VCDL lobby day virginia
Previous VCDL Lobby Day (courtesy VCDL)

Northam told all nonessential staff to stay home, and many lawmakers urged aides to stay away, though committees will still meet and both chambers will convene floor sessions. The young pages who run errands in the House and Senate were given the day off for safety.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence canceled its annual vigil and lobbying day, announcing the decision on Twitter “with a heavy heart.” The organization’s state director, Lori Haas, said it was because of “ongoing, credible threats to public safety that have been promoted … by gun extremists.”

Outside the Capitol, authorities used tall chain-link barriers to create a pie-shaped pen for the rally. The area takes up about a third of Capitol Square, a manicured park dotted with monuments to figures ranging from Native Americans and George Washington to a segregationist governor and civil rights leaders. The monuments were protected with additional fencing, as was the Executive Mansion to the east.

The square is usually open on all sides to foot traffic. Under Northam’s emergency order, access is restricted to one spot, at 9th and East Grace Streets. Just inside that entrance, the crowd will be split into 17 lines for screening with metal detectors.

Virginia VCDL lobby day gun rally
A tent is set up to house metal detectors at the entrance to Capitol Square in Richmond, Va., Friday, Jan. 17, 2020. Everyone entering the Square on Monday, Jan. 20 for the pro-gun rally must pass through this point. (Bob Brown/Richmond Times-Dispatch via AP)

Anyone attempting to bring in weapons will be turned away, but police will not confiscate those items, officials have said. Demonstrators who do not want to part with their guns may remain armed on city streets. Authorities say they will cut off admission to the rally once the crowd hits a certain number, which they have declined to disclose.

– Gregory S. Schneider and Laura Vozzella in Richmond braces for enormous gun-rights rally Monday


  1. So much for the right to assemble.

    I wonder if the Dems will also demand equal numbers only inside the fence, like they did with the hearings last week.

      • It’s just Democrat tyrants looking to enforce their will on everyone in the state. Only the populace in Arlington and a few other small locations want this. Do they pass it in their city only and leave everyone else alone? Nope. They want everyone as far as Lee county (the tip near W Virginia) to abide by their rules and then call it “the voters have chosen.” LOL The tyrant voters in Arlington have chosen. And they have decided you are going to do what they say, you will embrace their rule, or you will be punished. Ideally the best result here is a take over of Virginia and state lines redrawn to best support multiculturalism, freedom, and federalism. If Arlington wants gun control – then they can have it – in Arlington.

    • Outside the Capitol, authorities used tall chain-link barriers to create a pie-shaped pen for the rally.

      Everyone bring boltcutters!

    • Well, I think the actual phrase is the ‘right to peaceably assemble’.

      I’m wondering, does peaceable include 90 round magazines in an A.R. 15? Or is the phrase to describe that more accurately ‘loaded for bear’?

      • as long as you keep the peace it does not matter but anybody that has carried 90 rounds of ammo would know it gets heavy quickly especially any 30 caliber rounds plus the weight of the gun I would not want to carry it even strapped to my back

      • Miner, parading through the streets with an armed 20 megaton nuke is “peaceable”, you incredible moron! If, while parading, you discharge a few hundred rounds of 7.62 downrange at targets in secure areas, that is STILL peaceable. Taking a club and beating someone over the head is NOT peaceable, as in, the tool involved does not determine whether an action is peaceable or not. And you know that, which makes you a lying piece of shit, since neither you, nor anyone else, could be that stupid.

        • “you a lying piece of shit”

          “It is not what you put into your mouth, but rather what comes out of it, that corrupts you”,
          some bearded guy in sandals.

      • There is NO SUCH THING as a “ 90 round magazine” for an AR-15. If you’re going to make a comment, be informed, if you’re not, ask someone who IS.

      • Miner49er says:
        January 19, 2020 at 12:41
        Well, I think the actual phrase is the ‘right to peaceably assemble’.
        I’m wondering, does peaceable include 90 round magazines in an A.R. 15? Or is the phrase to describe that more accurately ‘loaded for bear’?

        You could CARRY a 50 Cal machine gun with a fuckin wagon load of ammo surrounded by a squad of Marines packing “scary” M4s and side arms backed up by a 60 mm mortar AND, (unless they decide to unleash hell on earth on the opposition) STILL be assembled “peaceably”.. If you are going bear hunting you damn well better be equiped with more than a garden variety AR15 being worn as a necklace no matter what size magazine you’ve got jammed in the magwell… Anybody got a line those 90 round mags? Been looking since I read this but damned if I can find them, guess my 30s and 40s will have to do…

    • President George W. Bush used the same tactic with his use of the so-called Free Speech Zones ( aka designated protest areas ) which were then monitored by the Secret Service. Remember ?

