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Killington resort snow gun (courtesy

“Ski resorts in Vermont are upgrading their snowmaking equipment with help from a statewide energy efficiency program,” reports. “Efficiency Vermont is offering rebates from $500 to up to $4,000 in a snow gun exchange program. Resorts trade in four older snow guns for every five new energy efficient ones they buy. The deal pushed Killington resort to boost its investment in snowmaking equipment, said Dave Lacombe, head of snowmaking. ‘We’re purchasing about $2 million worth of snow guns this year, which is a huge, huge deal to us.” You bet it’s a deal. Efficiency Vermont pays for those rebates from an “energy efficiency charge” on Green Mountain State residents’ electric bills. Some $45.9m in 2014. Imagine if you got a rebate on old firearms (against new firearms) paid for by a policing surcharge on your tax bill. Who’d be bitching then?

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  1. RF I would be bitching. Govt has no damn reason to be sticking its nose and our tax dollars into private sector business activity. For example the idiotic Pittman Robinson tax. Repeal of that one 70 years overdue.

    • No! Part of that money is earmarked for public ranges! Without Pittman-Robertson we wouldn’t have all beautiful, well maintained public ranges that literally cover the country.

      /sarcasm off

  2. Another slow day. What about the guy in Helen, Ga that shot himself through the hand and killed a woman across the street? . Did I miss him on TTAG?

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