Probably the most awesome screenshotted image from the VP debate.

By Larry Keane

The 2024 presidential election will be decided in just 34 days on Nov. 5 and gun owners and Second Amendment supporters will prove to have played a critical role in deciding who will lead the country for the next four years.

Since the last presidential election in 2020, there are now more than 22.3 million new first-time gun owners—i.e., individuals who were driven by factors around them to go to the gun retail counter and lawfully purchase a firearm for the first time. In the key swing states that will determine by just a few thousand votes either way who wins the White House election there still remain millions of hunters and pro-Second Amendment Americans who aren’t registered to vote and could remain at home.

Against that backdrop, Republican Ohio U.S. Sen. JD Vance and Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz faced off in the campaign’s only vice presidential debate. Fortunately, for Americans who remain concerned about crime and their constitutional rights to purchase and possess firearms for lawful purpose there was a fairly robust discussion on those topics.

Criminals Don’t Follow the Law

CBS News moderator Norah O’Donnell noted that Sen. Vance opposed so-called “red flag” laws and bans on Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs), the most popular-selling centerfire rifle in America. She asked Sen. Vance about parents being held legally responsible for criminal acts committed by their children. She raised as an example the prosecution of the Michigan parents who were convicted of involuntary manslaughter for supplying a firearm to their child who committed a horrific mass shooting. Sen. Vance said he did not know the facts of the case but said he trusted local law enforcement to make those prosecutorial decisions. He noted that details matter and contrasted the situation where a child stole the firearm to parents who hand over a gun knowing their child could be dangerous.  

Sen. Vance then turned to the most significant driver of criminal firearm violence in America – it is not law-abiding gun owners, but criminals.

“But here’s something that really bothers me about this epidemic of violence,” the senator began. “The gross majority – close to 90 percent in some of the statistics I’ve seen – of the gun violence in this country is committed with illegally obtained firearms. And while we’re on that topic, thanks to Kamala Harris’s open border policies, we’ve seen a massive influx in illegal guns run by the Mexican drug cartels. The amount of illegal guns in our country today is higher today than it was three and a half years ago.”

That salient point is ignored or forgotten by those who continue to push more gun control restrictions on law-abiding Americans as a flawed approach to reduce the criminal misuse of firearms – something all Americans agree should be lower. Criminals do not follow the laws. It was a topic that Vice President Harris was finally pressed on during a recent interview at the National Association of Black Journalists. Her usual kitchen sink gun control approach was questioned given that criminals don’t follow the laws already in place.

The amount of illegal guns in our country today is higher today than it was three and a half years ago. – sen. jD vance

Last night, Sen. Vance stressed the need for stronger security measures at schools and having enough school resource officers. He touched on the importance of addressing the unique mental health challenges facing Americans. The senator also voiced support for police in the country’s largest cities where the largest percentages of gun crimes are perpetrated.

“This is why we have to empower law enforcement to arrest the bad guys and put them away and take gun offenders off the street,” Sen. Vance said.

Returning to his initial point, the senator summed it up. “The idea that we can wave a magic wand and take guns out of the hands of bad guys, it just doesn’t fit with recent experiences.”

More of the Same

Gov. Walz is campaigning as the number two on a ticket that could be even more antigun and anti-Second Amendment rights than the current Biden-Harris administration that carries that distinction now. Vice President Harris has a long and very public record of supporting some of the most extreme gun control proposals, including bans on entire classes of commonly-owned firearmsmandatory gun confiscation schemes, an outright prohibition on civilian handgun ownership and even supporting law enforcement to unconstitutionally enter and search the homes of private citizens to check on their firearm storage methods.

During the debate, Gov. Walz attempted to mask his and Vice President Harris’s gun control ambitions by deploying the tired “I’m a gun owner, but…” tactic.