    • Democratic Announcement ; We will change the Rules as we see fit, don’t like it? ..Sue Us….We also own the Judges.

    • This is a trap. Stay away. This will be the 2A Charlottesville.

      Stay away = gun control passing.
      Not staying away = getting labeled an extremist

      You figure out which one is worse.

      • Except, the Dems have the votes to pass everything anyway if they want to.

        Showing up vs staying away doesn’t change that.

      • Except, the Dems have the votes to pass everything anyway if they want to.

        Showing up vs staying away doesn’t change that.

        Disagree. Get 100,000 angry gun owners outside, and they will think twice about passing it. So I disagree with that. The court of public opinion – matters.

      • I’d rather be labeled a “gun nut “ than give up my rights to own and posses a firearm that I want . In the land of como we let that go and now the power ties (NYS police) know where every AR15 is or so they think. Rule by decree

      • The voters of the Commonwealth of Virginia, voted these people into office KNOWING that gun control was their intention. Having a bunch of people from other states come and protest in my back yard does not mean they wont pass the laws that WE the people of Virginia, elected them to pass.

      • The voters of the Commonwealth of Virginia, voted these people into office KNOWING that gun control was their intention. Having a bunch of people from other states come and protest in my back yard does not mean they wont pass the laws that WE the people of Virginia, elected them to pass.

        Disagree. You get enough people – they won’t pass it. Optics are simply too threatening. If you had enough people, you could get every single senator and the governor himself to resign.

      • “…does not mean they wont pass the laws that WE the people of Virginia, elected them to pass.”


        What’s this “we” shit?

        You *want* to elect jack-booted thugs hell-bent on destroying your civil rights? A right considered important enough that it’s number *2* on a top-ten list of basic civil rights, like the right of free speech?

        What is your malfunction, Orland Foster?

      • to Orland Foster

        WE know that Bloomburg dumped some Mn$30 into lccal Virgina elections, flooding those districts wiht lied and fake “studies” to get HIS handpicked goons elected. The viting pubilc, as always, were too lazy to look into things themselves, and thus sold their votes for the Pie in the Sky promised by Bloomie’s lies.

        Now the rubber is on the road, the reality looks a little different.

        got any hard data about how many Virginia residents are there, as compared to out of state rally goers and paid performers (anohter of Bloomie’s deceits)? How about locals who are not IN Virginia, as those who live just outside but often travel or work IN Virginia, and thus ARE affected by VIrginia’s laws?

      • I DISAGREE, I did not vote these people (l use that term very loosely more like lunatics) in nor did I vote for this, my guy is conservative. and he too thinks this is unconstitutional also.

    • There is simply no way ANY government personnel shoot into that crowd. None at all.

      The optics would look like “the shot heard around the world” 2.0.

      It’s not going to happen. EVER. All these conspiracy theories are cutting the crowd size down and gun control will be passed without opposition because people were afraid they would be labelled extremists for protecting their rights of all things.

      REPEAT: If government officials shoot ANYONE in that crowd, their demise is guaranteed, and public opinion will be on the pro 2A side. Why people are promoting the idea of not showing up to the protest is beyond me.

      • It’s like – YES – please do shoot into the crowd and see what happens.

        I’ll line up on the front row – please shoot me – see what happens.

      • “There is simply no way ANY government personnel shoot into that crowd. None at all.

        The optics would look like “the shot heard around the world” 2.0.


      • Worse than Kent State, not as bad as “the shot heard round the world 2.0”.

        Besides. No need to shoot anyone. Just evacuate the government employees claiming “eminent danger”. Spun right it’s evacuation of Saigon 2.0. No one gets hurt and we’re to blame, at least right up front.

        This is why I said people should livestream everything.

      • If there were 250 iphones recording in HD what happened at Kent State, the world would be a different place today. No way the government will shoot, at least not and survive. If you’re there, and not involved in direct combat, record EVERYTHING! When you run out of space and nothing has happened, delete and begin recording again.

      • “REPEAT: If government officials shoot ANYONE in that crowd, their demise is guaranteed, and public opinion will be on the pro 2A side.”

        The video being recorded will show an AntiFa wearing a MAGA hat standing with the Pro 2A supporters opening fire.

        Care to speculate on the optics of that video when picked up and broadcasted by CNN, MSNBC, etc?

        Because you can bet your ass AntiFa will have no problem finding someone willing to “take one for the team” for them…

      • Care to speculate on the optics of that video when picked up and broadcasted by CNN, MSNBC, etc?

