(AP Photo/Elise Amendola)
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We reported back in late-July how the White House was colluding with anti-gun groups to target gunmaker Glock with a frivolous lawsuit.

At the time, the chairman of the U.S. House Oversight Committee had sent a letter demanding that Stefanie Feldman, the Director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, quit stalling and provide answers over “potential collaboration” between Biden-Harris administration officials and Everytown for Gun Safety.

“The initial deadline has passed on my initial request with no communication from the White House regarding document production,” Kentucky Rep. James Comer, chairman of the committee, wrote to Feldman on July 19. “As such, please provide the documents I initially

requested in my June 14, 2024, letter immediately. If production will not be satisfied by August 2, 2024, please contact my staff with a complete explanation of steps taken by the White House to comply with my requests and the reason or individuals responsible for any delay.”

Later, in mid-August, Comer wrote to ATF Director Steven Dettelbach after the revelation that the ATF had been using encrypted apps and text messages to communicate with staff at the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which is headed by Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

“The committee has also failed to receive documents requested from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives related to its communication with the White House,” Comer wrote. “We are not going to allow the White House to get away with ignoring these requests and will continue to ensure accountability.”

Now, the White House gun office is continuing to stonewall, according to a Fox News report. In fact, according to the report, neither Harris nor the ATF have responded to multiple inquiries about the matter, even missing the most recent deadline to answer the committee’s questions.

“The American people should be very concerned that, rather than prosecuting criminals, the Biden-Harris White House is colluding with anti-Second Amendment groups, and rather than responding to serious congressional requests with transparency, the White House is choosing to not comply with our request,” Kentucky Rep. James Comer, head of the committee, told Fox Digital. “The White House’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention, overseen by Vice President Harris, is stonewalling the Oversight Committee’s investigation into potential collusion by White House officials with anti-Second Amendment groups despite our multiple requests.”

At issue is a Chicago lawsuit against Glock Inc. over criminals illegally converting the company’s pistols to full-auto fire—already a federal felony. During its investigation into the matter, the Oversight Committee learned that White House officials had met with Glock representatives and asked the company to redesign its pistols.

Consequently, the committee requested any “communications between any individual at the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Everytown for Gun Safety, and Everytown Law” related to the matter.

At this point, the ball seems to still be in the White House’s court. It remains to be seen whether Harris and her gun control office, along with the ATF, will continue to defy Congress and ignore the information requests.

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  1. “The American people should be very concerned that, rather than prosecuting criminals, the Biden-Harris White House is colluding with anti-Second Amendment groups …”

    They don’t prosecute criminals, because those who commit the most violent gun crimes are of a particular demographic that, when it votes, votes 80% for Democrats. Democrat politicians have admitted that this particular demographic commits crimes at such a high rate, they do not have enough prison cells to hold them, or enough money to build the necessary prisons.

    In other words, if the overwhelming number of criminals in this particular demographic were held accountable, the amount of money needed to build and staff enough prisons would crowd out every other need. Hence, Democrats hope to solve the problem by going after guns and demonizing the law-abiding.

    Just what demographic is this?? The so-called “news” refers to them as “youths,” and/or “teens,” most of the time. Others refer to this demographic as “the usual suspects.” Open discussion of the problems this demographic causes is a heinous social faux pas, and is not recommended if you want to keep your job.

  2. Neither the White House nor the ATF are going to respond. The only tool Congress has is cutting funds from either and the Democrats in the Senate won’t cooperate since they are happy with any attack on on any gun company.

    • “No one is above the law … except my drug addict human trafficker law violating son Hunter, and me.

      —- To paraphrase on actions and context and own statements from Joe Biden”

  3. People don’t seem to get that this whole thing has already achieved its win condition.

    And, the truth is, Congress really doesn’t care about this unless they can fundraise off of it, which both sides can, so it will continue.


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