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Video Overview of Brownells New Retro AR Rifle Line, Plus Hands-On

Jeremy S. - comments No comments

I swung by the Brownells booth this morning to get hands-on with their new line of Retro AR rifles. They were also kind enough to do an overview of the various models and standout features on video (below). Upon handling them . . .


I was completely happy. They don’t look or feel like any corners were cut. None of the made-just-for-them retro / historically-accurate parts seemed cheap or hastily thrown together. Machining, finish, and fit (where I was able to wiggle and pull) were all great. But, as Chris pointed out, not too great. Historically accurate great.

The TTAG crew is certainly excited to get our hands on a couple of these rifles — likely one from the Retro 5.56 line (which is already in stock and available here) and one from the Retro AR 308 line. Stay tuned.

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Jeremy S.

Jeremy is TTAG's Deputy Editor, working mostly behind the scenes but, when he attempts to write, he focuses on comprehensive gun & gear reviews. Jeremy strives to collect objective data whenever possible, and looks to write accurate reviews that reflect the true user experience. He lives outside of Austin, TX.

0 thoughts on “Video Overview of Brownells New Retro AR Rifle Line, Plus Hands-On”

  1. Why not just pit a pig sticker just inside of a floating handguard with a small sliding lever to extend it?

    This seems overkill.

  2. The important message here is being overlooked. This is the wave of the future; state-level assault. Requiring a “reason” violates Heller and McDonald. The New Jersey governor is defying the US Supreme Court. The underlying strategy here is to cause a state-by-state challenge to gun laws, leading to a host of individual challenges of the laws in the federal courts. All the while, the anti-gun states are able to act as they wish (if states will defy the SC, they will happily ignore lower courts). It should be noted there is no penalty for a state to defy court orders (taxpayers may end up paying for sanctions, but the state officers are untouched). The social compact that made the nation possible (common and general agreement to follow law and courts) has been broken for years. We are on the road to national anarchy (each state ruling outside “the law of the land”). Sanctuary cities are the the most visible examples, but set the stage.

  3. This story is not just missing a lot but the part of the story that is written is incorrect. There’s so much not said here. Stuart 49 (shooter) was out on bond for shooting at a unarmed person from across the water way. Swuannee is a population of less than 300 people so very small. Stuart has known Tyler 18 since he was born and allowed Tyler to live in his home which is how Tyler met Stuart’s long term drug addicted girlfriend Rae 38. Rae has left a mess every where she’s ever stayed. She has abandoned her children, 3x convicted felon with 3 prison terms. She had a warrant for stealing checks from Stuart’s elderly uncle and writing $10k worth out and cashing them. She is the person who hit Stuart and blacked his eye, not Tyler. She seduced Tyler while Stuart was in jail then when Stuart bonded out she lied to Stuart. She had been calling Tyler for days saying Stuart was abusing her, she had even gone over and stayed with Tyler a couple nights before the shooting telling him lies and making him feel bad for her and feel the need to help he. Tyler had fallen in love for the first time with this vindictive evil person. She called Tyler to the home that morning to give her a ride away from her abuser and she instigated this entire thing. Tyler was unarmed and standing near the porch where he was waiting for her bags. Stuart and Tyler had argued during which he went in and got the gun then came back out telling both them to leave. They argued more over a pos then Tyler said shot me then and Stuart shot him. Stuart was a town bully, Rae the town thief and drug addicted, Tyler the young boy just into adulthood with his entire life ahead of him. How do I know all of this? My ex best friend Rae came to live with me afterwards and told me all of these and more. She would laugh because it is funny to her. Makes me sick to know I was friends with her. I made her leave my home and haven’t spoke to her since 12/2014. She just came from rehab and is living the good life right now, for a minute anyway because let’s not forget she’s done this many times before.


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