        If bullets start flying, the protesters might as well just take the capital. Once the ball gets rolling, you’ll be surprised how many Virginians will jump on it. Take the capital, redraw state lines, and free Virginia from tyrant Arlington’s. Arlington can then pass gun control – on Arlingtons. In the end, the only thing those forcing others to do what they want understand, is force. But it is just, because it allows Arlington’s to do and be what they want, and the rest of Virginia to do and be what they want.

        That and the winners write the history books, so it doesn’t matter what CNN reports at that point.

        Regardless, the problem with gun control is the federal government. If the federal government were extremely limited, it wouldn’t matter if a majority of states passed gun control, because at least there would be a place for people like us. But democrats want to win a majority of the states so they can win a majority in the federal gov, so they can pass gun control and other regulations we don’t want broadly over the entirety of the US, leaving no place for people like us. In other words – Democrats are intolerant bigots, but we all knew that anyways.

        There is no way around it. The US is deeply multicultural. Assimilation didn’t work. And now we are divided greatly by culture. The solution is less federal government. More states (maybe 100 states, maybe 150). And more federalism.

    • I’m a non-white, gun owning, born and bred American who visits Tysons Corner from time-to-time, and I find your comment reprehensible.

      • Well, if you support gun rights, we like you. Stick around and smash stereotypical viewpoints.

        I know some individuals, racial minorities, that support gun rights. However the majority of those I know do not. And just because someone is “white” and is an “immigrant” doesn’t mean they support gun rights. I would say most immigrating from Europe will support gun control, not gun rights.

        In fact, I would say immigrants of any kind from any place of any race immigrating to the US (of any color) would more than likely not – support gun rights. Which makes us to a degree unique, which democrats detest. They don’t want uniqueness – they want equality. Globally.

      • I have more important things to worry about than what color somebody is. Like what’s for breakfast and is there any cream for my coffee. Are you down with the program, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, the vision our forefathers had for the country. Then we’re good.

    • Aesop at The Raconteur Report has been saying similar things for some time now.

      He also has some suggestions as to what to have done instead of setting up a massive presence.

        • We’ve been saying that for years in NY. Upstate is dying, but there are still enough conservatives left to dethrone Cuomo and install a Republican. But it won’t happen, because people don’t and won’t vote. It’s massively frustrating. Being angry on the internet is apparently much easier. Will Virginia follow suit? I hope not.

        • Haven’t you heard? Everyone is basically the exact same as a gun grabbing democrat, except for that mythical candidate that has no chance of winning, or more likely doesn’t really exist. So the best thing you could do is stay home and whine about it.

  2. Amazing how the three L’s support walking around in public by the thousands smoking dope. Wearing a strap on dildo well fitted for public attire. Having sex in sex public with a permission slip from the government. Shooting up crystal meth to improve their sexual experience in public. Overweight women walking around with exposed sagging breast.
    These and others are all distractions.

    But you can’t address your representatives for redress of grievances. The three L’s only support distractions. They will always put distractions first over more substantive issues.

    • “Overweight women walking around with exposed sagging breast.”

      Are you referring to dog the bounty Hunter?

      Your interior mental landscape sure must be depressing, I have enough to worry about with my own appearance to take notice of others.

      • Here you can check out the pictures of these ladies sagging exposed breasts yourself. Personally I prefer older women but the must have class.
        This is typical for the Libertarians Liberals and the Left to try and distract people and the Press from more substantive matters. But this is what the three L’s do.

        “Rally at the Texas State Capitol”

        I can add a Link of the Liberal women walking around with a strap on dildo, well fitted for public attire, If you want to see that too. Just ask.

      • btw
        I don’t have to make up anything that I say. The Libertarians Liberals and the Left provide all the photographic evidence that I need. They can’t wait to expose themselves to the general public. They have no self control.

  3. It used to be year after year. Now…

    Day after day…restriction after restriction…infringement after infringement…

    Pushed too hard…pushed too far…

  4. Maybe you should wear a pink pussy hat or a antigun tee shirt. While folks who look like they might be progun are probably held up by restrictive searches they might just get to walk right in.
    If done right multiple Moms could waltz in for every pro gunner.
    I have the wrong complexion ( olive) many times I have gone through extended checks while others at the airport quickly get through the line. They did not hold up the line to do an extended check on me.
    Same probably will happen there.

  5. I wonder if, like in Washington state, ANTIFA will get a pass on their violent acts. And, imagine that, they will corral a small number of people to allow them access to their lawmakers.

