high large capacity magazines

Late last night, the Washington State House passed a “high capacity” magazine ban bill. As king5.com reports, “SB 5078 prohibits the sale of gun magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds, along with the manufacturing, distribution, possession, import or purchase of high-capacity magazines in Washington state.”

The bill now goes to Governor Jay Inslee, who will sign it with glee.

It’s important to note that despite that erroneous quote from the local Seattle media, the magazine ban won’t outlaw possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Those who currently own them in Evergreen State can legally keep them.

As a practical matter, that means lots of gun owners will be buying their magazines in Idaho and Oregon…at least until Oregon catches up with their left coast neighbors and enacts a similar law.

The high capacity magazine ban has been proposed in the state legislature several times but failed to pass the Senate. The bill was re-introduced at the request of Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, who first introduced the bill in 2016.

Ferguson released a statement on Twitter Friday night, saying “Today is the fulfillment of years of hard work from so many. More than five years ago, I stood with the parents of shooting victims, legislators, mayors, police chiefs and representatives from faith communities to say enough is enough and proposed banning the sale of high capacity magazines in Washington state.”

What a legislative achievement.

Just as in other jurisdictions that have enacted artificial limits on magazine capacity, Washington’s new law will have no impact whatsoever on “gun violence” in the state. It will, however, give hacks like Inslee and Ferguson a prime photo op at the bill signing ceremony which, let’s face it, is really the whole point of this meaningless exercise.

Don’t forget that Washington gun owners who don’t want to burn $5-a-gallon gas and drive outside the state to procure their standard capacity magazines have other options available to them now. You can turn out an awful lot of magazines with a $279 printer and a spool of Zytel.





    • Probably the same way it’s going down in Ukraine.

      Don’t worry. Possession will probably be the next to happen.

      And don’t forget, for some stupid reason, companies like Magpul date code their magazines, so if they really want to, they can tell you bought them after the ban.

      • Magpul date stamped long before mag bans so that consumers and the military could tell how old the mag was and approximately how long it had been in service to determine if it was time to retire it. The military is still a big customer for them and still likes the stamps, so they’ve kept ’em. Also, the stamps help with audit control if they recieve and enough complaints that they made batch with bad plastic or springs and can order an easy recall. The trick is buying Gen2s rather than 3s; at least for Colorado since a lot of 2s were made pre ban. Should be a similarly easy thing to do for Washington, if not easier since a lot of quality competitors to Pmags have come out post Colorado ban but pre Washington.

        • Those Washington residents old enough to remember the 1994 Clinton ban have already bought a lifetime supply of 30 round AR magazines and standard capacity pistol magazines.

        • Guns need to be banned! Magazines need to be banned! Bullets need to be banned! Humans are inherently helpless babies, requiring a nanny to govern them. Oddly enough, this nanny are human adult helpless babies “voting.” Also, this government of adult helpless babies, have a monopoly on force, and by banning things from the public, and allowing them for the gov, they are further enhancing this contrasting dichotomy! And it is desirable I tell you! And why????? Because the majority, never make a mistake, ever! #Democracy!

      • That’s what end mills are for. Just cut off the date code marking on Pmags & Lancers. Takes 2 seconds per mag once your machine & fixture is set up.

    • Unfortunately far too many Gun Owners have failed miserably to define Gun Control by the History of Gun Control. When it comes to defending rights History must always matter otherwise a right like the historical 2A doesn’t matter.

      Most people/fools see Gun Control as something good when history confirms Gun Control goes hand in hand with slave shacks, nooses, cross burning, concentration camps, gas chambers, swastikas, etc.

      Until Gun Control is defined and dealt with according to its history of rot expect an agenda rooted in racism and genocide to be calling the shots.

    • Stolen elections have consequences. It’s hard to vote out the democrat machine because the democrat political machine has an infrastructure in place to make sure the ‘right’ candidate wins ever time.

