
TTAG friend, University of Texas alum, and local barrister Louis Bonham was kind enough to cover the Cocks not GLOCKs protest on the UT campus for us. Today is the first day of classes on the forty acres and as you can see from the pic above, the tenor of the anti-campus carry event has been everything you’d expect. And less. He’ll be providing more eyewitness detail in the form of interviews and photos as soon as humanly possible. Stay tuned.


  1. Recently, three UT professors stamped their little feet and clamored that “the possible presence of concealed handguns will chill classroom debate out of fear that an armed student might snap and begin shooting.” Those concerns appear to have melted away as women across campus take delight in mocking the genetalia of Texas’ gun owners. O frabjous day!

    • “,,, stamped their little feet..”

      A Monty Python reference, I assume? 8>)

    • I thought trigger warnings were common place, that should reduce the likelihood of some one’s feelings getting hurt or anyone snapping.

    • I would argue that this display breaks Texas public decency laws. is a threat to the general public safety and many are likely to be offended and or alarmed of such display 😉


      * Penal Code Title 9, Section 42.01 Disorderly conduct: public nudity.

      (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly:

      (12) exposes his anus or genitals in a public place and is reckless about whether another may be present who will be offended or alarmed by his act.

      §21.08. Indecent exposure.

      (a) A person commits an offense if he exposes his anus or any part of his genitals with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person, and he is reckless about whether another is present who will be offended or alarmed by his act.

      • 1) Those aren’t their actual genitals, or anuses, and the statute doesn’t mention representations of genitals.
        2) This could be covered by the first amendment as a free expression/government protest. See the Topfreedom movement, and their protests against decency laws, for many legal precedents.
        3) The organizers chose dildos because they think it’s ridiculous that sex toys are banned on campus, while guns are legal. And they’re right! Legalize dildos!
        4) The wording of the Texas penal (what a phallocentric term) code specifies “he” and “his”, so this law doesn’t apply to womyn. 😉

        • If you read the entire statute that was linked in yesterdays story, you will see that displaying those dildos is mentioned and that it is illegal. They could have been arrested or at least ticketed for it BUT I am sure no one wanted to create any martyrs.

        • Jason knows that these creatures of the night are expert in the use of dildoes because they are incapable of forming normal human bonds. One look at the pictures of the demonstration demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubtthat these rejects are exactly the kind of people who clamor for transexuals to be admitted to little girls rooms.

          Find your safe space Jason. These aren’t Texans. They look like New Yorkers.

      • MISANTHROPISTS! The law seems to think only MEN can’t display genitals. Which would make these obvious swinging d**ks subject to indecency laws

    • You don’t understand.
      The job of the press is to create news. To take a shameless publicity stunt and turn it into news, making it seem as though it’s worthy of note. As long as the agenda is more Constitution-trampling statism.

      • Funny, when you put it that way, I usually think news function is only to bury news. But I guess you’re right, when you can’t sell real-news newspapers, then tabloid-press sensationalism (facts are unimportant) would be a noble aspiration for a “journalist.”

  2. Those two pieces of crap up front remind me of the suffragettes that helped usher in prohibition. No wonder people have a tendency to throw rocks at wild dogs!

  3. It certainly got people’s attention but it is hard to be taken seriously with the chosen method. Still, I defend their right for free speech.

  4. Progressives. They want to change this country. They know what’s best for everyone.
    Get a good look at them.

    • Yup, that’s what I try to tell my “old-school Democrat” in-laws. You pull the lever for a D these days, you’re throwing in with that lot, whether you like it or not.

  5. Hate to be a wet blanket. But my computer is where my grandkids can see the screen. Porn is not on their viewing menu. That picture is not only disgusting, but it shouldn’t be the lead on a public site.

  6. So… are those two ladies students?

    I totally called it with “feminists with strap-ons.” Totally called it. Somebody give me a fist bump.

      • I’ll give Anon a *Fist-Bump*, he earned it.


        Not surprisingly, those two certainly appear to know the proper donning of a strap-on rubber dong.

        On the upside, at least no natural male appendages were harmed in that ‘protest’…


  7. Whoa….back when I went to UT you had to worry about the freshman 15. Looks like tuition isn’t the only thing getting bigger on campus.