    I also wonder just how realistic their credible sources for acts of violence are, and if they will be held accountable if/when they turn out to be false. Much like Red Flag Laws, they are treating law-abiding gun advocates as if they are guilty before they even show up.

    Although born in the Tide Water, I don’t live in Virginia anymore or within 500 miles of Richmond, but last weekend our Kentucky County’s Fiscal Court passed a resolution to become a Second Amendment Sanctuary. I will admit I’m not sure if a resolution carries near as much legal weigh as an ordinance or law. But its a start.

    • They are already insinuating that the opposition to gun control is nut case white supremist individuals. This seems like a planned riot that blame patriots and not ANTIFA. I think the news that ANTIFA is against the anti gun proposals is just a fake. Proceed with caution ! None of this would be necessary if the supreme court and elected officials honored their oaths and defended the constitution instead of attacking it.

    • That’s right. People could have a coordinated bolt cutting where a count down commences and then several openings in the fences occur at the same moment and thousands of unvetted protesters pour in.


        • Probably go into full panic mode and open fire. When one LEO opens fire, the rest will because that is how they are trained. When they see a fellow LEO mag dumping, they are told to blindly mag dump too. Hopefully this won’t happen.

    • This. Exactly this.

      The fence is unconstitutional. The restriction of 2A protected rights is unconstitutional. The restriction of 1A protected rights is unconstitutional.

  6. I’d argue for the rally to proceed outside the fences. Let the governor and his folks hide behind their walls… And make it clear that their ability to harm the people they ostensibly represent extends to the edge of the chain link fence and no further.

    • Perfect optics friend.

      I would not enter the kill zone unarmed.

      100,000+ armed Citizens surrounding the scoundrels!


      • They have sent most of the government employees home.

        You don’t really think that Blackface Northam will actually walk out of the Capital to address 100,000 gun owners, do you?

        No, he’s fowl beyond measure (bawk!). He’s sitting somewhere else “monitoring” developments where his precious self is not in danger.

        Everyone be cool. Remember: there are still a lot of proposed laws that Virginia lawmakers have not yet taken up for review and vote. Your power can dissuade them from doing so. Violence will guarantee that they pass everything and more.

        Do NOT give the national gun-grabbers a reason to grab everyone’s guns everywhere. Even though the focus today is Virginia, there is far more in play than just one state. Remember the Supreme Court has not yet issued their opinions. Those could be massive wins for the POTG but if there is violence they could decide against us and damage the cause for decades.

    • ^This^

      A sea of peaceful, but passionate people, armed yet not rushing the Overlords’ barricades — that’s an image. The “safe space” full of as many as they’ll let in.

      Calm outside defuses false flag provocateurs inside. All that disarming didn’t stop any violence. Calm outside makes the case that it ain’t the guns or tbe gunny people.


    • Continuing the rally outside the Democrats’ fortifications is an excellent plan, but only if (as Hong Kong) we are prepared to maintain that protest for months, refusing to allow any Coonmen past the barricades, and so forth. No government until the question is addressed. And I don’t expect that is going to happen.

  7. That’s complete BS limiting crowd sizes and herding ppl but it’s still gonna be surrounded by thousands hopefully tens of thousands.

  8. MOBS ONCE RAISED “…(t)he first movers in the affair meant mainly an assault on the house of the deputy register who, by various mal-practices, had made himself highly obnoxious to persons doing business in his office. But mobs, once raised, soon become ungovernable by new and large accessions, and extend beyond their intentions far beyond those of the original instigators.”

    Governor Hutchinson’s mansion Boston Mass. 1765.

  9. My thoughts on Monday come from the great theologian Mike Tyson;

    “Everyone has a plan until then get punched in the mouth.”

    My question to the State of Virginia; what IF 100,000 Armed Citizens show up. It’s possible. What if the crowd doesn’t buy your threats and intimidation?

    Then what?

    Frankly, I hope 100,000 + armed Citizens show up. If the State uses force let it begin in Virginia.

    • With the surprising growth of 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties, Northam and the Soros funded Democrats lost control of their gun-control narrative. They are now desperate to get it back so we can plan on them using crisis-actors (also Soros funded) like Antifa, along with the local police to confront and attempt to discredit the pro-2nd Amendment demonstrators.

      There’s going to be a lot at state on Monday and the potential cost in terms of loss of political capital is several times greater for Northam and the gun-controllers than it is for the pro-2nd Amendment supporters.
      Fortunately, the VA 2nd Amendment folks—now abetted by some very experienced PR savvy NRA back-up—have proven themselves to be several steps ahead of the gun-controllers.

