2nd amendment is my gun permit constitutional carry
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“When it comes down to it, it’s just a sense of disappointment that the bill ultimately was passed,” Kevin Lawrence, executive director of the Texas Municipal Police Association, told the Texas Tribune.

There was some pretense on the eve of the 2021 legislative session among Republican state leaders to promise tightened gun laws and improved background checks, with the people’s memories still fresh of mass shootings in El Paso and Midland-Odessa. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick both offered rhetorical assurances.

Instead, the state’s ruling party supported multiple bills that make it even easier to legally brandish a gun in public. Anyone 21 years or older who doesn’t have a felony or domestic violence record will be free to carry a gun. A training course on gun safety is not required. Just get your gun and start packing.

How many Texans will pack a gun, come Sept. 1, in their vehicles, their carry bags and purses, or on their bodies? Why do we need guns to live our daily lives? What purpose will drive people to carry a handgun as if it were, like a smartphone or wallet, part of being dressed and ready to go?

— Robert Rivard in New gun laws in Texas will surely lead to more gun violence


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  1. “When it comes down to it, it’s just a sense of disappointment that the bill ultimately was passed,”

    -I’m disappointed in your use of a passive sentence.

    “Instead, the state’s ruling party supported multiple bills that make it even easier to legally brandish a gun in public”

    -No, brandishing (or it’s Texas equivalent) is still very much illegal. Carrying is not brandishing, derpwad.

    “Anyone 21 years or older who doesn’t have a felony or domestic violence record will be free to carry a gun”

    -And about damn time, too.

    “What purpose will drive people to carry a handgun as if it were, like a smartphone or wallet, part of being dressed and ready to go?”

    =Um, that’s kind of the point. Carrying a firearm is no different than having a phone. Both are tools. Hopefully, we will someday get to the point where everyone (or most everyone) will feel that way and merely point and laugh at derpwads like yourself.

      • actually, in this case, it’s is the contraction of it is. It doesn’t indicate the possessive in the sentence so it’s a correct usage. Read it this way, “It is just a sense of disappointment that the bill ultimately was passed.”

        • Oh, sorry – I meant where I said “it’s Texas equivalent”. I *hate* when I do that! 🙂

    • “…the state’s ruling party supported multiple bills that make it even easier to legally brandish a gun in public.”

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Sure they did.

      • In that it is a technical impossibility to “brandish a gun” legally or otherwise, if you cannot carry the damn thing with you.

        • One does not need an actual, physical ‘gun’ to brandish one. Index fingers, maps of Florida, Pop-Tarts, drawings of guns, humorously blustering that one is going to shoot someone, posting a photograph of oneself holding a firearm on FaceBook or Twitter, having an NRA sticker, voting Conservative, all are now considered ‘brandishing’.
          Be warned.

  2. There are a few voices of reason in the comments to the article, but are being shouted down.

    Still, it’s a San Antonio paper, so that such comments are there at all is a bit heartening.

    • San Antonio is renowned for being home for million of bats that come out at night, moonbats if you will. Urban dwellers are renown for their detachment from reality and commonsense be they inbreds on the Upper East Side or in the Hamptons or in New Orleans. All moonbats should refrain from owning guns. It makes us all safer. Drugs and guns do not mix. And we all know the attraction that moonbats have for any kind of drugs.

  3. I’m disappointed the derpwad kevin lawrence isn’t packing up and moving to CA where bozos like him belong.

    • Hey! Don’t disrespect the millions of conservative gun owners here who are working to turn things around. Our Recall Newsom election is now only two weeks away…

        • Just give him six injections and make him wear six masks. Then confine him to Oakland for the next year. See uf he survives.

      • I predict democrats (communist party USA) will steal this moonbat recall election like they did the presidential election last year.

        It is unlikely republicans / conservatives will win another national election.

        Be Prepared !!!

  4. The idea of ‘misinformation’ is mentioned here but this is NOT constitutional carry. It’s very close but not that. There ARE restrictions. Let’s be open and honest about this. There are too many lies and distortions as it is. Attaching that label doesn’t make it so.

  5. Texas will no doubt suffer the same apocalyptic blood-soaked chaos that has befallen Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, Wyoming, Idaho, etc….