    • It’s just another Jim Crow Gun Control kind of “law” that is headed to court. In the meantime Washington State will be swamped in mags holding more than the 10 rounds pompous politicians have determined you and yours are worth. Bottom line…Unless stupid gutless ivory tower pompous politicians will be there to take a bullet for you and yours they can go pound sand.

  1. This is real simple; STOP producing magazines for firearms smaller than what is factory standard and this is all folks can buy which will force such items to be “common use”. This and just a little more litigation and this leftist liberal ignorant bullshit will stop.

    • 20s are actually useful in an ar believe it or not, 30s suck prone. I have some for my ar9 too. Wish I had some for my lr308 vut got 25s instead. May be time to grab some the pouches for 25s are a bastard to get too.

      • This is totally untrue. For more than 20 years I qualified every 90 days with an M4 using two 30-rd. mags ONLY in a 50-rd. course of fire. Neither I, nor anyone else, felt they needed to use 20 round mags at any stage of firing the course. The first two stages of fire were fired prone.

        • Ever shot a precision rifle on bipods? I have qualed countless times with my M4 and 30 round mags but the sniper qual course wouldn’t work with my Mk-12 and 30 round mags.

      • Over 20 years in military and I was never issued a 20 round mag. Never considered a 30 round magazine a dingle dangle.

      • I do kinda like 20 round AR mags for prone shooting. Still, I run the 30s as my primary and the 20s for special range use. My AR mags are roughly 90% 30 rounders, and 10% 20s.

        • As I stated; the 30 round mags are common use mags. If 90% of your shooting involves 30rd. mags then you commonly use those mags.

          This isn’t an argument about personal preference or some specialized qualification course that may require certain mags that only a few people participate in. It’s about what is most commonly used by the masses and by your admission the 30rd. mags qualify for exemption from restriction to lower capacity mags.

    • They will just make those firearm illegal to purchase in your state – your state will end up with an “approved” handgun list that limits your purchases, unless you are a LEO.

        • GRA,

          Except it does NOT work in California which continues to enforce its infamous and extremely limiting handgun roster.

          What may be actually and truly right is of no utility when a powerful entity rejects what is actually and truly right. As a friend aptly stated long ago, “The law is whatever the judge says it is when you are in his/her courtroom.”

          Until you find a judge of appropriate jurisdiction and authority to overturn a law (or smack-down a lower judge for ignoring the plain letter of the law), the law is whatever law enforcement and the (lower) courts says it is.

          Obviously, that is unjust. Nevertheless, that is reality.

        • since the Washingtn Big House dweebs lack any form of commonsense, how can you imagine they’d bow to the “common use” concept?
          Nope. These eedjts are driven by Big Money from the gun banners. Kowing Fergie is the dirtbag promoting these antigun laws in Washington is enough. HE is driven by other people’s agendas. He is in cahoots with some big money antigun clowns and juigs to their fiddle. Methinks he has aspersioins to a far morepowerful position than AtG. I think he’s eyeing Insleaz chair. The dark money driging him in ths and othery nasty positions is too big a plum to leave lying there on th floor.

  2. I predict many strongly worded briefs to our wonderful government court system! Their fellow leftists are a shakin in their boots!

  3. I’ve said this before. If you want to cripple or stop gun control in America you have to defeat California.

    The fascists follow California’s lead. California grandfathered standard cap mags in at first. Then they outlawed them, too. WA will do the same.

    • You beat me to it.

      They promised us in 2000 they’d never come for the grandfathered mags. Then they broke that promise in 2016, starting the chain of court events that led first to “Freedom Week”, and now to the call for SCOTUS to grant cert.

    • jwm,

      I would love to see an end and actual reversal of all of the nonsense originating in California.
      How do we actually do that?

      For those who are not aware:

      A super-majority of California voters keep voting for a Progressive/Far Left super-majority in the California legislature, executive branch, and courts.