      Frankly, if just several hundred (several thousand would be even better) arms carrying 2nd Amendment supporters show up in one gathering, freedom and liberty and our constitutional rights wins the day. The analog for this coming confrontation is Bundy Ranch where several hundred armed citizens came together to successfully face down governmental tyranny. Northam and his gun-controllers would be foolish to pick a fight with several hundred or several thousand armed citizens who are doing no more than exercising their constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.

  10. I dunno what’s going to happen. The local ABC Chiraq “news” actually reported in a neutral way this morning. No crazy confederate gun nut references. Gun right’s advocates. Right after reporting on the latest mass shooter

    being denied bond after plugging 13…it’s COLD!

  11. Here’s hoping the pro-people are thinking. And organizing.

    Frustrating me, I don’t want to even comment on what they might usefully do. Tbe anti-people are screwing up. But don’t interrupt yr opposition when they’re making a mistake. Especially don’t tell them how you’re gonna use it.

    • When voters reared their ugly heads he bravely turned his tail and fled, brave, brave Sir Coonman!

      This is the Democrat party in a nutshell.

      A Klan hood-wearing buffoon violating the First Amendment and the Second at the same time…smearing his opponents in the press, locking them out of public property, treating lawful assembly like a crime…and running away so he doesn’t have to see the consequences.

  12. Here’s hoping that nothing happens. Then they look silly. Suboptimal but acceptable is a group like Antifa starts trouble.

    Someone on our side starts shit and this is going to go downhill national wide pretty damn fast.

  13. I hope no Pro 2nd Amendment supporters do ANYTHING stupid because it will reflect badly on all the rest and its exactly what the anti 2nd Amendment and democratic politicians want to happen, so they can say, I told you so.
    Be smart and don’t let anything bring us all into a bad light be doing something stupid. There may be people there trying to incite trouble and pretend to be 2nd Amendment supporters.

        • This old guy only uses iron sights. 1911s, revolvers, rifles and shotguns.

          I learned to shoot in the draft Army. All we had were iron sights.

    • Yes and no. I don’t object to them doing “something stupid”, if they go ahead and get it done. Which would create a shortage of body bags in VA.

    • Be smart and don’t let anything bring us all into a bad light…

      Doesn’t matter. We could do nothing at all, and they would represent us in a bad light. You have to push through the PC nonsense. It doesn’t matter what you look like. They will label you something terrible regardless.

    • BUT, ANTIFA has already announced they will be attending on the 2A side, so even if THEY start shit it will still be reported as a “GUN NUT” that went off the rails.. In fact whatever happens inside that fenced in area will be laid at the feet of the “vetted” pro 2A crowd, so cutting fences and storming the grounds with a bunch of “armed, uncontrollable crazies” just lets them tout how right they were to put all these restrictions in place for the safety of the people.. Lastly it would not be the first time that the govt. planted a few trouble makers in a crowd to help “move” their agenda along… Good luck to those of you planning on attending and watch out for that sucker punch…..

  14. While I don’t live in Virginia or have any idea on how this was planned, it boggles my mind that VCDL would hold this rally AFTER Gov Blackface and his cronies took office. As we’ve seen this past week they will do everything in their power to minimize the impact of this rally. I only hope that as many others have mentioned, heads will stay cool on our side, as ANY issue will be used as a “we told you so” from Blackface.

    • Even if nothing happens, the media will amplify the white supremacist, gun extremist angle. They’re trying to turn it into a lose lose situation.

    • “As we’ve seen this past week they will do everything in their power to minimize the impact of this rally.”

      As we’ve seen… And others have seen. And the internet is forever. Rep govt, except no rep for you.

    • I’m a Member of The VCDL. This is Lobby Day. We have done this EVERY Year for 20 years. Why in the hell would We not do it now? Now is the time We definitely will do it. In 20 years there has NEVER been an incident. Peaceful Lobby Day. Period. Northam and His cronies are scared. This time they have Really “Poked The Bear”. Lot’s of People are showing up! From Everywhere! Good! That is called Liberty.
      Thomas Jefferson : “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

  15. They’re limiting crowd size because “patriots” have been complaining that the area is unsafe for them and it will be a kill zone. So for public safety only a limited amount of those coming for the 2nd Amendment will be allowed in.

    GG, “patriots.” If it wasn’t for you things would have been very different. You keep giving them opportunities to “legally” do what they are doing. Might as well let Richard Spencer and Alex Jones be your speakers.

    • Really. And how do you suggest that anyone could tell the difference between communists and 2A supporters? Is there a law that they have to wear uniforms? What a stupid comment.