    Ignorant, sheltered pearl-clutching brought to you by racist Texas Democrats who no doubt fear the “others” in their state will behave in a non-country club approved manner.

    • You hit the nail on the head. The fascist left is afraid of those ‘others’ being armed. They believe that the only way to control those ‘others’ is to have white men in authority over them.

      • jwm,

        “They believe that the only way to control those ‘others’ is to have white men in authority over them.”

        Wow, I never viewed it like that before. That is incredibly simple and yet incredibly profound.

        Going back 200 years ago, Progressives never trusted their slaves to be non-violent and always wanted “white masters” in authority over them. Progressives exude that same mindset today: they do not trust ‘unrefined’ people (e.g. poor people, urban residents, and Conservatives) to be peaceful and well-behaved so they want their people (government appointed/hired police) in authority over them.

        • Take up the White Man’s burden –
          Have done with childish days –
          The lightly proffered laurel,
          The easy, ungrudged praise.
          Comes now, to search your manhood
          Through all the thankless years,
          Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
          The judgement of your peers.

    • Ayup. Even though permitless carry hasn’t increased “gun violence” anywhere else, it SURELY will this time.

    • I just moved from upstate NY to West Virginia, and I was quite surprised that I had to purchase a rowboat to navigate the literal oceans of blood lapping the base of my driveway. It’s good for the grass though, so I don’t mind.

      • Remember to check the bridges for Mothman, not as dangerous as Coumo’s public works but still.

      • I wear flip-flops most of the time in Utah because getting the blood off my shoes is impossible.

    • Maybe they’ll behave as they do in Chicago, DC, NYC, Baltimore and all those utopias where gun control reigns.

  6. Good!!! Messy Freedom comes to Texas. And it scares people. Now they will be forced, by self-preservation, to be more polite to each other.

    • That is always the first thing I notice once I get further south than Maryland, west of Pennsylvania and anywhere not a big (relatively speaking) city in Vermont New Hampshire or Maine. Some of it is smaller town culture but the background knowledge that anyone can be packing due to easy or no permits can be jarring to the may (sometimes) issue states. Disregard this for Philly of course they will road rage and pull guns on each other with no damns given regardless of cultural norms.

      • I remember California being a polite place to live in the 1970’s. Not anymore. Having lived in or visited 5 different southern states, I can say they were more polite than California to live in. Even people who can’t read know constitutional carry is law in Texas. The word gets around. Forced politeness is always a good thing.

        You don’t have to like someone. However, if everyone is polite and cordial to each other. Then there is a greatly reduced chance of some violent confrontation coming to the surface.

  7. Robert Rivard is clueless.
    I open carry my EDC in the Dallas and Ft Worth area on the 2nd of each month (every 2nd matters😄). It’s been a drop leg holstered stainless 50AE on a few occasions (after a range session).
    Nothing but positive feedback from those who notice and proceed to strike up a conversation about firearms.
    A common response? Almost EVERY SINGLE PERSON says they feel safer knowing responsible members of the community are armed.
    Hey Rob R, reality check. A gun is as good or bad as the person holding it. GAFC moron!

    • “A gun is as good, or bad, as the person holding it” captures perfectly my (previous anti-gun stance) “AhHA” moment. My political views haven’t shifted much (my Sister holds out hope that I will “come to mmy senses” 😂), but I now have a better understanding on of the importance of the 2nd A and proudly own several guns with more planned. Open carry is Legal in Wisconsin, but if I tried it in Madison, I would cause a riot. My change in stance has lost me a few friends, but I am still the same person they knew all along, now I am better educated. I guess they never were “true” friends. Sorry about the long, rambling reply when all I really wanted to say was “Thank you, for capturing my Epiphany moment”.

  8. In 1987 when Florida went shall-issue, the newspapers were full of ‘letter to the editor’ opining that gun battles will break out over parking spaces.

    And then it happened.

    Since then, Florida tracked the rest of the nation with violent crime dropping roughly 50 percent. And something like 10 percent of all Floridians have carry permits now. That’s roughly 2 million carry permits. 2 million ‘Jethros’ packing heat, and violent crime plummeted.

