Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Trump
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)
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Like Biden or hate him, you do have to at least respect him a little for engaging in personal sacrifice. Being the President of the United States is the goal for many younger politicians, and for him, it’s the peak of his career. To drop the campaign for a second term because he believes in something (right or wrong) more than he believes in his own ego shows that he’s serious about doing the right thing, whether we agree with him or not. Of course, he was under immense pressure from his own party and major donors to step aside, so that naturally had to have figured into his decision as well.

Regardless of his true motivations, in his first address since dropping out, he made it pretty clear that this was his decision and that he did it for others over himself:

While I know most of us appreciate selfless service, I know many readers vehemently disagree with other aspects of his speech and reasoning. Many of us don’t feel that Trump is a danger to the future of the Republic and limited government. If anything, many people here feel that it’s Trump who will save the Republic. If we can overlook that for a moment and look at the rest of the speech, it’s clear that Biden is trying to call for unity in defense of the Constitution.

As misguided as Biden is about some of the other issues he brought up, the goal was to reach wider and unite more people.

You’d think that after talking about unity and protecting the Republic, Biden might look to endorse a candidate who unifies more people in the face of the grave threat Biden thinks the country is facing. Getting reasonable people together to protect democracy and rule of law is too important to let anything get in the way. It’s time to set divisive policy aside and prevent the rise of dictatorship, right?

But, he endorsed Kamala Harris, and this is what Harris is saying:

Yes, I know this video is from 2022 in the wake of a shooting. But, in Harris’ first campaign speech after Biden dropped out, she called for the same divisive policy. In a speech delivered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she started out by saying she’d spend “the next few weeks” working to unite her party to win in November. Obviously, that’s a vague statement, as a “few” could be three or it could last all the way until November. But, the goal isn’t to unite America—it’s to unite her party.

So, clearly, she’s still in primary mode, trying to win her party she didn’t get elected by over before moving later to get votes. So, we shouldn’t be surprised that she’s still pushing progressive positions, like gun control. She goes through a laundry list of things she says are the future, compared to what she says are Republican policies of the past. When it comes to gun control, she not only says she’s aiming for background checks and red flag laws that deny people their rights without due process of law, but also wants to ban all “assault weapons.”

When we consider that tens of millions of Americans own semi-automatic rifles, this is clearly not a centrist agenda that unites people. It’s an extreme progressive position that would make criminals out of a double-digit percentage of the population.

While Joe Biden is trying to secure his legacy and says he wants to unite people before he is put out to pasture, Harris pushes for extreme positions that basically unravel what Joe says he wants. With the Democratic Party working against each other like this, their chances of winning in November aren’t great.

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  1. Good grief. Biden was pushed out by the big donors. The Dems have known about his crappy health for years, and if it wasn’t revealed by the debate, he’d still be running. Quit trying to gaslight us with this crap.

    And even if “their chances of winning in November aren’t great,” you’ll vote for them anyway, because your identity group and environmental ideology are more important to you than gun rights.

    • She can’t help herself. If she seriously thinks Bribum dropped out for the good of the country she really is a clueless libtard.

      • Jennifer is controlled opposition here on TTAG. There was a coup in the USA. And she would prefer to call our brain dead president “sacrificing” for the country.

        Instead of recognizing his forced removal behind closed doors. Because Trump is still alive. So “they” had to switch to “plan B.”

        • Or perhaps plan “E,” “F,” or “G,” not sure what they are up to now. And I doubt that they are finished.

    • Environmental extremism explained:

      We have to keep the temperature from rising an extra degree 80 years from now so the world doesn’t end in the next decade. That means everything has to be more expensive. That means governments and international intergovernmental organizations need your money and must control how you live.

      Just look at the devastation incurred from the temperature rising over the past century. Wait. I’m just now hearing that civilization has actually thrived when the temperature increased. Uhh…never mind.

      • Like most D.C. democRats Jim Crow Gun Control joe is a self serving lowlife sick pos. On the other hand the 81 year old joe was subjected to elderly abuse almost daily by his handlers specifically jill biden and cackles harris. Obviously they sweet talked poor joe into playing president because they knew full well joe was clearly incapable being a real president. Their house of cards has collapsed and the odorous elderly abusing cackles harris took poor joe’s place in line. The media and useful idiots are working 24/7 to put lipstick on a pig and so far it appears all for not.

