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Now let’s blame the choo-choos . . . Railroad Thefts and Guns: A Deadly Mix in Chicago – “When street-gang thieves slipped with ease into a Norfolk Southern rail yard on Chicago’s South Side and ripped locks off one train, they likely expected to see merchandise like toys or tennis shoes. What they beheld instead was a gangster’s jackpot: box after box of brand new guns. The guns had been en route from New Hampshire weapon maker Sturm, Ruger & Co. to Spokane, Washington. Instead, the .45-caliber Ruger revolvers and other firearms spread quickly into surrounding high-crime neighborhoods. Along with two other major gun thefts within three years, the robbery helped fuel a wave of violence on Chicago’s streets.”

From the Huffington Post, so you know it’s gotta be good . . . The Invisible Way Guns Are Used To Keep Women In Abusive Relationships – “A new study published in the Journal of Women’s Health by Susan B. Sorenson, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, is now shedding light on the psychological impact of gun use in abusive relationships. Working with the police department in Philadelphia, Sorenson examined 35,000 domestic violence incidents that occurred in the city in 2013, the most recent year in which complete data was available. She studied the role of guns in domestic incidents, and looked at what effect they had on victims.”

Two critical pieces of pro-gun rights legislation are coming up for a hearing in the House Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee on Wednesday, March 8th at 10:15am:

HF188:  Constitutional Carry (also known as Permitless Carry)

HF238:  Defense of Person and Dwelling Act (also known in other states as “Stand your Ground”)

These are the two centerpieces of our 2017 legislative agenda — and this year we have the best chance of passing them through the legislature because of the work that supporters like you did during the 2016 elections – by putting a pro-Second Amendment legislature in place in both house of the Minnesota legislature.

The NRA’s way or the highway . . . NRA went too far opposing domestic violence provisions of Utah gun bill – so its sponsors are killing it – “…Gov. Gary Herbert made clear that he would veto that (constitutional carry) bill, as he had before. So (Rep. Lee) Perry came out with a new measure, HB237, aimed at trying to keep guns out of the hands of perpetrators of domestic violence, and the NRA flipped — hard. The group sent email blasts to its members urging them to oppose the bill, testifying against it and, according to Sen. Curt Bramble, the Senate sponsor of the bill, threatening to campaign against anyone who supported the measure. It was so bad that earlier this session Bramble threw the NRA lobbyist out of his office after, the Provo Republican said, the lobbyist threatened to campaign against him.”

Comp-Tac to Start Selling Cardboard IDPA and USPSA Targets- Presale Starts March 3rd –  HOUSTON, Texas – Comp-Tac Victory Gear, the top holster choice for IDPA members in competition and concealed carry for the last 5 years, is expanding their product offerings to include cardboard targets. Comp-Tac has been licensed by IDPA and USPSA as an official (licensed) target supplier. Comp-Tac will start pre-selling targets March 3rd – 20th , with shipping to start on March 21st. Comp-Tac is also offering customers the option to pick up their orders to reduce shipping costs.

Keeping kids safe in the Gem State . . . Idaho bill proposes gun safety classes as electives in public high schools – “The idea behind the bill is to teach students about responsible gun ownership and what to do when you see one. Some local gun experts had some questions about the bill. First of all, the guns would be real, but the ammo would be absent. ‘We’re just talking about guns and gun safety, we’re not getting into marksmanship and gun clubs or anything like that,’ Nate said.”

Caleb did well to hold this to only 9:32. You could probably produce a feature-length film de-bunking Hollywood gun nonsense.

Apparently not all Europeans are civilian disarming statists . . . Czechs debate gun rights amendment to ensure EU can’t tighten rules – “Czech lawmakers are weighing a proposal to amend their constitution to guarantee citizens the right to keep and bear arms, according to EURACTIV. Social Democrats, the eastern European nation’s main party, support the right to acquire and carry a gun for the sake of safety. But other political parties, particularly ANO 2011, firmly oppose the amendment. Interior Minister Milan Chovanec, who drafted the proposal, is optimistic it will be passed by the Czech Parliament, EURACTIV reported.”

News from the new New Jersey . . . Hawaii: Anti-Gun Legislation Passes Committee – “Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee met for a decision making hearing on Senate Bill 898. During the hearing, no oral testimony was permitted; however, many provided written testimony in opposition, pointing out the many flaws and constitutional concerns. Despite this strong opposition, the committee passed the bill with technical amendments. This was the final committee hurdle before heading to the floor. While the bill has not been scheduled for a vote yet, it is imperative that you contact your state Senator and urge them to oppose this misguided gun-control bill.”

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

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  1. ““When street-gang thieves slipped with ease into a Norfolk Southern rail yard on Chicago’s South Side and ripped locks off one train, they likely expected to see merchandise like toys or tennis shoes…”

    un-huh. The article says the prosecutor claims that it was not an inside job. I call BS, especially given the previous theft of guns from the same place.

    Doesn’t mean the railworkers are doing the theft. But I bet someone is reading a manifest and tipping someone off.

    • ‘…the .45-caliber Rug er revolvers and other fir earms spread quickly into surrounding high-crime neighborhoods.’

      Just guessing that Vaqueros aren’t the go-to gun for gang bangers. I’m not sure you can even shoot them sideways.

    • Yup.

      Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time you know there’s intent and design.