    Chicken Little’s ‘The Sky Is Falling’ is a good representation of a typical Leftist Scum’s response when gun freedom breaks out…

    • Yep…like ILLinoyed Geoff. Wienies whining about CC in Ill. Rivers of blood. Didn’t happen as usual. Folks legally carrying a gat are some of the most vetted people on earth.

    • That’s only the in state permits they also do brisk and efficient business with non-resident permits which along with Utah are excellent options for the NY residents who get stuck with unfriendly counties or judges that will only issue premise/hunting/target restricted licenses. Doesn’t help for NY but it opens up a lot of the rest of the country and generally have a turnaround time of around 2 months (substantially less for Florida if you are a veteran). Pennsylvania and Arizona are other options but not as readily available.

  9. Got my new holster for the P365 and will be carrying Sept. 1st. I am glad that I lived long enough to see some of our constitutional rights restored in Texas. At 71, I was beginning to wonder if I was going to see it. Seems like carrying a firearm is like having a spare tire, good to have it and hope you never need it !

    • Only the consequences of not having a spare tire when you need one are far less severe than the consequences of needing a firearm and not having one. I’ve often compared guns to fire extinguishers, but even then you generally have much more time to spare in a fire than in a firefight.

      • What good is are the 3% who vote, “Not Sure?” After the years of sleazy democRat Party lies and schemes what good are the 28% who would not vote for POTUS DJT in 2024 over any democRat? It appears some people would vote for democRats on their way to concrete after jumping off burning Trade Towers or while they were being blown to bits in Afghanistan or were in a car upside down in a watery ditch with a drunk Ted Kennedy, etc. Their heads are just that far up their behinds.

        Bottom line…It sucks to be one of the 28%.

      • What good is are the 3% who vote, “Not Sure?” After the years of sleazy democRat Party lies and schemes what good are the 28% who would not vote for POTUS DJT in 2024 over any democRat? It appears some people would vote for democRats on their way to concrete after jumping off burning Trade Towers or while they were being blown to bits in Afghanistan or were in a car upside down in a watery ditch with a drunk Ted Kennedy, etc. Their heads are just that far up their behinds.

        Bottom line…It sucks to be anyone of those 28%.

    • Don’t say this too loud or some worthless paranoid and corrupt RINO turd will try to put some sort of permit and control status on spare tires. This will be followed by the spineless SHEEP that will take what they can get and go along with it like Tennyson’s Lotos Eaters.

    • How are you liking the 365 so far? Been looking at the XL version as it fits my hand better but figuring the functions will be about the same.

      • I wear my 3656XL with Romeo 0 all the time. Forget its on at times; AIWC. Would like to find a holster so I could mount the Streamlight TLR6 I bought months ago. Might have to make my own. Compact, comfortable, and capable EDC tool.

        • Vedder Holsters make nice Kydex IWB or OWB for the 365XL with TLR6. I waited almost a year for them to start offering 365XL with Lima green laser, rather than the LTR6. I run the Lighttuck IWB . Love it. Not expensive. Also, have one for Kimber Micro 9 with Crimson Trace grip laser.

  10. “What to do? Teach your children: Be careful and walk away from confrontation.”
    Good advice, always, no matter the context. And set the example.

  11. constitutional carry will be the only chance to save your bacon from the terrorist and criminals being shuttled around and allowed in this country on a daily basis..you will see soon..

  12. “What purpose will drive people to carry a handgun as if it were, like a smartphone or wallet, part of being dressed and ready to go?”

    Defense against drugged-out criminals that ignore gun laws, for one. Giving communists a second thought is another.

    • A locked door only slows down the felon from his prize… what would drive people to lock their doors ??

      • “A locked door only slows down the felon from his prize…”

        It can give those inside a few valuable seconds to tool up…

        • If you ain’t dressed out and ready to play, stay off the field. As instructed in the ring/cage….”Protect yourself at all times.” Game On!!!!

  13. Texas DOES NOT have “Constitutional Carry”. Texas has a most screwed and enhanced permit policy. Proof we still have paranoid liberal RINO politicians and law enforcement executives that are easily bought off by extremely corrupt actor lobbyists and gun organizations that never intend for Texans to realize true Constitutional Carry at all. Not to mention SHEEP CITIZENRY AT ALL LEVELS AND PROFESSIONS. Unless there’s total anarchy Texas will never see true firearms freedoms.

