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Utah Set to Become the Seventeenth Constitutional Carry State This Week

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Finally…we’re seeing some real progress on civil rights now that President Biden is in the Oval Office. After passing both the Utah House and Senate by overwhelming margins, a constitutional carry bill is set to be signed into law by Governor Spencer Cox this week.

From the Washington Free Beacon:

Robert Leider, a George Mason University professor who studies gun laws, said gun-rights groups rebutted [gun control advocates’] arguments by emphasizing self-defense.

“Gun-rights groups have been immensely successful at legalizing the carrying of firearms for self-defense,” Leider said. “Even many liberal states readily issue permits to carry firearms.”

The new law will go into effect on May 5. It passed the Utah Senate by a 22-6 vote and the House by a 51-20 vote. Utah residents will still be able to obtain a concealed carry permit, which some other states require for nonresidents within their borders.

Utah will become the 17th constitutional carry state (depending on who’s doing the counting). Shockingly, none of the gun control industry’s dire predictions of blood running ankle-deep in the streets under permitless carry have come true in any of the other constitutional carry states. Don’t expect to see it result in rampant carnage in Utah either.

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