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People Like This Keep Range Safety Officers on Their Toes [VIDEO]

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

The vast majority of gun owners practice safe gun handling on a regular basis. The four rules of firearm safety are easy to memorize and simple to follow.

four rules of firearms safety

You have to break at least two of them for something bad to happen.

But with 330,000,000 people in the US, the law of averages means there will always be a few idiots out there who the rest of us will have to keep our eyes on. And one of the places to be particularly vigilant is at public ranges.

You have to tip your hat to the RSO in the video above for being alert and quickly stepping in to defuse this situation.

FYI, this cringe-worthy event reportedly occurred at the Top Gun range in Houston, but it could have taken place at any public range in America.

Let’s be careful out there.



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