    • You can still work to make it even better. The Left will certainly be working to take it away.

  14. Don’t these pearl clutchers say this every time a state passes constitutional carry?

    And don’t those states then become objectively safer afterwards?

  15. My guess is that everyone in Texas who wants to carry has already got a carry permit. If that is the case, then the new law, however welcome it is, won’t change things much.

    • There’s always a certain percentage that are dissuaded by permitting requirements. That’s why the antis want them so much. Not that it’ll move the needle politically, but it’ll probably make more of a difference than you’re thinking.

      • The people who have been rioting in Portland Oregon for well over a year, will become the most terrified residents of Oregon. If that state were to get constitutional carry.
        And the riots would stop.

        • Especially if we get to use the same standard for Use of Deadly Force that the Capitol Police apparently get.

  16. All I ask is those that sold us out and their lame supporters be the first ones to get burned. And this new crap is VERY restrictive so the joke will be on those fools that think otherwise and the idiots that think they’ve actually accomplished something.

  17. “How many Texans will pack a gun, come Sept. 1, in their vehicles, their carry bags and purses, or on their bodies? Why do we need guns to live our daily lives? What purpose will drive people to carry a handgun as if it were, like a smartphone or wallet, part of being dressed and ready to go?”

    Well, Robert Rivard, here ya’ go…careful of what you ask. You may just not be able to handle the truth…..

    -For the same reason as LEOs….only difference is they get paid!
    -Evil, Violence, and Mayhem exist…always have; always will;
    -Because to ignore the danger of Evil and Violence is simply to invite it;
    -On a bad day, Evil and Violence may come calling at my door;
    – Bad guys don’t make appointments to visit violence upon their victims;
    -Evil and Violence often come calling in numbers greater than one;
    -Evil and Violence never call ahead for an appointment;
    -Evil and Violence strive to overwhelm by surprise;
    -Evil and Violence are usually more powerful than a rapidly aging old fart…..a gun is the great equalizer;
    -Evil and Violence won’t pause while I go home to get my gun….or unlock it or load it or chamber a round….or pass a background check….or whistle away a 3-10 days waiting period;
    -Because a politician with a law never stops a bad guy with a gun…..he only controls the good guys;
    -Because a Good Guy with a gun, often wards off Evil and Violence;
    -When seconds count, LEOs are only minutes away;
    -Because SCOTUS has held that LEOs cannot be held liable for not protecting me and my loved ones from Evil and Violence….no duty to protect….. I am on my own;
    -Because my gun is my non-traditional life insurance such that my son doesn’t prematurely collect on my traditional life insurance. A prudent person chooses to carry home, car, liability, and traditional life insurance even though they don’t plan on using them today either;
    -Because I chose not to be a victim;
    -Because I’d rather have a fighting chance than no chance at all;
    -Because a real man needs the ability to protect himself and his loved ones;
    -Because my rights don’t stop where your sensitivity, feelings, and Do-Gooder intentions begin;
    -Because the Second Amendment confirms my right to keep and bear arms shall NOT BE INFRINGED. Regardless of what old people in black robes or marble halls might decree, it imposes no restrictions by need, sporting suitability, country of origin, lethality, rate of fire, physical features, commonness of use, or your feelings, sensitivities, or Do-Gooder intentions,,,,,or a politician’s desire for control;
    -Because my creator granted me an inalienable right to life and defense of my life;
    -Because I have seen depictions of the Liberal Utopia where only the Police and Governments have guns……Schindler’s List; The Killing Fields, Anne Frank’s Diary, Hotel Rwanda, et el, et el;
    -Because those that think I shouldn’t carry a gun, are themselves protected by guns;
    -Because to disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them;
    -Because civilians typically have a higher hit rate than LEOs;
    -Because I practice and am competent and confident with my gun;
    -Because I admire the design/fit/finish/function of guns;
    -Because I chose to carry;
    -Because Liberals and politicians don’t want me to carry a gun;
    -Because it must surely piss off a Libturd some where…..a favorite past time.

