Home » Uinta Trading Co: A Firearms-Friendly Outdoor Products Marketplace

Uinta Trading Co: A Firearms-Friendly Outdoor Products Marketplace

Chris Heuss - comments No comments

With the ever-expanding attacks by Internet mega-platforms like Google, Apple and Amazon, gun owners are increasingly looking for 2A-friendly platforms where their business and their dollars are welcome. A new Second Amendment-friendly online marketplace, Uinta Trading Co., is just such a place. The outdoor-oriented portal’s website is up and running at Uintatrading.co. The folks at Uinta Trading Co. are adamant supporters of the right to keep and bear arms.

Many retailers have given in to the outrage mobs and demands of anti-gun groups, abandoning loyal vendors that make and sell legal firearms-related products. The veteran-owned Uinta has made a simple promise never to do that.

Uinta is growing steadily with an impressive list of firearms-related vendors so far including Streamlight, Trijicon, Aimpoint, Grayboe and Fostech. And if you are a content creator Uinta Trading Co. has a great affiliate program as well. Here’s Uinta’s press release:

Uinta Trading Co Is Calling All Brands And Affiliates To The Marketplace

Online marketplace for the outdoorsman, Uinta Trading Co is calling for brands, craftsman, and individuals looking to sell their products to other freedom loving Americans. In conjunction with seller outreach, Uinta Trading is also looking to create partnerships with Affiliates that are established content creators within the outdoor space.

Uinta Trading Co is a veteran owned company that is focused on maintaining a simple and reliable place to buy and sell products that are relevant to quality minded outdoor enthusiasts. The marketplace is a platform where brands can sell any federally legal product without fear of being shut down or adversely affected by arbitrary rule changes or shifts in the political landscape.  

Sellers on Uinta Trading Co have no enrollment fees, no monthly fees, and a flat 10% referral fee for orders generate on the marketplace. As a brand integrates into the marketplace, they manage their product pages and will have the option to fulfill their own orders or they can choose to have Uinta Trading inventory and fulfilled orders for them.

Sellers on Uinta Trading are part of a collaborative atmosphere of content creation, joint promotions, lead generation, and a powerful affiliate network.

Sellers can learn more and apply here: https://uinta.io/selling



The Uinta Trading affiliate program is designed to be a reliable income source for established affiliates that are creating content in the outdoor space. The program is a combination of a standard profit share system and a collaborative workspace that allows affiliates to work directly with vendors to create additional revenue opportunities. Affiliates on the Uinta Trading program have real time monitoring of sales, an account dashboard where they can create customized links, codes, or access the collaborative workspace.

Commissions are set on a tiered structure to reward highly productive affiliates with more earning potential.  The tiered commissions range from 5% up to 20% with additional earning potential from vendors in the collaborative workspace. Top Affiliates will also take advantage of bonuses based on total sales for each fiscal quarter.  

To ensure an honest and transparent environment, Uinta trading uses a 3rd party program to track and pay out commissions owed to affiliates. All payments are automated to ensure all commissions are consistently and accurately paid on time.

Affiliates can learn more and apply here: https://uinta.io/affiliate


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Chris Heuss

Chris was born and raised in Austin, Tx where he still lives with his wife and son. Chris grew up exploring and surveying caves with his father for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. He is Co-Owner of Black Collar Arms.

0 thoughts on “Uinta Trading Co: A Firearms-Friendly Outdoor Products Marketplace”

      • Hi, it’s Shane with Uinta Trading!
        I love that feedback. We built things to calculate any shipping during checkout.
        But i hear you and i like what you’re saying. So we will work on building a shipping calculator into the product pages. The calculator could ask you for your zip code and then display your options right there and then.
        We will get on it

        • Hi Shane

          Thanks for listening.

          Even a rough idea of shipping costs would help. I searched the site for any indication of shipping costs but found nothing. I’m sure you been frustrated by a website where you are about to complete the purchase but then a steep or even unreasonable shipping charge appears. Even worse is to discover later that free shipping was possible by spending a few more bucks. Like Leathermans website for instance.

    • Howdy Bearpaw, it’s Shane with Uinta Trading!
      We will always stay true to our beliefs and stand by our constitutional rights. If uncle sam says the seller is legally allowed to sell it and that the buyer is legally allowed to buy it.. then we will allow it!

  1. This is good news. But please still support your local family owned gun store. You can’t rely on a big corporation. Once they get big enough they will turn on their customers.

    • I also think this is important and it is a page right out of Cody Wilson’s and Defense Distributed book. It is a well distributed distribution system that is harder to attack. Many small firearms manufacturers and many distribution points are good for the cause. We definitely need as many payment processing and internet hosting/accessing friends as we can get too.

    • Yeah, I’m gonna pass on paying a 20% mark-up on retail. I’m pretty sure my local buys everything from Midway and then tacks a profit margin onto it.

      • Howdy Orcon, Shane here with Uinta Trading.
        This is a rabbit hole we can really go down. I feel with you on this.
        In short, we will always be working hard at getting the brands on-board directly, so that we can avoid having to source that same brands products through a third party.. which as you said, would only introduce more and more unneeded mark up.
        We have many things in play to help us grow this new marketplace in a way that is direct from brand, not from third parties and in turn a way for us to keep a check on prices.

    • Howdy Chris, Shane with Uinta Trading..
      Truth be told sir, we are not the big corporation, and will never become that. We are a group of veterans and ranchers and are creating what the people need. A better alternative (what Amazon should be).
      So bear with us as we grow this over the years. But the last thing you’ll see is us thinking like the corporation you speak of.
      And talking about the local gun shops.. the good news is.. we are working with more and more gun shops, so that we can actually help them grow and expand their reach. Local gun store owners are welcome to start selling on the Uinta Marketplace. They are the types of businesses we want to partner with and help.
      We are also working on building a network of local gun stores, so that when you purchase firearm related products on the marketplace you can opt to go pick it up from your local shop.
      We hear you, think like you and agree on these same matters. Which is why these are things we have had in consideration for a long time and why we are putting in so much to make this something unique that is tied in with good brands and good local shops.

      • My brother in Idaho says Sportsman’s Wearhouse has lower prices than Cabelas, so that’s where I bye ammo and jerky when I go visit. How do you compare? Comments? I currently live in the socialist people’s republik of Kalifornia.

  2. The small gun store I use, in Oregon, not only has low prices, but is family owned, and best of all, only charges 10% for consignment sales.

    • And yet you won’t call them out by name, it’s a shame when good businesses have a bad clientele. JK, but seriously inquiring minds and all that.

      • I was going to call them and ask if they minded that I mention their name, but forgot they are closed on Monday.
        However, if you look up “Gun shops in Springfield Oregon”, you will find it about half way down the page, and it’s definitely not Cabela’s.
        The only reason I hesitated is because I’m sure you have heard of some folks calling businesses, and giving them a bad time.

  3. That is a funny name that I am never going to remember.
    They compete with Amazon?
    Why not something like “Hercules”?
    They need better branding, starting with a better name


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