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With nearly 40 anti-gun measures either already on Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s desk for consideration or headed there this week, the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) is calling on all gun owners in the state to contact the governor as soon as possible.

“The first gun bills have finally landed on the governor’s desk and we need to act NOW!” the group said today in an action alert to members. “While we have no reason to believe that Gov. Youngkin won’t veto gun control bills, we dare not leave that to chance, as he has not said publicly what he will do. So, it is important that we have as many gun owners as possible contacting the governor.”

According to VCDL, after they sent an alert to members last Friday, 4,000 emails went to the governor.

“That’s a good start, but we can do way better than that,” VCDL told members. “Any gun-control bills the Governor vetoes will have zero chance of being overridden!”

In all, 37 anti-gun measures have passed the Assembly or will be passed and go to the governor this week. They range from banning so-called “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazines to instituting a five-day waiting period on gun purchases and allowing frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers for the criminal use of their lawfully produced products.

Here’s a full list of the measures that Gov. Youngkin will be considering. He has until mid-April to act on the legislation.

  • HB2, bans “assault firearms” and magazines holding more than 10 rounds made after July 1, 2024. The definition of “assault firearm” is expanded to capture more types of firearms. It also prohibits ownership of “assault firearms” by young adults.
  • SB2, bans “assault firearms” and magazines holding more than 10 rounds made after July 1, 2024. The definition of “assault firearm” is expanded to capture more types of firearms. It also prohibits ownership of “assault firearms” by young adults.
  • HB46, requires someone holding firearms for a prohibited person to be 21 or older and to live at a different address.
  • SB47, requires someone holding firearms for a prohibited person to be 21 or older and to live at a different address.
  • SB57, prohibits a CHP holder from carrying a concealed handgun on the premises of a restaurant or club that serves alcoholic beverages.
  • SB99, prohibits the carry of semi-automatic firearms with certain cosmetic features in public areas and removes an exemption for CHP holders.
  • SB100, requires serialization of homemade guns made after 1968.
  • HB173, requires serialization of homemade guns made after 1968.
  • HB175, prohibits the carry of “assault firearms” in public areas, regardless of whether they are loaded, and removes an exemption for CHP holders.
  • HB183, requires all firearms in a home, that are not being carried by the owner, to be locked up if there is a minor present.
  • SB225, requires schools to text or email subjective information on guns to parents at the start of a school year.
  • SB258, expands the things a judge can consider and must consider when issuing an Extreme Risk Protection Order (Red Flag).
  • SB273, requires a five-day waiting period for firearm sales.
  • HB318, allows for frivolous lawsuits against the gun industry in a blatant attempt to litigate a legitimate industry out of business.
  • SB327, makes it illegal for young adults to purchase an “assault firearm.” The definition of “assault firearm” is expanded to capture more types of firearms.
  • HB351, requires a person purchasing a firearm to sign certification that no minor lives in the home or a locking device must be included with the firearm.
  • HB362, adds “dating relationship” to the definition of a “domestic relationship” for purposes of prohibiting guns for misdemeanor domestic violence.
  • SB363, makes it unlawful to possess, sell, or distribute a firearm with an altered serial number.
  • SB368, requires all firearms in a home, that are not being carried by the owner, to be locked up if there is a minor present.
  • SB383, prohibits firearms in higher education buildings unless part of an authorized program or activity in that building.
  • SB447, creates a $500 fine and makes a vehicle subject to towing if there is a visible handgun inside an unattended vehicle.
  • HB454, prohibits firearms in higher education buildings unless part of an authorized program or activity in that building.
  • HB466, severely restricts recognition of out-of-state CHPs.
  • SB491, allows for frivolous lawsuits against the gun industry.
  • HB498, requires schools to text subjective information on guns to parents at the start of a school year.
  • SB515, prohibits firearms in hospitals.
  • SB522, removes NRA and USCCA training courses from the list of qualified training courses to get a CHP.
  • HB585, prohibits home-based Federal Firearms Licensees from operating within 1.5 miles of any elementary or middle school.
  • HB637, creates a training program to make more frequent use of Substantial Risk Orders (Red Flag).
  • SB642, adds “dating relationship” to the definition of a “domestic relationship” for purposes of prohibiting guns for misdemeanor domestic violence.
  • HB797, removes NRA and USCCA training courses from the list of qualified training courses to get a CHP.
  • HB798, takes away a person’s right to own a firearm for several misdemeanor convictions, including simple assault.
  • HB799, requires a person be fingerprinted when applying for a new or renewed CHP.
  • HB861, prohibits firearms in hospitals.
  • HB939, prohibits firearms within 100 feet of an electoral board, voter registration, voter satellite building, or a drop-off location or absentee voter precinct.
  • HB1174, makes it illegal for young adults to purchase an “assault firearm.” The definition of “assault firearm” is expanded to capture more types of firearms.
  • HB1195, requires a five-day waiting period for firearm sales.