      Progressive/Far Left political ideology UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY DOMINATES news, radio, television, movies, books, Big Tech, Academia, and the CEOs/Board Rooms of most/all large corporations. The result: it is impossible to engage any meaningful number of voters to actually educate them and win them over from Progressive/Far Left political ideology. (And that last sentence assumes that voters would even be interested in ending Progressive nonsense which is anything but guaranteed.)

      If a super-majority of voters keep voting for Progressive/Far Left politicians and there is no way to educate/persuade the voters otherwise, there is no way within our system of government to end and reverse Progressive/Far Left nonsense.

      If I am missing something, please enlighten me.

      • Quite true. So how then do we discredit leftism in CA? Already those on the wrong end of it, including its proponents, are invading TX and AZ.

        • Dave,

          Discrediting a false position requires two ingredients:
          1) A very loud “megaphone”.
          2) An audience who wants to learn.

          We do not have–and I do not see any way to acquire–a loud “megaphone”. (Progressive/Far Left political ideology controls all possible “megaphones” and will not share with other ideologies.)

          And a lot of people have no interest in learning even if we had a “megaphone”.

          The only chance we have is to produce and raise more children who reject Progressive/Far Left ideology than the Far Left.

        • and yuo may well have the best take on the present situation and near future pathway. Many have goven up on the Golden State ever returnign to anytning approaching its former gloey. I grew up in that state and what I see now is nothing like what I knew half a centruy ago. MOst of those remaining have been swilling the Jim Jones Cocktail for so long they are near immune to it, and don’t care. That coctail comes “free”.. or so it would seem. The cost is one’s autnomoy and individual rights. The few I know who are even cloe to not drinking this swill do not really engage their culture. One is silly enough to think he can get off with owning the “unregistered” guns he has. First time he’s ever caught ‘out” with tem he will likely lost half his wealth trying to remain unincarcerated. He feels trapped there by other relatives who are also occupying their own ilttle bubbles.

        • the real root is not “leftism” amnogst the common peope. It is leftism amongst the ruling elite, and this has driven them to create “sub rosa” tools to manage things outside the legally chartered systems.

          WHo was it infamounsly declared “its not who votes that counts, but it is w\he who ocounts the votes”. Same thing in Washington. Electioins in that state have been dirty since long before Queen Christine was annionted Head Cheese after the third’ recount”, the one that came right AFTER “someone” found three cartons of mailed ballots in a north Seattle post office, hiding in a back room for three weeks up high on a shelf.. where mail had never been “stored” before. Orf course, the local “judge” declared they cound be counted. To my knwoledge, no one ever vetted those ballots, they only conted them, above the objectioins of the “observers”.

      • jwm,

        The sad reality of the human condition is that a very large number of people choose destructive ideologies over constructive ideologies. Whether or not those people actually like destruction or refuse to believe in constructive alternatives is immaterial.

        While we can certainly advocate for constructive ideologies, we would be wise to plan for surviving (as best we can) in a world where destructive ideologies dominate. Of course countless examples in History make it abundantly clear that destructive ideologies are frequently not survivable and we would also be wise to plan accordingly for that very real possibility. Just ask the people in Ukraine.

        • I can care less about CA or the 9th. Circus Court. I care even less about those in CA, and/or those that have left it for other places as I don’t expect anyone on the whole damn left coast to follow any laws. ALL OF THEM ARE TOTALLY EXPENDABLE and THAT is also reality. Until where I live does otherwise, the rule of law survives and the common use clause is therein.

        • “If I am missing something, please enlighten me.”

          The reason you can not see the answer is because you are trying to answer a flawed statement. jwm is wrong. His statement is wrong. “Victory” will not come from defeating California.

      • Which is why it is so extremely important that people don’t let this cancer take hold in their states.

      • “I would love to see an end and actual reversal of all of the nonsense originating in California.
        How do we actually do that?”

        The way it is being done now, at the Supreme Court, with the soon to be decided NY Pistol carry case, for starters.

