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As a law-abiding Texan who cherishes his gun rights and can’t afford the calorific aftermath of the munchies, I refrain from imbibing controlled substances. Which makes Marvel movies and this sort of thing a lot less impressive than they might be. Still, kudos to the editor for editing this underwater gun malf with mind-numbing sonic brio. If only Thunderball had been so entrancing . . .

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  1. You don’t write much that is more irritating than “Just Thought I’d Leave This Here”.

  2. Cool solo-mo. Not sure I’d shoot a rifle under water. The malfunction didn’t surprise me.

  3. Man, that viddy was stupid. Not just basic stupid, but Democrat voter stupid. Which is really, really stoopid.

  4. reason #548 why the 7.62×39 and AK platform is better, it will not fail when you have to shoot in your pool!

    *puts on flame proof suit and opens the popcorn

    • Yup. The poodle-popguns are the beez-knees, The only gun mass-produced in the last 50 years that pukes in it’s mouth….

  5. The US Military was trying to develop a true underwater firearm capable of distances of 100 feet or more for protection of installations located on the water as well as ships. That was back in the mid 1970s. As they never got it. One idea novel, and good I thought. Miniature torpedoes.

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