    “To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them.” -George Mason

  18. When you have untrained people who do not know the state’s laws people will be shot and killed illegally. That is fact. When you have untrained people carrying guns they will accidentally shoot themselves and others. Again that is fact. History has already proven it many times over. This is not rocket science except to the hillbilly who thinks “It will never happen to me”.

    • And yet no data set exists that would back up a single thing you say. Even the hoodrats owning all forms of illegal arms do not present a significant observable datapoint. Have fun with this position you picked even here in NY we cannot make a coherent data driven argument supporting your assertations.

      • The antifa/SS that dacian represents does not want you armed. Defenseless victims are ever so much better for them.

        • While I doubt he is anywhere near as involved as being a member/participating he does parrot a lot of the commie talking points wrapped up in a word salad of half truths and straw man arguments. In this case I am honestly curious how he will support his position as it would save a few of my coworkers a lot of headache on what to put out for the governor’s talking points in case some of the court decisions go poorly (for them). Would be hilarious if some of his diatribe was put forward as state policy especially when it gets challenged on any legal grounds. Joking aside we are taking bets on how crazy the response could be.

      • In Doofian’s defense, although it pains me, if there is even ONE incident, which of course there is all statistical probability that there will BE at least one incident, then his hypothesis is correct–but only as baldly stated.
        On the other hand, people both trained and untrained have shot people illegally and/or accidentally in the past, and will continue to do so; Statistically, numbers of incidents in other locales that have adopted Constitutional Carry have not seen dramatic increases, with no indication that an enlarged number of ‘untrained’ new carriers has made any statistically-significant difference whatsoever. There is also no reason to expect Texas to be any different–except maybe in Austin, where there are more Liberals who are known to be mentally deficient.
        In summary, although he is right in one tightly-focused aspect, he’s still an idiot.

        • Fair enough for being technically correct in a tightly defined construct in a limited number of irrelevant statistical noise but random tragedies are random tragedies and exceptions do not make a rule……..or even more poorly written New York Policy much to the disappointment of some in government work.

        • In my own experience at a concealed carry class even a Doctor was not aware of the fact that if you shoot someone and it is JUSTIFIED that chances are YOU WILL BE SUED and 25 years ago the cost of such a lawsuit was $50,000 to defend yourself. Today it could top a million dollars in legal fees to defend yourself.

          The majority of people in my class HAD ZERO SAFETY TRAINING WITH FIRARMS. The Doctor that was mentioned was severely reprimanded for unsafe handling of his firearm.

      • quote————SAFEupstateFML August 30, 2021 At 12:15
        And yet no data set exists that would back up a single thing you say.—————quote
        Key Findings
        Concealed carry permitting systems typically require training to carry firearms responsibly in public. Permitless carry laws, also called constitutional carry laws, strip away this critical safety component.

        Most states currently require a firearm safety course before a person can get a permit to carry a concealed handgun—including 25 states (and Washington, DC) that require training that involves the live firing of a gun.5 This training ensures that permit holders are aware of responsible practices for handling and carrying guns in public.

        Law enforcement experts, firearm trainers, and military personnel overwhelmingly agree that people who carry concealed weapons in public should take firearm training, including live-fire training.6 In a self-defense experiment involving a firearm simulator, participants with lower levels of firearm training and experience performed worse than those with higher levels of training; many accidentally “shot” innocent bystanders or unarmed people.7 Permitless carry laws let people who have never handled a gun carry one concealed and loaded in public.

        Participants with lower levels of firearm training and experience performed worse than those with higher levels of training; many accidentally “shot” innocent bystanders or unarmed people.

        Vince, Wolfe, and Field, “Firearms Training.”

        • Concealed carry permitting systems ensure that only responsible gun owners can carry concealed handguns in public. Permitless carry bills remove these safeguards and allow carry by irresponsible and dangerous people, such as:

          Violent criminals and weapons offenders. In many states, people convicted of certain violent crimes and weapons offenses are disqualified from getting a concealed carry permit. But under permitless carry, these convicted criminals would be legally allowed to carry hidden guns on city streets.
          People who pose a safety risk. Thirty states give law enforcement the authority to deny a permit to people who pose a serious risk to the community, such as those with a history of arrests for violent acts or harassment. Permitless carry strips law enforcement of this authority, forcing them to allow people with violent criminal histories to carry concealed guns throughout the state.8
          Teenagers. In 35 states and Washington, DC, the minimum age to get a concealed carry permit is 21.9 Permitless carry bills would let people as young as 18 carry concealed guns in public, even though research shows that 18-to-20-year-olds commit nearly four times as many gun homicides as adults 21 and over.10

        • Permitless carry legislation is part of the NRA’s broader agenda to weaken and repeal important gun safety measures, allowing more guns in public and undermining public safety.

