Home » Video Shows Louisville Restaurant Robbery Stopped by Two Off Duty Cops

Video Shows Louisville Restaurant Robbery Stopped by Two Off Duty Cops

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Justin Carter figured he’d knock over a virtually empty chicken joint in Louisville Saturday night. How hard could it be? It was late — about 10 p.m. — probably near closing and the store had only two customers.

What could possibly go wrong?

As the video above shows, Carter chose…poorly. Those two customers minding their own business and eating a late dinner were off-duty cops.

From the AP:

A masked man attempting to rob a Kentucky chicken joint at gun point wound up fleeing the restaurant empty-handed when two married police officers on a date night chased him from the scene, authorities said.

Elizabethtown Police Officer Nicole McKeown and her husband, Det. Chase McKeown, were off duty and eating Saturday night when the man tried to rob a Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers eatery in Louisville, The Courier-Journal reported.

An arrest citation said Justin T. Carter, 30, entered the restaurant wearing a mask and flashed a gun at an employee several times while demanding money from the register, the report said.

Louisville raising canes robbery cops
Courtesy Louisville Police Department

Both officers were seen on surveillance video getting up from their table, drawing weapons and chasing Carter outside. The arrest report said Carter dropped the gun and fled.

The two officers chased Carter on foot and he was later arrested, authorities said. Carter was charged with first-degree robbery, receiving a stolen firearm and possessing a handgun as a convicted felon.

Justin Carter (courtesy Louisville Police Department)

Authorities determined that gun Carter was stolen from Jeffersontown police, the report said.

Carter appeared in court Monday and was represented by a public defender. A preliminary hearing is schedule for Feb. 25.

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