Virginia’s annual Reconvened Session, commonly known as the Veto Session, saw Governor Glenn Youngkin’s vetoes on numerous firearm-related bills upheld, reflecting a significant legislative defeat for gun control measures proposed by the Democratic majority in the General Assembly.

During the session, held on Wednesday, April 17, the Virginia General Assembly revisited legislation that Governor Youngkin had vetoed or amended. None of the governor’s vetoes were overturned, and several key bills concerning firearms and gun control failed to secure enough support for reconsideration, as reported by both the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL).

Among the defeated proposals were SB 2 and HB 2, which sought to ban the sale of semiautomatic firearms labeled as “assault firearms” and high-capacity magazines, those holding more than 10 rounds. The NSSF highlighted that such magazines are commonly owned by law-abiding Americans, with over 717 million produced since 1990.

Other notable bills that were thwarted include SB 273 and HB 1195, which would have established a five-day waiting period for the purchase and transfer of firearms, and SB 327, targeting the rights of young adults aged 18 to 20 to purchase certain semiautomatic rifles and shotguns. The NSSF has criticized these measures as unconstitutional.

Additionally, legislative efforts to impose new civil liabilities on the firearm industry, including SB 491 and HB 318, and HB 585’s proposed zoning restrictions for home-based licensed firearm dealers were also unsuccessful.

The VCDL noted that while the Senate made attempts to override some of Governor Youngkin’s vetoes, they failed to achieve the necessary majority. The House of Delegates did not attempt to challenge the governor’s decisions. Furthermore, of the bills modified by the governor, only SB 363, which aligns with federal law by making altered serial numbers on firearms illegal, was passed into law, effective July 1.

This year’s session underscores a significant standoff in Virginia politics, where a Democratic-led initiative to enforce stricter gun control clashed with a Republican governor’s commitment to safeguarding Second Amendment rights. Despite the outcomes of this session, both the NSSF and VCDL anticipate that similar legislative efforts will resurface in future sessions as ongoing debates over gun control continue to polarize the very purple Commonwealth.


  1. > Tyranny

    Moving a piece of legislation through the Constitutional process of its approval is the opposite of “tyranny”, even if you disagree with it. Words have meanings.

    • Moving a piece of legislation through the Constitutional process, which in nature itself is tyrannical and also in direct contravention to the protections of rights recognized in the Constitution, fits the very definition of tyranny perfectly.

    • Gun Control the History Confirmed agenda Rooted in Racism and Genocide was halted “temporarily.” It’s another chance once again for Gun owning slackers to get off their behinds and Define Gun Control by its History for Gun Control History illiterate America. Do it until America’s reaction to Gun Control is the same as its reaction to Gun Control’s sidekick Mr. Noose.

      • RE: jsled April 24, 2024 At 10:09 > Tyranny
        “Moving a piece of legislation through the Constitutional process of its approval is the opposite of “tyranny”, even if you disagree with it. Words have meanings.”

        Moving tyranny is moving tyranny…cease trying to put lipstick on a pig you little nazi.

    • “Words have meanings.”

      That’s funny, coming from a leftist.

    • Exactly, and the preemptive law of the land is the Constitution which clearly states:

      SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. So the submission of clearly and intentionally unconstitutional laws is Tyranny. All who do so have violated their oath of office and should be removed immediately.

    • 1: oppressive power
      especially : oppressive power exerted by government the tyranny of a police state

      2a: a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler
      especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state

      b: the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant

      3: a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force

      4: an oppressive, harsh, or unjust act : a tyrannical act
      Seems to meet defintions 1, 3, and 4 when juxtaposed against the BoR.

      At least, that’s how Miriam, Webster and most non-ideological English speakers see it.

      bUt MUh [preferred] mEaNinGz!

  2. As soon as I get 100 or more people to join me I’m going to start a Ban The First Ammendment march.

    • Yeah possum lets go back to smoke signals.
      Oh, the left is constantly trying to blow smoke up our arse.

    • You’d have great success what with all the “words are violence” and “ban hate speech, hate speech is anything I don’t like” people.

      No one wants rights anymore. Just free shit and to force others to accept their personal delusions.

      • The people you’re referring to don’t even want free shit, they just want power. Free shit is only useful to them insofar as it gets them power or comes as a result of exercising that power.

        There’s a huge difference between wanting “free shit” and wanting the satisfaction of taking “your shit” because they don’t like you. After they murder you for pure enjoyment, of course.

        • The drug addicts will be left alone. Because they want to continue giving them free sh!t.
          Because drug addicts are not a threat to the establishment.

        • Drug addicts will be left alone because it creates problems that are an excuse to centralize yet more power without public outcry but rather with public approval.

          They aim for a situation where you beg for the police state that stomps on your face. And, along the current trajectory, they will get it, complete with you begging for it.

        • So are you saying the Libertarians are working in coordination with the government???

          In order to make drugs legal, which Libertarians have been demanding. And the government gets more power in the process.

          So the libertarians are happy. And the government is happy. The Libertarians don’t seem to be complaining about an increase of government power.
          As a result of drug [email protected].

  3. It’s stupid voting. You never get what you want. You’re just wasting your time. In fact, voting is one of the most unproductive acts a human being can ever make.

    “Why it’s Ok to not vote.” Catherine Mangu Ward. A great libertarian. Video 50 min long. And a proud a,the ist.

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