Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Caliber War!">Previous Post
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Suppressed GLOCK (courtesy

TTAG’s correspondent from the Land of Lincoln regrets to report that “The Senate adjourned last night without voting on SB206, which is the suppressor bill that passed the House. Regular session is now over for the Illinois Congress, which means that any bill passed in “overtime” will require a super majority. Todd Vandermyde, the NRA guy in Springfield, was afraid the Senate wouldn’t play ball, and that’s what happened. Hope is still alive, but I personally doubt we will see any movement until the fall session. It sounds like it’s going to happen, we just don’t know when.”

Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Caliber War!">Previous Post
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  1. Hopefully this gets done before election season so we can figure out who we need to hold accountable if there are issues.

  2. Honestly did you really expect that to happen? The vote in the Assembly was a show for the voters. Now the pols can go back and campaign on the issue boasting of the vote, for and against. It’s Illinois!

    • Most of Illinois isn’t too bad, Chicago just sucks, don’t lump us all in with those asshats. Too bad we can’t split the state into north and south Illinois…

      • How about splitting chicago and the rest of Illinois? Illinois isn’t that bad. Chicago is the problem.. not northern il.

      • You can’t hold Chicago accountable for the fact that Illinois hasn’t had a budget for this entire year. Every single legislator who proposed or voted for an imbalanced budget should be fired immediately on grounds of incompetence.

  3. Whew! That was a close one. Had that bill passed, the blood would have [quietly] flowed in the streets of Chicago as soon as it went into effect.

    • Stupid Statement! Guess what?! Have you seen the murder rates in the city? Allowing suppressors isn’t going to do a single thing except save peoples hearing! The blood is running in the streets of Chicago right now and has been all summer of 2016! Didn’t need to legalize suppressors to have more murders, you need to get the murderers off the streets! When someone finally wakes up and sees that guns are NOT the problem and never have been and that people are the problem and always will be, that’s when we will start to make a dent in the murder rate. Just because something is illegal has never stopped someone from doing it that really wanted to do it anyway!

  4. This may be for the best. If I had had a silencer attached to that illegally concealed pistol that cop in California had caught me with years ago, ain’t no way he would have let me off.

    • How many times do you plan to post about this CA cop letting you go with an ‘illegally concealed pistol’? Are you just fishing for someone to reply to you that such a thing couldn’t possibly have happened?

      Oh and just adding a phrase including the word silencer to your copy/paste job doesn’t really make this relevant to the thread you know.

      I think you are trolling, for what I have no idea, but whatever, I really don’t care. After all these posts all you get from me is ignore, no matter what you throw out there.

      And I believe you completely about your ‘illegally concealed gun’. Does that make you happy?

        • You both have active imaginations.

          And Mr. 308: folks that don’t care don’t type 4 paragraph responses. Rabbit Ears indeed.

  5. hb1066 is the one that matters. the silencer bill would be sweet, but having gun shops is kind of important too. it is on it’s 6th amendment, but hasn’t made it through yet.

    • You’re thinking of HB1016. and so far we have it killed, but like a horror move, nothing is really ever dead

  6. with no budget they will be in session this summer. We still have a chance and will be ramping up for it

  7. Can we see the same movement for remove off places too ? It now third year and zero of that have gone ….

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