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VIDEO: Testing Subsonic 22lr Ammo in a Suppressed Ruger 22/45 Lite

Foghorn - comments No comments

Tyler Kee is in the process of reviewing a Ruger 22/45 Lite. And while the gun is fun in and of itself, we realized something incredibly important this past weekend: adding a silencer makes the gun about 100 times more fun to shoot. Even something as relatively big and unwieldy as an AAC Ti-Rant 9mm silencer, designed to be used on centerfire handgun ammunition, works amazingly well and damn near eliminates the sound of the gun firing. To illustrate just how quiet the can makes the gun, we recorded shooting CCI Subsonic loads, Federal Suppressor Ready subsonic loads, and Winchester full velocity ammo. Shhhhhhh!

0 thoughts on “VIDEO: Testing Subsonic 22lr Ammo in a Suppressed Ruger 22/45 Lite”

  1. Much as other comments have indicated, the letter seems to be consistent with previous definitions and determinations. If that’s their case, then I don’t really have a problem with that. It does not, however, absolve them of wrongdoing with regards to their handling of the case. Everything hinges on when this letter was delivered relative to when the raid occurred. Based on the provided letter there is no way to tell, as it is not dated. If Ares received this response well in advance of the raid (given that their request for clarification was sent on March 4, I highly doubt it) then perhaps the raid was warranted. If, however, this response was only given to them after the fact, then that is where the ATF would be, and should be, in hot water. In that situation, it would have been reasonable to think that the EP products were legal based on prior determinations, and that the ATF was in fact acting in an arbitrary and capricious manner. It would be interesting to see this case play out in court and get the full sequence of events.

  2. Wondering what the actual muzzle-exit velocity was on the standard Winchester ammo. Did the velocity actually exceed the speed of sound? It certainly didn’t sound like it.

  3. There will be BLOOD in the streets!!!!!!!!!

    Soccer moms with MAC-10s shooting it out in full auto, 3D full color, over parking spots!


  4. Gun antis, Guns Everywhere. Implies mandated
    Pro gun, Guns Anywhere. Implies freedom to choose.

    See what they do with words that seem similar but are not.

  5. I don’t know about being a gun nut but I do know that if you don’t FIX THAT CARPET IN THE HALLWAY, SOMEONE IS GOING TO TRIP AND KILL THEMSELVES !

  6. One more thing:

    The wait time for basic and target shooting licenses is capped by law at four months. After that, the PRPD is obligated to emit your license. I got mine in 90 days. The process is infringing, bloated, burdensome, needlessly expensive and all, but lets get the details right.

    Wait times of over one year weren’t unheard of with the old firearms law, but that one was superseded 14 years ago.

  7. He is100% right! I have been debating a liberal on facebook about universal background checks and she brought up Ft.Hood as NOT a gun free zone .Dispite correcting her several time she still insists it is not a gun free zone.We ll she finally was corrected when the military came out with no guns on bases! These are the kind of ignorsmuses we have to desl with!

  8. I must be the only one who read that and thought that Anastasia was making the point that the school administrators are lying hypocrites.

    Of course I didn’t watch the video


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