to the law. Some for ending their own life. Many, many times more will use them for defense against crime. Even more will have fun with them, compete and hunt with them. That’s just a perk. None of these side issues change the fundamental truth – our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

  10. Apparently the guy streamed it via Twitch (Somehow I don’t think Cloudflare will take down Twitch in response…) and according to people who watched it, he was a flaming retard. Shot his own tires out trying to scare off a bystander.

  11. If Western Europe is actually lost, it contributed mightily to it’s loss. Regarding the U.S., where I live, I hope that my country takes note concerning what has happened in Western Europe, and avoids making the same mistakes.

  12. Who got to keep the dead guy? The cops I bet yah, probably wind up as ssusage. This Blue Line Buffet has got to stop

  13. So much for European gun control. This is why law abiding Americans must never allow themselves to be disarmed.

    • Well it looks like the Muslim hater extremist fanatics on this forum once again have egg on their faces,

      A senior security official identified the suspect as Stephan Balliet, 27, a German citizen from the state of Saxony-Anhalt, where Halle is located, and said he wasn’t previously known to authorities.

      Notice the name it sure as hell is not Middle Eastern.

  14. Obviously, Gun Control, German Style doesn’t work very well, except to leave the law abiding and generally peacefully inclined, defenseless. Perhaps that was what government had in mind all the time? Say it isn’t so Joe, say it isn’t so.

  15. Looked like a single shot shotgun with the barrel sawed down to about 6″ or so. What a Peace od shit. Hope they find him and end him.

  16. The attacker was just following the Christian principle of hating Jews and Muslims, these neo-Nazis take their marching orders directly from the Catholic dictator, Adolf Hitler:

    “ “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. . . . And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God.”

  17. I’ve been traveling throughout Germany for the last couple of weeks and I’m just getting back. I was about 30 miles away from where this event occurred ta few days ago.
    I’m not sure why so many people think this was a religiously motivated attack, or committed by a foreigner, or a Muslim. None of that was in local media reports or in photos or video released.
    Local media in Germany is posting that the shooter was a German citizen who posted his manifesto online. I don’t know if he is white, or his religious affiliation, if any, but he certainly thinks of himself as white.
    He wrote:
    “If I fail and die but kill a single Jew, it was worth it. After all, if every white man kills just one, we win.”

    As an aside, the concern over a Muslim invasion of Germany appears to be hysteria, at least based on what I’ve seen over the last couple of weeks. I never saw anyone in any kind of traditional Muslim dress, and anyone other than traditional white Germans outside of tourist areas was very rare.

    • Thank you for sharing the ground truth of the German countryside, eyewitness accounts can provide valuable information about a society.

      I’ve also been to Germany in the past few years and there is no Muslim problem, it’s a beautiful, modern country, with the usual benefits and negatives of living in modern society.

      Of course, reality doesn’t support the delusions of the neo-nazis , whose siege mentality forces them into dark thoughts of violence and chaos.

      No, there is no caliphate in Germany and the EU has not fallen to the dark forces of the jehadis.

      • Oh I don’t know about the rest of the EU, but I did get to spend time in Germany and France.
        If any kind of Muslim horde was overstated in Germany, it was understated in France. I saw several bands of East African men speaking Somali and Arabic pickpocketing, robbing and knocking down young women throughout Paris. Groups tried to unsuccessfully rob me twice, and they stole from every member of party I was with during my time there. The Parisian women I spoke to said that it was not safe for them to use mass transit at night because of the immigrant gangs.

        • Interesting. I haven’t been to Paris in over 10 years so I can’t really speak to the metropolitan situation.

          But I have been on the blue coast in the past few years, specifically cape Antibes’s and John of the Pines. While there was a heavy police presence (Maybe armed with MAT 9mm subs, couldn’t quite tell) we didn’t experience any issues with crime. We went to several late night jazz concerts and the streets were perfectly safe even late at night. We didn’t do any exploration in the fringe areas so I can’t really speak to that but the major entertainment district was perfectly safe.

          And I didn’t see burka one. But there were many million dollar yachts just offshore, maybe they’re hidIng them all there.

  18. All of you folks seem to be just spilling over with anger and hatred for others. First, most of this type of anger and hatred stems from a very pervasive ignorance and an unwillingness to admit it and try to correct that lack of knowledge. If you meet someone with a different viewpoint about something, remember you have reasons for your opinions and so do they. Find out what those reasons are before you try to jump down their throats and call them names or commit violence to show how “superior” you are. Learn the difference between facts and opinions then step back and re-examine your position. Facts are supported by verifiable evidence and opinion only justifications. What a dull world it would be if everybody looked, sounded, thought and behaved in the exact same manner as everyone else. How could you even have an interesting conversation or learn something new?

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