Something like three quarters of U.S. households have an Amazon Prime membership. If you’re going to shop at Amazon — as you probably already are! — please do it via Amazon Smile by starting your shopping at Once you select your non-profit charity of choice, Amazon donates a portion (usually 0.5 percent) of every single order you place, with no change whatsoever to what you pay for whatever you’re purchasing (I’d suggest some Egguins), to your designated charity.
From an Amazon email I just received, which reminded me to remind y’all to use
This is the quarterly notification to inform you that AmazonSmile has made a charitable donation to the charity you’ve selected, Second Amendment Foundation, in the amount of $27,282.20 as a result of qualifying purchases made by you and other customers between April 1st – June 30th.
Thanks to customers shopping at or using the Amazon app with AmazonSmile turned ON, everyday purchases make an impact. So far, AmazonSmile has donated:
$396,864.70 to Second Amendment Foundation*
Over $377 million to US charities
Over $422 million to charities worldwide
Visit your AmazonSmile impact page to track donations generated or change your charity.
Visiting that page just now, it looks like I’ve managed to send $66.78 to SAF, at a cost of precisely $0 to me:
So, you know, if you shop at Amazon anyway (whether or not you pay for a Prime membership) it’s time to pick a Pro-Second Amendment charity of your choice and get on board with the whole Amazon Smile thing.
Although Amazon does promote anti-2nd Amendment causes. Possibly starting something to aid the FPC Amendment Foundation. Thank you for the details and the informative essay.