      • The Paramilitary Lunatics will be heavily armed and waving Nazi and Confederate Flags (interchangeable)

        The Normal people that are agreeing with the new laws will be unarmed. It was like that at the Nazi Rally at Charlottsville or have you forgotten so soon.

        • ┊┊┊┊╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲┈

          “VLAD the CNN TROLL…..”

    • Yeah. Way down where the cameras won’t be able to see you and no one cares. That will show the governor…

    • Don’t enter the fenced in kill zone.

      They will not kill ANYONE. Guaranteed. There is Zero chance they fire into that crowd. It would look like “the shot heard around the world” 2.0. Them shooting into the crowd will accomplish precisely the opposite of what they want. If anything, the crowd needs to push them to fire on them. Preferably unarmed. Public outrage will take care of the rest.

    • Good read. The Oathkeepers seem to be on top of it as far as armed outside security, unfortunately there are a lot of places an agitator can hide in the streets.

      • You’re going to have to show me a fruitcake leftist who pulls a gun and starts shooting when everybody around him is armed. They are COWARDS, they intend to arrange to be the only ones armed so that they can terrorize the citizenry. When they may be challenged by so much as harsh words, they will disappear.

        • “You’re going to have to show me a fruitcake leftist who pulls a gun and starts shooting when everybody around him is armed. They are COWARDS, they intend to arrange to be the only ones armed so that they can terrorize the citizenry. When they may be challenged by so much as harsh words, they will disappear.”

          In 2019 there were armed attacks on ICE facilities by Leftists. They attacked full well knowing the facilities were full of armed federal agents, yet the Leftist terrorists went in shooting anyway.
          Not every Leftist is a pussy hat wearing Soy Boy who is unsure of his own gender.

  16. There’s been hundreds of other gun rallies with counter protesters and many people carrying firearms and I’ve never seen or heard about anyone getting shot at one. At the very least it’s a very rare occurrence. Why should this one be any different? Even Antifa is on our side on this and anti gunners are mostly pacifists. I don’t think the boogaloo is going to happen.

    • If you trust an anti-fascist group that uses FASCIST tactics to fight fascism then you are already lost….

      • I never said I trusted them but their goals and our seem to align on this one. They don’t want to be disarmed either.

        • I COULD be grossly misinformed, but the ONLY instance that I am aware of where an alleged member of ANTIFA used any type of firearm for anything was when the dumbass in Washington state tried to blow up an ICE facility armed with a home built “ghost” AR15 (got his ass “martyred” for his efforts)….. I would prefer they stick to taking down Old people and Gay bloggers with sticks and frozen water bottles…. There are enough credible lawful pro gun advocates to deal with this shit without their terrorist methods (riots, burning shit, breaking windows, gang assaults, terroristic threatening, mayhem and general destruction of public and private property) thanks but no thanks to the antifa-scum….

    • Antifa is not on our side. They oppose laws that would disarm them simply because they’ll require guns to put us all in Gulags. If they ever come into real power, disarming everyone else would be their first objective.

    • ” Even Antifa is on our side on this…”

      A *FEW* Antifa said they were on our side, and you sure as hell can’t trust them.

  17. Well, as a planning assumption, any new comment bot here advocating “it’s time” is an agent provocareur.

  18. So Antifa is going to start trouble? Good. Maybe we’ll learn something once they show us what to do.

    Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. That’s why there is a Second Amendment, and that’s why the Dems want to repeal it.

  19. Broadcast your videos over a game system. This is how the Hong Kong freedom fighters got their videos past the communist/socialist internet companies blockade. You don’t have to rely on You Tube. Go for it blockade runners!

  20. So, the governor starts this nonsense, invites agitators by implementing a half baked plan, and tells his staff to stay away because his police and security aren’t going to be able to protect them. Yet, the most law abiding among society are disarmed? OK. The man is a coward, and a fool.

  21. Who wants to bet that only the small number of protestors allowed past the fence will make it on TV? In between heart/penis pill commercials, the newscasters will mention “credible threats of violence” from “extremists” in hushed tones.

  22. Dictator tactics. You must remove that Governor from Office. How you do it up to you, but get it done.

  23. Ole Black Face likes going after amendments, doesn’t he? He’ll declare martial law and limit crowds even more.

  24. Ten million people standing around waving signs and chanting isn’t going to deter these radical Dems. All you protesters are just wasting your time and money. Their minds are made up and there ain’t no changing that fact. You voted for them and they see that as their mandate by the people. So waste all the time you want on this worthless rally. I believe you deserve what you voted for.