  8. Soooo, a holstered pistol on a hip is an abomination and women wearing rubber penises in harnesses is OK. Did I travel to Bizarro world by accident?

  9. poor poor Klaus. You need a better screen. She is more like a 39 year old junior. However, something tells me she didn’t need to buy anything specifically for this occasion.

  10. It’s funny how much they are willing to publicly humiliate themselves, in order to somehow attempt to humiliate me into changing my belief system.

    I think they’d get better results if they were hitting themselves in the face with bricks, instead of strapping on plastic dicks.
    “Ladies” are you willing to go that far for the cause? Make sure you get video.

  11. In the .26 seconds it took me to shriek and look away from the grotesque, Lovecraftian horrors on my computer screen, I was suddenly reminded of this Joe Rogan bit:

    “Saying you have a d*** just because you own a strap-on is like having a lighter and thinking it makes you a dragon.”

    • If they wanted to be a dragon they have the frightening looks already, any I have some of that green wildfire round here somewhere!

  12. Wrongheaded to say the least…

    Something tells me this isn’t really about what they say it is… Just a couple of old randy Harlots getting their jollies…

  13. Could you imagine meeting one these fine ladies in a drinking establishment and taking one of them home and finding that?
    Yeah me neither.

  14. Off topic, but, that pink haired lady is a spittin image of Miley Cyrus 2044 Comeback Tour in Las Vegas.

    Get yer tickets, now.

  15. Didn’t know I could laugh and wretch at the same time.

    Can’t un-see this. Sad, hilarious, bit sad.

    I’m sure the left is proud.

  16. Apparently they’re lobbyists for open carry on campus. I haven’t changed my opinion just because it’s open carry of real or training D’s: If you leave it waiving around they’re going to come after you first.

  17. Where are the pretty girls? Oh thats right; they’re in Mississippi and Alabama. God bless the South!

  18. I don’t understand why liberal college folk would use a penis in their anti-carry campaign. They’re the ones that tell us that it’s the symbol of a male-dominated, misogynistic society.

    • Their slogan is “come and take it”. It’s a femdom joke I’m guessing. Otherwise it makes no sense.

      Hopefully no further explanation is needed or shit’s gonna get weird on TTAG today.

  19. Just as I said yesterday: Progressive dildos prancing around campus waving fake penises.

    Cthulhu r’lyeh fhtaghn.

  20. Personally I find this hilarious. Sure, it’s crude to walk around with sex toys in public but I have a seriously twisted sense of humor and if these “ladies” want to make fun of themselves like this in public I will certainly laugh at their expense.

    Yeah, I get it, carrying a gun is a compensating for a small dick and now they think they have a bigger one. I get it but I’m not laughing with you, I’m laughing at you. If this is what passes for a “rapier wit” on the Left… yikes.

    Did any hot chicks participate? If so I’m guessing the local sororities will be having fewer male guests for awhile!

  21. Obviously those ladies don’t understand that concealed means concealed. I guess for people who haven’t carried a gun all their life, carry training is not such a bad idea after all.

  22. I don’t get it why dildos?

    Besides the fact that all the women pictured have several handy for obvious reasons (they’re damn ugly)

  23. I’m haven’t decided whether those were strap-ons or if those bimbos just came from a Target bathroom.

  24. My..eyes! Damn you TTAG! How am I supposed go target shooting with this burning sensation in my retina’s?!?! I feel recompense is in order, a Women of the Gun 2016 thread is in order.

  25. Great thing to enforce law with dildo 🙂 or defence your self with it:) Next mass shooting wil be done with c*ck 🙂

  26. Get a good look, folks. THIS is how it’s done. THIS is how you get people to take you seriously: 1) Dye your hair purple. 2) Strap on a dildo. 3) Walk around in public.

    • Correction, it’s how you get media to hold you up as a public example of a person whose opinions matter more than those of the unwashed masses.

  27. I hope those dildos weren’t previously used. If they were, they probably pose a significantly greater health hazard than Law abiding citizens carrying guns!

  28. I live 45 miles from UT and Austin, and unfortunately I have to go there occasionally. The rest of Texas describes Austin as 270 square miles surrounded by reality.

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