        You elect Presidents who fill vacant supreme Court seats with justices that respect the Constitution.

        In other words, you force them to do it. Just ask the residents of Chicago how it’s done… 🙂

        • There are limits to relying on SCOTUS.

          Also, although setting states back in line is important, we should still be aware of the risk of an end result of federalized gun control laws.

        • And Geoff chimes in with “you force them” and

          …just like that…

          …lowers the collective IQ of the entire discussion by half.

      • In Washington State, the voting is all by mail (fraud is easy). Who knows what the actual results are? No wonder the marxists always win.

  4. The quote (is it a quote of the text of the bill?) clearly says the bill bans possession, but the TTAG article text then says the bill doesn’t ban possession. Which is it?

      • “As their story later makes clear, possession isn’t outlawed.”


        I’m confident they’ll eventually get around to that, as well… 🙁

        Hey, Dan, what’s up with this new purple button on the E-mail line (below) that says “Generate New Alias”?

        • Lol. It cracks me up that he’s literally never responded to you, yet you still hassle him. Give up, 🤡.

  5. As one who watched the whole debate live… A simple reminder that the Dems pulled shadiness by introducing this to the floor with literally 2 minutes left in the legislative session… Then they went to dinner on the tax payer’s dime. Then voted ALL reasonable amendments down. Then created new terms such as “ghost high capacity magazine kits” and fake sobbed all over. It was truly pathetic. Surprised that a few Dems actually voted against it, but it wasn’t enough.

    The bill is so poorly worded that even those in legal possession will literally commit a crime when handing their gun to a friend or family member to shoot at the range. Even an internet lawyer reading the bill leaves vomit in the brain.

    • I have a fakebook friend who lives in Vancouver,Washington(across from Portland). He frets about crime n violence. I advised him to get a semiautomatic gat. He didn’t. If you folks in Washington didn’t get yer so-called hi-capacity mags sol. I got ’em ILLannoy. I won’t hand them in…

  6. Give all Washington State Capital Police and others guarding all Washington government officials & staff only ten round capable weapons or 38 spec. revolvers..they should lead by example..I bet they would feel safe..

    • “Welp, to scotus we go then.”

      Eventually. Years down the line.

      Aren’t Leftist Scum famous for saying “A right delayed is a right denied”?

      • It helps that almost every county outside the beltway loop have told the state to pound sand over gun laws.

      • Actually, could be soon. SCOTUS is likely going to rule on the California ban soon, and if it rules correctly, will invalidate the WA law as well.

  7. I want to see almost everyone en-masse challenge politicians and the media on the nonsensical term “high capacity” with respect to magazines.

    This a good structure for the challenge:

    What exactly is “high capacity”?

    Why is a certain number and above “high capacity”?

    By what authority does a person or organization define the “high capacity” number?

    Who gave politicians the authority to determine how effective my tools and strategies for self-defense are?

    • What exactly is “high capacity”?
      More than one.

      Why is a certain number and above “high capacity”?
      Because legislators said so.

      By what authority does a person or organization define the “high capacity” number?
      State constitutions.

      Who gave politicians the authority to determine how effective my tools and strategies for self-defense are?
      Citizens of each state.

  8. Portland is a living demo of why you need standard and even capacity mags ironically.

    • Ukraine Portland is a living demo of why you need standard and even capacity mags ironically.

      Although, they are not so different. Both were free lands that have been taken over by communists.

  9. Until this unconstitutional law gets overturned, I’ll make the 5 minute drive to Idaho. Inslee can suck it.

  10. Why are we wasting so much literal, emotional and virtual capital trying to protect the Bidens curiously Nazi honeypot of Ukraine when there are totalitarians to fight here at home?

  11. It’s just another Jim Crow Gun Control kind of “law” that is headed to court. In the meantime Washington State will be swamped with mags holding more than the 10 rounds pompous politicians have determined you and yours are worth. Bottom line…Unless stupid gutless ivory tower pompous politicians will be there to take a bullet for you and yours they can go pound sand.