“Sometimes I think what we end up doing is looking for a scapegoat. Sometimes it’s just the guns. It’s just the guns.” – Gov. tim walz

“Look, I’m a hunter. I own firearms. The vice president is,” Gov. Walz stated. “We understand the Second Amendment is there… There are reasonable things we can do to make a difference. It’s not infringing on your Second Amendment. And the idea to have some of these weapons out there, it just doesn’t make any sense.”

The governor was obviously referencing MSRs, or AR-style semiautomatic rifles. The Biden-Harris administration has called for implementing a new MSR ban since Day 1 of the administration. During the Democratic primary in 2019, then Sen.-Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) went so far as to say she supported and would implement a mandatory “buy back” of MSRs. That’s gun confiscation and unconstitutional.

She’s since walked back those calls but has also declared during this current campaign that her “values haven’t changed.”

The walk back on gun confiscation was a common theme and O’Donnell asked the governor about his flip flop, too.

“Governor Walz, you previously opposed an assault weapons ban but only later in your political career did you change your position. Why?” O’Donnell asked.

“Look the NRA. I was an NRA guy for a long time…” the governor said. “Sometimes I think what we end up doing is looking for a scapegoat. Sometimes it’s just the guns. It’s just the guns.” Gov. Walz’s statement stood in stark contrast to Sen. Vance’s statement that the focus needs to be on the actions of criminals not inanimate objects and enforcing the gun laws already on the books.

One positive development from the back-and-forth is that the candidates agreed it was a good start to a conversation about reducing firearm tragedies. The problem, though, is that the top of one of the tickets will respect Constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans and address criminals illegally obtaining and using firearms to commit heinous acts. The top of the other ticket has a concrete track record of ignoring Constitutional rights, attacking the lawful firearm industry and rejecting any solutions that don’t involve gun confiscation.


  1. “….just the guns.”

    And that’s not a scapegoat because…? The only point not a scapegoat in this instance is the motivation for the violence in the first place.

    If you somehow remove the guns the violence will continue as we see in nations with very strict firearms prohibitions therefore the guns are a scapegoat and the violence is the real issue.

    • “….just the guns.”

      Yep, a vote for Donald Trump and JP Mandel is a vote for the actual gun grabbers, who have stated publicly their intention to confiscate guns and ignore the constitution:

      “Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court because that’s another system. Because a lot of times by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of [firearms], they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you said but take the guns first, go through due process second.”
      -President Donald J. Trump, February 28, 2018

      Of course, Donald Trump talks a good game today in order to manipulate his base.

      But as he stated before, he’s perfectly willing to terminate the Constitution if it serves his self-interest.

      • Unhinged deflection.

        There’s a suppository for TDS now. It was developed during Biden’s cancer cure moonshot.

      • “Unhinged deflection”

        Neither unhinged or deflection.

        This article is discussing vice presidential candidates’ position on gun control, I posted actual sources detailing Donald Trump’s willingness to ignore the constitution, that’s not deflection, it’s fact.

        Trump publicly advocated for the confiscation of guns, without any due process whatsoever.

        Sure, now he’s claiming something different, but he’s proven himself a liar.

      • Yep, Unhinged deflection TDS ya got going on there Miner49er.

        “Yep, a vote for Donald Trump and JP Mandel is a vote for the actual gun grabbers, who have stated publicly their intention to confiscate guns and ignore the constitution”

        100% False

        Evidently you still do not know what context means despite it being there in your own quote.

        • “100% False“

          So was Trump lying in 2018 or is he lying about his support now?

          “To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you said but take the guns first, go through due process second.”
          -President Donald J Trump
          February 28, 2018

  2. Sorry but I just can’t help myself, “caption that photo” – Watz looks like he jumped on a bicycle with the seat removed.

    • Yep, there is no question Tim Walz would be surprised by something entering a portal designed for output.

      Somehow I feel that JD Vance would not be surprised, as smooth as he is I’d say he’d give nothing but one of those smirks of enjoyment.

      After all, I’m sure tech-billionaire Peter Thiel ($11B) has a good reason for giving JD Vance millions of dollars.

