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Walmart Really Is Dumping Ammo at Fire-Sale Prices

John Boch - comments No comments

Yesterday, that evil Travis Pike posted a deal alert.  Walmart, he wrote, is dumping their handgun and evil black rifle ammo nationally at fire-sale prices.  It sounded almost too good to be true.  500 rounds of 9mm for $45?  Defensive ammo for $5 per box?

Well folks, it’s true.

When was the last time you saw .38 Special for $11 per 100-round box?  Or Federal .223 ammo for $150/1000?

Image by John Boch.

Yeah, it’s been a long time for me as well.  Probably about thirty years.  And regrettably it probably won’t happen again in my lifetime.

Here in the middle of flyover country, I almost felt badly buying .38 Special +P defensive ammo for $9 per box of 50 rounds.   Ditto for .357 hollowpoints.

photo by John Boch

Premium defensive ammo was priced at $7 or $9 per (small) box.  100-round boxes of .40 S&W ball ammo cost a princely $13 – aluminum or brass cased, your choice.  I don’t have any fo-tays, but I know someone who does who will really appreciate a nice Christmas gift.

Yes, Walmart sold us out by publicly announcing that they would stop selling handgun and police patrol-type rifle ammo.  At one point, Wally sold 20% or more of all ammo purchased in America.

However, I’ll make a foray to their ammo case for prices like these.  You might do so as well.  What’s more, if you can use this Quisling ammo to bring one or more new people into the world of shooting, it will prove a wonderful way to use Walmart’s virtue signaling against them.

Ditto for sharing a box or two of defense ammo with someone you care about.  While it might not be the very best defense ammo available, it will no doubt leave an impression upon any bad guys on the receiving end of it.

0 thoughts on “Walmart Really Is Dumping Ammo at Fire-Sale Prices”

  1. I have never bought ammo from WM, I generally buy all mine from Cabelas, get a better deal on the price. For my military rifles I buy surplus ammo when I can find it. Save the brass for reloading. Except that cheap steel casing stuff for my 7.62x51mm/.308cal. Generally burn through up to 200 rounds at the unknown distance range that I use. Still pick it up and throw it out with the trash. The ammo I find that is the hardest to get is the 7.7mm Arisaka, the .45-70 Government and the 7.92mm Mauser. I cannot wait until the weather clears up so I can get out and shot, need dry ground for my WC, too wet and I cannot move.


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