Home » Blogs » Uber Ammo? New Jersey Gun Dealer Delivering Ammunition to Customers’ Homes

Uber Ammo? New Jersey Gun Dealer Delivering Ammunition to Customers’ Homes

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By Theresa Inacker

Coalition of New Jersey Firearms Owners sponsor Derek Pitera, President of SC Arms of Spotswood, New Jersey, an FFL licensed and insured firearms dealer, is meeting the needs of the Second Amendment community in New Jersey by making curbside delivery of ammunition to his customers’ homes.

In a telephone interview this afternoon with CNJFO, Pitera stated that he researched ways to keep his business open so that he can continue to provide for his family. This new business approach keeps business flowing and meets the ammunition needs of the Second Amendment community.

After researching the limitations of Governor Phil Murphy’s Executive Order 107, Pitera determined that deliveries and online orders are permitted, even though brick and mortar stores are to remain closed.

If someone is purchasing handgun ammunition, they must provide a driver’s license and a NJ FID firearms purchase ID card, as required per law. Pitera verifies and logs the information through the window of his truck, making no person-to-person contact in this time of social distancing.

HOW TO ORDER AMMO (in New Jersey):

Call the store number 732-425-4996. Pitera stated that while he has excellent contacts with the ammunition industry, there are LIMITED QUANTITIES at this time. Your needs and availability can be discussed when you contact the store’s landline, 732-425-4996, now forwarded to his cell.


Theresa Inacker, an attorney and Second Amendment advocate, is a member of the US Supreme Court bar, the New Jersey Delegate to The DC Project, and serves as the Communications Director for the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners.

This post originally appeared at the CNJFO Facebook page and is reprinted here with permission. 

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