  3. Many of us have been royally entertained by observing JP Mandel make his massive flip-flop in public:

    “But before becoming one of Trump’s fiercest allies and defenders, Vance sharply criticized the former president. During the 2016 presidential election, Vance wrote that he goes “back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical a–hole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler.”

    Wow, it seems that Hitler rhetoric is originating from Donald Trump‘s vice presidential candidate, fascinating.

    But once he saw how easy it would be to gain political power by lying, JP Mandel began his Great Flip-Flop:

    “Vance began to publicly change course when he launched his Senate campaign in 2021. He deleted tweets from 2016 that included him calling Trump “reprehensible” and an “idiot.” In another deleted tweet following the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape on which Trump said fame enabled him to grope women, Vance wrote: “Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man. Lord help us.”

    George Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ would be proud of his ability to revise history, deleting tweets and denying the actual facts of history in a corrupt political power grab.

      • “Miner49er, off topic yet again”

        Maybe you missed it, this article is about the vice presidential candidates, including JP Mandel.

        I posted actual quotes from JP Mandel discussing his running partner, the presidential election is exactly the topic.

        And of course, you can’t reply to the content, because both Trump and JP Mandel switch their positions depending upon whichever way the political winds are blowing.

  4. “Just make drugs legal and all the crime will go away”

    “Take all the guns and watch all the crime will go away.”

    I see no difference between the stupid people who make these irrational and dumb statements. Both of them are anti liberty.

  5. Vance-Walz debate: Parkland parent, school safety expert says one candidate closer to the answer.

    “Ryan Petty, whose daughter Alaina was one of the 17 killed during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, told Fox News Digital after Tuesday’s debate that ‘in the 6½ years that I have been working on school safety, what I’ve learned about how we protect our nation’s schools tracks much more closely with the response JD Vance gave than anything Tim Walz said.’

    ‘I don’t even know what he means when he says, ‘Sometimes it’s the guns,’ Petty said when asked about Walz’s remarks. ‘It has nothing to do with guns. The causes of school violence are not the freedoms that we enjoy and the rights that we have under the Second Amendment.

    ‘The problem is much deeper and requires a more comprehensive solution, and JD Vance was much closer to the answer. We got to protect our schools. we got to increase the security there. Having more school resource officers on campus as both a deterrent and a last measure to stop an attack once it starts is exactly the blueprint we followed here to protect Florida schools after Parkland,’ he added. ”

    h ttps://

    • Maybe the MinorTroll will drop back in and tell us again how SROs are less useful than a kitchen fire extinguisher, and neither is particularly good for anything as they are ineffective at preventing problems.
      Kin’ya grampa, kin’ya? That’s my favorite bedtime story, and it’s a good one – always puts me to sleep laughing.

    • “17 killed during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018“

      Another mass shooting on Donald Trump‘s watch, even though he promised to “end the American carnage, right here, right now!”.

      “MinorTroll will drop back in and tell us again how SROs are less useful than a kitchen fire extinguisher“

      Nope, I have never expressed that opinion.

      In fact, I am in favor of multiple armed SRO on campus at least 30 minutes before students arrive and at least 30 minutes after students depart.

    • You are correct, Tim Walz misspoke during the debate, because he is not a smooth political operative like JP Mandel.

      Obviously, he meant to say ‘friends with school shooting victims’ but if you guys are entertained by his verbal slip, I’m happy for you.

      ‘Simple pleasures for simple people’

  6. What Tim Walz Gets Wrong on Guns.

    How bad was Tim Walz (in debate) and how wrong is he when it comes to your Second Amendment Rights. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses (debate) performance by gov. Tin Walz and all the crazy things he said when it comes to your inalienable right of self preservation.

    h ttps://

  7. Tim Walz: “I’ve Become Friends With School Shooters” (Vice President Debate 2024) (Walz debunking).

    h ttps://


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