Gun owners in Virginia have a chance to be heard and the Virginia Citizen’s Defense League (VCDL) urges it’s members and all firearms owners to contact their state delegate about a series of gun bills going up for a subcommittee vote later TODAY. They sent the message out late last night on their VA-ALERT system.

The VCDL makes it easy to send a pre-written message to your delegate and will even direct it the appropriate delegate based on your address.

There is even a slate of pro-gun bills of which gun owners should speak out in support.

Those bills are:

  • HB 35, Clark, expands the firearm safety devices which qualify for a tax credit
  • HB 945, Lopez, expands the firearm safety devices which qualify for a tax credit
  • HB 1230, Zehr, allows approved school board employees with training to carry on school property
  • HB 1235, Zehr, turns a protective order into a temporary concealed handgun permit
  • HB 1321, Wyatt, allows off-duty law-enforcement to carry in state agency buildings and offices.  A good start, but CHP holders should be allowed the same option
  • HB 1325, Taylot, removes an unneeded, outdated requirement for a weekly gun-sales report to the Virginia State Police

To send a message now, click here.

Are you part of a state gun organization fighting to preserve your rights in your state? While we track a number of them, let us know when you have important news and we’d love to share it with our readers.

You can send that news to [email protected].


    • Certainly none of the “pro-gun” bills will make it out of committee (NoVA was already blue). So far, from what I have seen, committee votes are straight up party-line votes. From the VCDL emails, it sounds like comments to the committee are falling on deaf ears. Thankfully, there is a (R) in the Governor’s seat, so there is a small roadblock.

  1. Although I don’t live in VA, I joined VCDL a few years back when I sent them some bux to support their “Lobby Day” activities back in 2020. They’re good eggs.


    • I didn’t have to answer any questions or make any statements, concerning racism and gun control during the application process for my concealed permit. I also wasn’t given the opportunity to stand on a soapbox in the Dept of Agriculture office to opine on such while I was filling out forms and getting fingerprinted. I suppose that I shirked my responsibility.

  2. *yawn*
    Can we get rid of universal background checks instead? Or at least make it so CCW holders don’t need one as NC, TX etc do? I miss buying milsurps at shows, flea markets and garage sales cash and carry. It would be my luck to move here 6 months after UBC’s became law, *sigh*

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