    I’ll also say the time for peaceful protest has past. It’s going to take violence to accomplish anything anymore. They don’t understand anything else, hence antifas tactics to date.

    I don’t have a dog in this hunt and wouldn’t waste my time to help a bunch of morons who voted Democrats into office. You deserve what you voted for.

    • Ten million people standing around waving signs and chanting isn’t going to deter these radical Dems.

      I disagree. You get 10 million people there, they will take a dump in their pants and then exit the capital through the secret tunnel.

    • ………”wouldn’t waste my time to help a bunch of morons who voted Democrats into office. You deserve what you voted for.”..

      I believe this is a case of the large city voters having the majority and imposing their will on the rest of the State.

      Several States have the same issue…Maybe it’s time for a State level Electoral College? or similar*…some mechanism to keep a level playing field..

      • States need to be divided up for better federalism.
        Federal gov needs to leave states alone and mind their own bus. Federal government has zero business passing gun control or any such regulations. Federal agencies need to be dissolved and their services/tasks taken over by state control. Otherwise the federal government is simply a faction imposing their will on the rest of the nation.

    • ” Ten million people standing around waving signs ”

      Yeah, but what the hell, it’s still gonna be one helluva party, no matter how it turns out. Much better than tailgating at the Superbowl.

  25. more prepping the battlespace on all levels physical (cages with only one entrance/exit etc..) and mental/emotional (dezinformatsiya) by the state organs

  26. BS they cannot limit our 1st Amendment right to assemble! All Come!

    They are only limiting the number inside the fence to 10k on capitol Grounds with Blackface Northam illegal order!

    The streets all around this place will be filled with people!

    Many Channels on Youtube will be streaming it. Just search VCDL Lobby Day,VCDL,VCDL Rally,2A Rally etc.

    VCDL will have loudspeakers outside the fence! It will be live on WRVA radio,1140 AM /96.1

    “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury Vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803). “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.” Miranda Vs. Arizona, 384 US 436 p. 491. ” An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton Vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p. 442

  27. BS they cannot limit our 1st Amendment right to assemble! All Come!

    They are only limiting the number inside the fence to 10k on capitol Grounds with Blackface Northam illegal order!

    The streets all around this place will be filled with people!

    Many Channels on Youtube will be streaming it. Just search VCDL Lobby Day,VCDL,VCDL Rally,2A Rally etc.

    VCDL will have loudspeakers outside the fence! It will be live on WRVA radio,1140 AM /96.1

    “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury Vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803). “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.” Miranda Vs. Arizona, 384 US 436 p. 491. ” An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton Vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p. 442

  28. A lot of noise tomorrow.

    And maybe A few gun toting Nazi’s get gunned down by storm troopers.

    Governor will have a good laugh and then take a royal shit and wipe his ass with 2A.

    All Anti-gun bills will be passed.

    Gun hating courts will bless said laws.

    2A buried and forgotten in yet another State.

    Conclusion: So what else is new in Capitalvania. Trump obeys no laws when he gets help from Russia to win the election so why should the Dems in Power obey any? What goes around comes around.

    Advice: 2020 elections just around the corner so dump all your high capacity weapons now while you still can get some money for them. After 2020 you will be allowed to own single shot muzzle loaders but that is only until they take them too.

    • Americans beat tyranny with muskets once. Just because you hate freedom doesn’t mean any one else does.

    • Relax Vlad, we all know you love totalitarianism as long as you approve of it. No need to keep spamming nonsense when deep down even you know the anti 2a statist left have just about spent their political capital.

    • I will not COMPLY!

      I will not voluntarily register or surrender firearms. I’m not dumping any firearms.

      You think they can take half million firearms from 120 million people?

      Say when

    • What Vlad has yet to figure out is once the commies take over, his days as a useful idiot are over. Likely he’ll be one of the first to be lined up against the wall.

      • What Vlad has yet to figure out is once the commies take over, his days as a useful idiot are over. Likely he’ll be one of the first to be lined up against the wall.

        Naw, Vlad and those like it will be given jobs in the new Ministry of Misinformation (formerly known as CNN) much like the loser sheep in Nineteen Eighty-four, doing as they are told… Already spreading Big Brothers bullshit (aka talking points, “Newspeak”, “doublethink”, or just plain propaganda) like it was being paid to do it, Vlad will be a natural, chained to a desk, govt monitored computer, handler whispering bullshit in its ear and Vlad doing exactly what its told by the Overlords.. Pretty much just like its doing now except instead of his mommas basement it will be locked up in a room chained to desk with a hundred more moronic clowns that have no ability to think for themselves….