          The NRA is attacking concealed carry permits in a concerted effort to create a “guns everywhere for anyone” society, with no questions asked. Over the past three decades, many states have enacted NRA-backed laws that have lessened the permit requirements or, in many cases, have eliminated law enforcement’s discretion to issue carry permits.11 This has considerable implications, since law enforcement officers are aware of those in their communities who may have a history of violent behavior and are well-positioned to deny or revoke a person’s carry permit if they suspect them of being a danger to themselves or others. Permitless carry is the next step in this dangerous NRA plan to completely dismantle permitting systems, allowing more people to carry concealed guns in public without any training or safety checks in place.

          Emerging data shows that states that have passed permitless carry legislation are experiencing a substantial increase in gun violence.

          Laws that weaken a state’s firearm permitting system have been a precursor to permitless carry legislation, and a substantial body of research shows that these laws have led to a rise in gun violence and violent crime more broadly. States that have weakened their firearm permitting system have experienced an 11 percent increase in handgun homicide rates12 and a 13-15 percent increase in violent crime rates.13 Conversely, states that provided law enforcement discretion to issue carry permits saw 11 percent lower homicide rates compared to states that did not have that discretion.14

          States that have weakened their firearm permitting system have experienced an 11 percent increase in handgun homicide rates.

          Siegel M., et al. “Easiness of Legal Access to Concealed Firearm Permits and Homicide Rates in the United States”. American Journal of Public Health. (2017). https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2017.304057.


          States that have weakened their firearm permitting system have experienced a 13-15 percent increase in violent crime rates.

          Donohue J., Aneja A., and Weber K. “Right-To-Carry Laws and Violent Crime: A Comprehensive Assessment Using Panel Data and a State-Level Synthetic Control Analysis”. National Bureau of Economic Research. (2018). https://www.nber.org/papers/w23510.pdf.

          Since many states have only recently passed permitless carry legislation, research is limited on the impact of these newer laws.15 But early signs are not good: States that have enacted permitless carry legislation are seeing increased violent gun crimes. States such as Alaska and Arizona (see table), have experienced an increase in the rate of aggravated assaults with a gun since the enactment of permitless carry legislation.16 This has resulted in hundreds more gun-related aggravated assaults in these states in 2017-2018 (the latest years for which data is available) compared to years prior to enactment.17
          State, Enactment Year of Permitless Carry Law Increase in the Average Rate of Aggravated Assaults with a Gun Per Year Increase in the Average Number Aggravated Assaults with a Gun Per Year
          Alaska, 2003 65% 465
          Arizona, 2010 8% 921
          Permitless carry legislation strips states of essential permitting and training standards for carrying concealed guns in public. It is part of the gun lobby’s broader agenda to weaken critical gun safety laws, allowing more guns everywhere, which in turn has led to an increase in gun violence. The majority of Americans support concealed carry permitting systems that provide firearm safety training and ensure that only responsible gun owners can carry concealed guns in public.

        • Damn coworker #2 won with garbage data that does not support initial assertion. Come on man I had faith you would go with deranged rambling exclusive of data (relevant or not). Cant believe I lost 5 bucks to cherrypicked garbage.

    • And just how much “training” is needed? You don’t need to be HRT Delta SEAL recon sniper to handle a firearm safely.

    • Are you a child? Maybe a an adult with some kind of cognitive impairment? Or maybe it’s just a stab at satire? That would explain the Alfred E. Neuman avatar.

  19. Constitutional carry, been doing it since 1970 in any state I chose to live or visit .
    The RIGHT to bear arms Shall not be Infringed.
    Anyone trying to stop that is in violation of the law,,,,,the law ,what a joke.

  20. The only thing that will change in Texas is that all the people that were carrying concealed before the new law will now longer be breaking the law.