  2. I’m with you Hannibal. And they just “happened upon” boatloads of guns 3 times? Inside homie…speaking of which didja’ catch the gun battle with an AR pistol? A real one too? Quite a sight…

  3. Are all of these trains coming from the Indiana Gun Show or what? After all, President Obama said…

    • The Indiana gun show guns come in on a conveyor belt. It’s really slick, like the automated ones that move packages at UPS. They roll ’em right into the hoods, man. Sick!

  4. “…there is no need to set the right to possession of weapon by a constitutional law…”

    The word you’re looking for is enumerate. And yes, yes there is.

  5. The railroads are so sick of Chicago, there is a plan to build a new rail line that bypasses the area entirely:

    It will be an uphill battle, because people don’t want railroad tracks in their back yard. Go figure. But they realize that Chicago has failed as a rail hub. It’s little more than a huge choke point that adds days to transit times.

    Chicago’s abysmal failure to control its own crime adds insult to injury for those who want to send freight through the area.

    • Perhaps S,R&Co. should get wise and avoid rail transport. I’m guessing you can fit at least about 15,000 handguns per truckload (4 per sq.ft.). How much per unit can you save by rail? I’d be willing to pay the extra 50 cents.

  6. Dubya has become a pathetic sock-puppet of the left.
    He’s really a liberal Connecticut yankee who would have renewed the AWB in 2004 — “Send me a bill and I will sign it”.
    Frankly, Cheney should have at least spent a couple of months in county lock-up for his carelessness.

    • I’ve never been to a game farm, but a friend who frequently wingshoots at such places told me, back when it happened, that it was the fault of the guy Cheney shot for being where he wasn’t supposed to be. Apparently when a bird comes up, everybody needs to be in his assigned spot so that you can safely shoot at the bird without stopping to inventory your fellow hunters before raising your gun.

  7. I’m not real sure Bush, Cheney and Rice are out of the woods yet. There may yet be a case for charging them all over lying and fabricating evidence to enable Bush to invade a country for his own personal vendetta against it’s president. Bush stood on top of 3,000 +/- bodies and went out of his way to protect the one country that most likely financed and trained the killers. Saudi Arabia.

  8. BTW, I had been looking for a decent holster for my 686 for many years when I read a Daily Digest item about Comp-Tac on TTAG. I ordered one of their holsters for my 6″ S&W L-Frame and it is SWEET. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it is a competition holster, which means it has essentially ZERO retention ability other than keeping the thing from falling out when you jog along.

    If you need a holster for a big revolver, these guys are the bomb.

  9. Wait, so the guns fueled the violence? People buy guns here in Houston every day at retail. I don’t see those people running around committing crime sprees.

    So when gangs kill for expensive shoes, does the media blame the shoes for fueling the violence, or is that the guns, too? Where are the headlines screaming “This high dollar footwear of the Olympics has no place on our city streets!”

  10. I used to work for one of the railroads with facilities in the Chicago area. One of my colleagues was transferred to a maintenance supervisory position there. The company police suggested that he carry on the job. This was long before Illinois was forced to grant permits.

    When I started working, more than forty years ago, I was told about a newly hired railroad police officer who didn’t survive his first day on the job. He and the experienced officer who was training him came across some thieves emptying a box car. The new guy was sent to find a phone and call for backup. He was shot to death on the way.

    East Saint Louis was another hell hole. Although illegal and against company policy, most of the yard workers carried. One of them said, “Life is cheap here. Flat screen TVs, on the other hand….”

  11. Utah Senat

    Republican (24)
    Democratic (5)

    Utah House

    Republican (63)
    Democratic (12)

    What is the problem white 2/3 override rhino herbt for full loadet constitutional carry ??

  12. I missed this the last time I went through the article:
    “Comp-Tac is also offering customers the option to pick up their orders to reduce shipping costs.”

    I (recently, within the last two months) asked Comp-Tac about bringing one of my pistols in to make sure it fit the kydex shell for a related model and was told that “Because we do contracts for the Department of Defense, nobody is ever allowed to visit our facilities”

    Now they’re letting people drive trucks onto their property to pick up targets? Are they going to set up a secondary location as a pickup center or something?

  13. I was a railroad special agent for the Chicago and Northwestern (now the Union Pacific) on Chicago’s west side from 1976 to 1984 when I decided that was pretty much all the excitement I needed and became a small town police chief in rural northern Illinois. The pay was excellent and the job was incredibly exciting. There was not a single week that went by that I didn’t fire off a couple of rounds. And a couple of times I fired a lot.

    The gangs along the rail lines know pretty well what type of cargo is in every train car or piggy back trailer. Here’s an example. How do you think the manufacturers get guns from their plants out to the distributors and from there out to the FFLs? If you guessed via UPS you’re absolutely right. And UPS trailers are quite frequently (hundreds every day) via piggyback rail service.

    So, if I wanted to hit a parked trailer in a rail yard waiting to be picked up and placed on a piggyback rail car, which one would I hit for a guaranteed return on my investment of time, energy and medium danger? UPS trailers are secured by a single quarter inch cable tie on the right door of the trailer.

    There not even locked.

    It absolutely would not be probable that it was an inside job. The gangs in Chicago have been doing this FOR DECADES.
    The powers that be in Chicago just don’t want people to know.

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