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      • The term Assault Weapon is attributed to the Gun Control Third Reich. Sneaky Gun Control zealots borrowed the label from nazis and used it scare milquetoast America and to denigrate firearms. Unfortunately many Gun Owners use the term too. In fact there are Gun Owners who have heard so much demoCrap it has effected their common sense.

        The reason Gun Control was not stopped in its tracks is no one had the balls in the VA congress to stand and Define Gun Control By Its History…2A Defense was the typical tit for tat circle jerk heard it all before crap…pathetic.

        If the VA Gun Control wishlist is signed into law they might as well be hanging a noose and swastika on the state house doors. Too bad the facts about Gun Control were not brought to light.

        • In 1988, the term “assault weapon” rose in prominence after Josh Sugarmann, a gun control advocacy group’s communications director, stated in a Violence Policy Center paper that
          “The weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons – anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun – can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.”
          Gun control advocates adopted the term “assault weapon” in an effort to deliberately confuse the public and advance the political cause of gun control. They now use it to mischaracterize a broad range of firearms used by law-abiding civilians. The goal behind popularizing the term “assault weapons” was always to deliberately mislead the American people in order to pass anti-gun legislation.

      • Virginians elected Youngkin, so they aren’t allowing it yet. Then they had second thoughts because they remembered how important it is for them to have the option to legally kill babies up until them moment of birth, so they elected more Democrats to the General Assembly.

        • I just remembered that Virginia’s previous governor literally talked about killing babies after they were born. Yes, that actually happened. Be sure to elect more Democrats if you enjoy killing babies. Let me rephrase that into quasi-leftist speak: Elect Democrats if you want to sacrifice your child for an 8% raise, so you can drive a nicer car. Priorities.

  1. So I’m guessing Virginia isn’t one of the Constitutional carry states?
    The way I read the Second Amendment is We the People should have access to all the assault weapons that we can afford. I suppose in a way we do, just got to have the jingle and the ability to jump through hoops.
    Freedom cost money.

    • “People should have access to all the assault weapons that we can afford.”

      Of course! 🙂

      Marsupial One, Dan Z. started a new website, and a lot of us over there, come hang out!

      “Shooting news weekly dot com”, all one word.

      It’s still a work in progress, but it functions a lot like it does here… 😉

    • Not currently. And given how blue NOVA, Hampton Roads and Richmond is, there’s probably not a snowballs chance in heck that it will ever become one.
      And I concur, Hughes Amendment should be low hanging fruit for a constitutional challenge, at the very least.

    • That’s what I thought too. Wonder if we can start a Go Fund Me type of thing to raise money for a big red VETO stamp for him. Or at least an extra bottle of ink.

  2. SB522, removes NRA and USCCA training courses from the list of qualified training courses to get a CHP and HB787. So much for this being about safety.

    • Yeah that is straight up bias and prejudice. If the trainer meets that qualifications for the state, it makes no difference with whom that individual is associated. That bill sounds like a lawsuit waiting in the wings.

  3. I spend time in Virginia every year and some of these are really bad. If they stop recognizing Florida resident permits that is going to really suck. If they don’t allow carry in restaurants that serve liquor I guess we’ll just stop spending money in restaurants. More money for ammo I suppose.