  12. We have heard plenty from the NSSF on TTAG regarding all the 2nd amendment support and gun safety initiatives they have been involved in. Time for them to step up and call for NSSF members to adopt a “Good for the Goose, Good for the Gander” policy. If a state restricts firearms and accessories to citizens then member organizations should only sell restricted products to law enforcement agencies in that state. Put the heat back on constitution violating governments.

  13. Hi WA Democrats help me to understand this. You’re against tyranny and fascism, but you disarm the people and allow the government and police to be armed with with magazines that you forbid the citizens from possessing. Doesn’t that make WA Democrats tyrannical fascists?

  14. uncommon_sense

    I can care less about CA or the 9th. Circus Court. I care even less about those in CA, and/or those that have left it for other places as I don’t expect anyone on the whole damn left coast to follow any laws. ALL OF THEM ARE TOTALLY EXPENDABLE and THAT is also reality. Until where I live does otherwise, the rule of law survives and the common use clause is therein.

    “ The only chance we have is to produce and raise more children who reject Progressive/Far Left ideology than the Far Left.”

    Or … get rid of the leftists already in existence.

  15. So if I lived there, I can carry two ten round mags with me.
    But I can’t carry one 12.
    Sure, that’ll fix things.

    • It’s meaningless. It’s feel good legislation soon to be challenged as unconstitutional. I live in Washington State and it won’t effect me in the least.
      The part of unconstitutional is from our state constitution which says in part: “The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired”
      They aren’t going to tell me how I may defend the state when they’re limiting magazine capacity.
      Inslee and the rest of the democrats are IDIOTS.

  16. lol, I’m from CA. Let me tell you how that, “it wont outlaw possession of High capacity magazines” things work.

    1). 5 years tops, they outlaw possession of 11+ round magazines.

    2). See 1 above.


    • Who the hell is talking about hunting? And tactical target shooting on a course is different than slow distance shooting in a chair with a gun rest, no. How long have you been a member of the Communist party, comrade? Now WISE THE F UP!

  18. Looks like the West coast states are going mag ban, since the 9th has supported it. Until the Supreme Court or a national law to outlaw these bans is in place, these states (commiecrats) can do what ever they want. The Supreme Court will no uphold the constitution.

    • If Washington State keeps this stupid sh– up, I’ll move 15 miles east and go into Idaho and Washington State can just SMD. I was born in Montana and lived in Idaho also and it wouldn’t be that big a deal to sell and move. f—– Washington State.

      • Why wait? Seriously. If you’re that close to Idaho, make the move now. It’s not going to get better. People here in Seattle hate the rest of the state, and will gladly screw with you forever. Start looking for new property and make your escape.

        Best of luck to you.

        • Idaho used to be the escape for decent people from Washington. No more. Libtard Seattleites have swamped northern Idaho, land and housing prices are soaring, and builders are booked out for years. I truly fear that enough libs might move to Couer d’Alene and Boise to do the same as what happened to Washington. Washington used to be a totally gun friendly state, one of the first to adopt shall issue.

  19. How in Gods name can you hope to stop a free citizenry from having what is essentially a 25 cent box with a spring? Now go solve the REAL problems, like gangs and homeless Antifa leftists on drugs.

  20. My concern is, it’s my concern, that, that, as deer, become evolved, evolved is changing, it’s my concern, that, that, with all the deer being hit by cars, cars or trucks, trucks are like cars they have wheels, it’s my concern that deer will change, evolve, into something plated, plated is covered in ,like an armadillo, to protect, protect themselves from cars or trucks. I’m concerned, apprehensive, and this is germaine mister chairman, that, that when that happens we will, will indeed, need a 100 round magazines to go deer hunting.

    • “…plated is covered in ,like an armadillo, to protect, protect themselves from cars or trucks.”

