Daniel Maine of Virginia Beach had this to say about his concealed carry gear:
Quality holster : mine is a IWB holster made for my pistol by Old Faithful holsters. It works great and is very comfortable. It comes off and on with no manipulation of my belt.
A good concealable pistol. While I have nothing against open carry, as a gentleman and especially in church, I conceal my Khar CM9…with its trijicon night sights, smooth trigger and 6+1 or 7+1 ability to carry a 9mm cartridge in as thin and comfortable package as Khar makes it, not to mention its stainless steel durability.
KAHR….spellcheck…testing 1,2,3. I have a KAHR cw380 that goes with me 90% of the time and I love it. Nice METAL trigger ( comfortable AND smooth non-stacking pull) and easy to carry.
I’ve recently switched from an LCP 2 to a Kahr PM9 when I realized I could pocket carry a larger gun. The Kahr PM9/CM9 is one of the smallest quality 9mm pistols available. I carry mine in an Elite Survival Systems pocket holster which I find quite a bit less bulky than my usual go to the Desantis Nemesis. I went with the PM9 because I found one on sale for about the same price as a CM9 plus a spare mag.
Zippo & no cigar = -10 points.
Lol! I suppose that would have made for a better photo but I don’t smoke! However when fire is needed few things do the job as well or quick as a lighter…i like the touch of class the zippo adds though over the cheap Bic lighters.
Nice pack out, although I prefer more minimalistic holsters.
Peanut lighters are a good cross between a bic and a zippo and take up a very small amount of room on the key chain for the non smoker
Are those the ones that are O-ring gasketed? They maintain their fuel a lot longer than regular Zippos…
When I first purchased the lighter I took a very thin amount of fuel resistant 3M gasket material and applied it around the inside case of the lighter. I now go 6-8 weeks between refills depending on usage. This is fine for me as on the first of the month, I hone knives, refill the Zippo, and change the battery in my microstream.
Hillary Clinton’s diaper is full 💩
If your holster comes off with no manipulation of your belt, it will come up with your pistol on the draw. When that leather finally gives up, it will try and get in the trigger guard on reholster. “Quality”? Most certainly not.
These 2 things, along with the inability to actually spell, bring me to believe this person is a liabilty.
Exactly what makes you and expert on holster life span? Do you own a crystal ball? Spell check comments are the remarks of a turd. We get the idea of what he’s talking about. Do you even know this man personally? Who crowned you the judge determining who is and who isn’t a ” liability ” ? In exactly what context do you apply this word too? It works for him and he put the efforts into sharing it with the rest of us. IT’S shit birds like you that keeps these forums less than they can be
While there is no manipulation of the belt, I do have to manipulate the holster with both hands. The leather is thick and does not bend easily. It took several weeks of daily wear to break into my body and is regularly treated with neatsfoot oil to keep it conditioned. My belt fits the steel clips very tightly. The holster has not moved when practicing at the range as I keep the kydex outer portion snugged.
I am always looking to improve my system though. If anyone could recommend a more minimalist holster that weighs less that works for them in hot and humid climates I would appreciate it! (Already looking at the elite survival systems holster mentioned earlier)
In regards to my poor spelling, well Bless your Heart.
False I have a similar step up only it’s an Alien Gear holster. Never had an issue with the holster coming out while drawing.
Fun fact old faithful and alien gear merged a few years back.
The hat is a fail, tells anyone who can read he’s probably into guns.
He forgot the “gray man” idea.
Only two knives?!
The only item I missed is a spare magazine. I believe a reload is absolutely necessary. Regarding the holster shaming: if you personally haven’t used this holster and belt combination, don’t be so snarky. The same goes for the misspelling of Kahr. As a former English teacher, I knew that shaming my students for their mistakes was a sure way to anger and alienate them. And it was guaranteed to not correct the mistakes. In short, be respectful, a woefully scarce quality today.