  29. Of course nothing will change a single vote for these bills including the racist governor signature . You have the courts and ballot box to contest with.
    In the meantime suppress your speech, keep a low profile, move if you have to and see if the courts do anything about it.
    If they can flip virginia like this every state is next. Heller be damned.

  30. Isn’t it fun to play tough-guy on computer keyboards? I’m reading a lot of people talking a big game, but they are not going to do anything.

    • Probably what they thought on April 19, 1775.

      Patrick Henry was a key board commando. Right!

      I know your type, you went to Canada.

    • Why are you complaining about what other people are not doing? Go do it. Stop complaining… and go do it. Your complaining about what other people are not doing, makes it look like you are the kind of person that is going to do nothing, otherwise you wouldn’t be complaining. Stop complaining about what other people are not doing – for you.

      • I complain all the time about what others are NOT doing….
        Only a mouth breathing commie thinks they can do this alone….
        This will require the help of MILLIONS to accomplish….
        So yes, I will complain about what others are NOT doing….. until Americans get off their fat lazy a$$es we will be in danger from tyranny…

  31. Thanks to whomever put out the live broadcast stations for tomorrow I appreciate it.
    1140 am and 96.1 FM
    Any Hams out there broadcast what you can and show it on youtube live.

      • Yea I think the AM channel might be the best one because 96.1 is a music station here in SW Pa. I couldn’t see them airing this and not getting the ad money. I just copied the info from someone further up. Hope it helps!
        Honestly I haven’t been this glued to the news since Irans retaliation for the Soleimani strike.

  32. “Outside the Capitol, authorities used tall chain-link barriers to create a pie-shaped pen for the rally.”

    So…according to the (anti gun) dems it’s AOK to toss a bunch of “gun rights extremists” in a chain link cage with no toilet and medical facilities…..but not for illegal aliens caught border jumping. Amirite?

    Holy Shit . The time of blood of patriots and tyrants” might be drawing nearer.

  33. Governor coonman is frightened but will be snug in his safe-house surrounded by personal security details. Those he fears will be oppressed in very cold weather by state police. It’ll be a nice demonstration but it won’t change his resolve to trample and destroy those parts of the Constitution that he doesn’t like.

    The people couldn’t hate him and his pals any more than they already do. It’ll end as a stalemate and his repressive new laws will be rejected by the Supreme Court. Hopefully, his serfs will remember this wasteful exercise and throw all the democrats out within a year or two. Virginia desperately needs peace and order.

  34. Gun violence is the go-to-term for grabbers and confiscators. It’s brilliant for public relations and incendiary to owners of firearms. Nobody says, “That gun is violent.” Literate persons say, “That person is violent.” Violence is a quality that applies to people and actions, not objects.

    The term is wrong in many ways, but psychologically, it is powerful. It’s why The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence proudly chose its name. If you ever hear someone use this expression, hide your guns.

    Use of the term “gun violence” has become a mainstay of the democrat flimflam because it narrows the focus to fit the objective. The objective of course is to disarm the American public. Think about it. Have you ever heard the term “gun gentleness” used by a politician or anyone else?

    No? Then ask yourself why the democrat party doesn’t focus on just violence instead of gun violence. Fact is they’re after guns, not violence. They couldn’t care less about the entire field of violence because it commingles criminals with peaceable, lawful citizens and deflects from their intended focus on citizens.

    Democrats hope to transform firearms owners into dependents. Once they’re dependent on the government, democrats will choose which of them they’ll allow to own firearms. Unfortunately, that privilege will be reserved for party bosses.

    Democrats want citizens to believe making the U.S. safer for criminals will make it safer for their victims. Ask yourself, do you believe being disarmed makes you safer? What kind of political leader would disarm his people while howling about the peril they face?

  35. I think this article has too many words in it. We cut off how many writers write. You can only own so many guns. You have the right to remain silent until we torture you then you lose that right. You have the right to due process until we end that right. Freedom of religion exists because we recognize your religion…until we no longer recognize it. Does anyone see the Democrats patern here?

  36. KUDOs to the LAWFUL gun owners in attendance at Lobbying Day, making this a “non-event” has shown Northam for the lying coward that he is and has blown big holes in his “CREDIBLE THREAT” bullshit… AND a big ol FUCK YOU to You Tube, Google and Yahoo for your Communistic attempts to shut down any decent feeds comming out of the event, way to stomp on the 1st while your Komrads karry on with their plans to shred the 2nd, good job, I hope your overlords give you an extra tablespoon of gruel tonight…..

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