      So, Possums are jealous of the Armadillo and their armor?

      • Not at all.
        It’s a compromise , however we are a little envious that we cant hop like a kangaroo and an armadillo can.
        That just ain’t right.

  21. I already have all the magazines I need. Screw them! I ordered 4 more 15 rounders for my pistol as a f-you to the state government yesterday. Once signed, the law doesn’t go into effect until July 1st.

    • I should do the same although I have a butt-load of AK magazines for my AK and for my AR 300 blk pistol I now have 8 but I should just out of spite as you did, order more.
      I’m in Spokane Valley and only 12 miles from a Cabelas at State Line, ID and then more places in Post Falls and Coeur d Alene. I’m lucky in that respect as far as location.

      As others have pointed out, the law will have virtually little effect on gun deaths. Multiple death shootings are exceedingly rare where there are more than 10 casualties and as any of us that frequent this website know and understand, it takes a literally two seconds to swap out a magazine and continue firing.
      If AG Bob Ferguson wanted to save lives, why not BAN CIGARETTES?

      8,300 residents die from smoking each year. 27.4 percent of cancer deaths are caused by smoking. 1,800 youth start smoking daily each year. 104,000 youth alive today will die prematurely from smoking. Bob Ferguson and Jay Inslee are idiots.

      • Oh, I left this out….. 8,300 residents die from smoking each year. 27.4 percent of cancer deaths are caused by smoking. 1,800 youth start smoking daily each year. 104,000 youth alive today will die prematurely from smoking JUST IN WASHINGTON STATE!!!!

      • As the crow flies, I live about 2 miles from Puget Sound. I might have to go shopping in Idaho anytime we visit my wife’s brother in Spokane.

  22. This state has gotten so bad over the last 10-12 years. The west coast is garbage, infected with scum, and its spreading.

    • That’s why there is a popular movement to split the state although it has failed to gain traction. Everything east of the Cascades would be a different state. With the population saturated west side, it doesn’t matter what the east side wants, our votes are meaningless. Pathetic loser money-bags like Bloomberg can throw money at crow crap and the idiots on the west side vote for it. For those of us on the east side of the state, we’re Mayberry R.F.D. to those on the west side. We don’t exist.

      • I live and work around seattle area, my folks stay out near Moses Lake. You are right its like two different states. Eastern WA is amazing, the people are normal there too. The westside is a cancer.

        • I sort of like the Mose Lake area. I was through there on the 1st of November and then was over at the Home Depot last summer.
          Of course I do like the Spokane Valley with our river as I am a Washington State Parks volunteer and I’m along the river all the time. We have an amazing area here, I just hate the state government and those demon-rats!

  23. The SCOUTUS needs to weigh in and strike this crap down once and for all. They also need to eliminate the BATF as well !!

  24. And a no car accident bill and no alcoholics, simple just like their mentality! FA-FO!

  25. “Me on March 7, 2022 At 10:34;

    Ever shot a precision rifle on bipods? I have qualed countless times with my M4 and 30 round mags but the sniper qual course wouldn’t work with my Mk-12 and 30 round mags.”

    So what the Hell is your point? I shot qualification courses all the time with bipods. Also used the 30rd. mags as a stabilizer on the ground when firing prone. No regulation exists that says we were required to use bipods only but were highly encouraged not to use any sort of such support at all other than the usual forearm with or without a sling. The discretionary decision was left up to the shooter. We were authorized 1x red dots but no magnification whatsoever.

    Do you understand the legal precedent set by the SCOTUS regarding the “common use” clause?

    What the Hell does a “sniper course” have to do with the masses shooting qualification courses using 30rd. mags? Snipers are only a fraction of those issued firearms requiring qualification so common sense alone proves 30rd. STANDARD factory-capacity mags are far more the normal use than whatever is used in your “sniper course” for whatever reason. Whatever you thought your point was valid for is moot all the way around.

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