    • Virginia is a looming disaster thanks to the District of Criminals sprawl. It’s a miracle they elected Youngkin.

  4. I am always stupefied by the bills that zone out gun stores X number of feet, yards, and here miles, from a school, treating them as if they were having live sex shows or something. In many towns, that will eliminate legitimate legal businesses–as the bill intends. It isn’t as if students in grade school or high school will be able to buy anything, so what is the problem? Exposure to guns is bad? If that is the case, why haven’t they banned FPS video games?

    • Before Schools Were Made “Gun Free Zones”, School Shootings Didn’t Happen.
      Get Rid Of These Gun Free Zone Designations and Watch What Happens.
      “Gun Free Zone” To A Criminal Means Target Rich Environment Where No One Can Shoot Back.

  5. Geez, a veritable democRAT wish list misguided good intentions that NO CRIMINAL will adhere to. More mindless BS from the Virginia left.

    Governor Youkin, use the veto pen!

    • “misguided good intentions”

      Not even close, WHY haven’t you figured this out yet? Every single leftist managed city with the strictest gun laws in the nation are also the most violent murder capitols of the nation. They know this because they live in those cities, you are arguing that every single one of these people are blind, deaf, and insane… It’s absurd, they know full well what these laws lead to and they keep doing it because they are clearly working as intended. These are the same people who openly admire the most blood thirsty butchers in human history like Mao and Stalin, were Mao and Stalin “misguided with good intentions”? You have got to figure these people out or they are going to eat you alive.

  6. EVERY ONE Of These Bills Are Unconstitutional . They Know It and Are “Hoping” They Will Get Signed. If Governor Youngkin Upholds His OATH, He WILL VETO ALL Of Them
    I Voted For Him And Have emailed And Called Him and Asked Him To Veto ALL Of These Bills.
    I Pray He Has The Integrity and Fortitude To Veto These Anti Freedom Bills. NONE Of Them Are About Public Safety. They Are All About Tyranny!

  7. I might be ok with a waiting period, but the rest is BullSchitt! F*#K em! Come and Take It M Fs!

  8. “HB585, prohibits home-based Federal Firearms Licensees from operating within 1.5 miles of any elementary or middle school.”

    Not blocks, miles. That would ban nearly all home-based Federal Firearms Licensees in the entire state! Who doesn’t live within 1.5 miles of a school? Only people in the most rural areas, I’d wager. Where I live, we have half a dozen schools within 1.5 miles of my house, possibly more, depending on how broadly they define the terms “elementary or middle school” — if you include home-schooling as “schools,” that expands it infinitely more.

  9. Am I the only one that thinks Youngkin is the best pick for Trump’s VP? I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about that.

  10. Its a shame this has to be done on the State level and not the Federal Level where the laws would be more effective because they would cover all the states because renegade Hillbilly states would then not be able to ship in banned guns into states that outlawed them.

  11. After the ‘victory’ of Bruen this is what you get a non stop assault that de facto nullify the Second Amendment, and we all know Bruen is on a clock. Once the few real conservatives on the court retire or die, Heller, Bruen, and every other vaguely positive precedents will be immediately reversed (which the SCOTUS has done MANY times). Separation is the only option left, DC is a waste of energy there’s too much money and they’re too far isolated from the People. If you won’t live as a disarmed slave your only options are civil war or separation, because these leftists WILL NEVER STOP until we are under their control.

  12. You have to ask why the dems are flooding the state with proposed gun control laws, knowing that the governor is going to veto all of them. I hope the citizens of Virginia see what they are doing and vote them out of office.

  13. If even a minority of these idiotic Bills became law in Virginia the state would likely in a manner of months become a lot smaller. And West Virginia would become the beneficiary. Most of the western and southern counties wouldn’t stand for it. Albemarle County would be a little island in a sea of red.

  14. After Bruen, it’s become a great time for gun rights attorneys. They will reap the rewards of litigating against any of these bills which actually become law. In the meantime, most of Virginia will declare itself 2A sanctuary counties and cities.

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