    The same thing happened here in Missouri. We went Constitutional Carry and no one outside the gun community noticed when all was said and done.

  21. With the National Front for Organized Crime in control of the country “Constitutional Carry” just helps level the playing field. Will people abuse their rights? Some always have, always will. You can’t legislate stupid.

  22. The main reason for states to adopt Constitutional Carry: it makes silly little boys like Robert Rivard soil their panties in fear and despair.

  23. Why do we need guns to live our daily lives?
    It’s called Democratic run cities, cesspools of crime.
    Any other questions?

  24. It’s because Evil, Violence, and Mayhem exist. Always have; always will They are just concentrated in Democratic Libturd cesspool cities.

  25. The anti 2nd amendment Texas hating leftist trolls should know that Austin liberals whined and moaned when the Texas Legislature passed concealed carry license legislation in the mid 90’s, and in the decades since passed legislation making it legal for Texans to carry a handgun in their vehicle without any type of permit or license, then came campus carry for LTC holders, open carry after that, and of course unrestricted carry of rifles & shotguns has always been allowed in Texas. Yet despite all the leftist lies & propaganda with dire predictions of blood running in the streets because of Texas gun laws, Chicago style gun violence and anarchy outside of liberal Democrat strongholds like Austin and Dallas never has and never will break out in The Lone Star State, at least not for long.

  26. Why hasn’t the other 21 states that adopted Constitutional Carry before TX broken out into chaos??

    • Oh, they HAVE! It’s just a closely-guarded secret, the incredibly huge rise in illegal and accidental shootings and killings kept hidden from us by a cabal of White Supremacist Racist Militia-controlled media outlets who want to see even MORE shootings of minorities, babies, and puppies!
      For example, MY state, Alaska, has been virtually depopulated due to the incredible number of shootings since Constitutional Carry was adopted (just after Shall Issue). In some places, one can go for MILES without meeting a single soul! Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies… Rivers and seas boiling… Dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

  27. Last night my girlfiend was life flighted to a bigger hospital . I dont wear a gunm in the house and in haste of gathering things I left my gunm. Driving down the road aways I felt something was missing, reached to my hip and damn,should I go back, no in a hurry, oh well full gas tank, straight to hospital no stops. 20 miles down the road the tire blew out, dont like changing on the highway ( friend got killed doing that) limped her down the road and pulled off on a side road and far enough down the hill so the car was level. An old pickup came by and was really giving me the eyeball, halfway getting the jack up here it came back. Nothing happened, they just drove by real slow but I sure was wishing I had a gunm.

  28. What’s the big deal with opposing ‘Constitutional carry’? Outlaws, criminals, robbers, mass shooters, gang bangers, cop killers, etc. have been carrying guns for centuries in Texas and the rest of America without permits. Why now, all of a sudden, these people are opposed to law-abiding citizens being able to carry guns without a permit? As with all Commies, these people who oppose ‘Constitutional carry’ really don’t care about ‘safety’, they just want to disarm Americans.

  29. Here is a news flash for you. People carried anyway. It’s just now they can legally fight back against outlaws, criminals, robbers, shooters, gangers and anyone else who has been running around armed with intent to use against the public. Oh, and Constitutional carry does not mean the same as brandishing a firearm. To answer the question “Why do we need guns in our lives?” The answer is, when seconds count, law enforcement is just minutes away. Hopefully.

  30. We’ve been trying to get permit less/Constitutional carry here in AL for several years. The main opposition has been from the state Sherriff’s Association. While they make the same claims about the “wrong” or untrained people getting or carrying guns, their main reason is they collect $25.00 every year for the shall issue permit. Nothing but a scam and cash cow. Never had to attend a single class or show any knowledge or proficiency with a firearm. Just had to be able to pass the same Background Check I passed to buy the gun in the first place and pay to fee.
    Always there is the claims of how there will be a massive upswing in violence and gunfights in the streets. History has shown that it just isn’t the blood bath predicted by the pearl clutching anti gun folks.
    Those who would commit a crime or should not have or carry a firearm because they would use them illegally, or are not legally allowed a gun, already are carrying. All the Constitutional Carry laws do is level the field for the more law abiding.

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