        Below one can see coach jill biden praising joe like a child for not wetting the bed. Multiply the nauseating scene by 100 to get a picture of the elderly abuse that went on behind closed doors…

      • “We have to keep the temperature from rising an extra degree 80 years from now… “

        Too late boomer, we’re already in thermal runaway.

        “Average summer temperatures (including June, July and August) have risen about 1.6 degrees since 1896, according to the Environmental Protection Agency”

        • Explain calibration standards in 1896. Where were these instruments located in 1896? Who is dumber Jenn or Miner?

        • And yet civilization has thrived since 1896. The fearmongering surrounding climate activism is a lie to designed to take your money and control you. 1896 vs 2024, compare and contrast. When, exactly, did the world end because the weather got warmer? I thought you were a skeptic that always demanded proof? You’re nothing more than a follower. A drone.

          Let’s get into some specifics. You guys proudly passed the Inflation Reduction Act. We know for a fact that it increased inflation. That’s what happens when you print money like that. They named it that because they have zero respect for their constituents that they view as too stupid to understand anything.

          Dems have since began admitting that it was mostly to “fight climate change.” Okay, Miner. Exactly how much will those hundreds of billions allotted for climate change initiatives actually lower the temperature? Give me a number. Then tell me exactly what change will occur as a result of supposedly changing the weather or climate. I want to know exactly what every single dollar buys. How many fewer ticks will there be as a result of this? Give me a number instead of your vague copy-paste fearmongering propaganda.

      • “Everything You Need to Know About Alpha-Gal Syndrome (AGS) and Other Tick-Borne Illnesses
        Learn how you can protect yourself against biting ticks.

        The number of biting ticks is on the rise, along with rates of the diseases they carry. One tick-borne illness, in particular, that is on the rise is alpha-gal syndrome (AGS)—causing an allergy to red meat, among other symptoms.

        AGS is just one of many tick-borne illnesses that are increasing in frequency. In fact, Lyme disease and AGS are only two of 17 mentioned on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) site, and rates are on the rise. Climate change is extending the warm months of tick season, increasing tick numbers, and giving them more chances to find us.“

    • Dementia Joe was promised millions for him and his family if he dropped out, and an early funeral if he didn’t. The only unity he is for is money with his wallet. Cut the crap.

    • He was promised millions to drop out, simple as that. There is no love of America involved with the Bribem clan.

      • “He was promised millions to drop out“

        You state that as a fact, so I’m sure you’ll be glad to post a reference or source where you learned about this.

        Unless it’s just more conservative disinformation propaganda…

  2. “Like Biden or hate him, you do have to at least respect him a little for engaging in personal sacrifice. Being the President of the United States is the goal for many younger politicians, and for him, it’s the peak of his career. To drop the campaign for a second term because he believes in something (right or wrong) more than he believes in his own ego shows that he’s serious about doing the right thing…”

    Are you effing kidding me? He held on to the presidency with his grubby, palsied old hands until the entire establishment turned against him and forced him to give it up. He didn’t “set aside ambition” he was reluctantly badgered into it, as best, possibly threatened into it.

    Your attempt to frame the old pervert as benevolently stepping aside is despicable.

      • “While president, Donald Trump made sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka in front of his employees that were so lewd and disturbing that he was rebuked by his one-time chief of staff John Kelly, a former Trump official writes in a new book.

        “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, in his new book, according to Newsweek”

        • MajorLiar,

          COOL STORY, BRO!! Now tell us the part about Ivanka writing in her diary about Trump getting in the shower with her. Look, BOTH behaviors are creepy and sketch – but if you can’t see the OBJECTIVE difference between saying something sketch AF, and DOING something sketch AF, then you must be . . . an idiot Leftist/fascist. Oops, that’s exactly what you are.

          Donald Trump is a boor, he’s pompous, and he’s a midwit . . . and he’s TWICE as rational as Senile Joe was, even before he became senile. Joey Spongebrain Sh*tspants is a lying quarter-wit idiot, and has been since he reached the Senate. Oh, that’s right, YOU are a lying quarter-wit idiot, too!! No wonder you support Senile Joe and Kneepads Harris.

          Look, we get it . . . you’re going to vote for the idiot who most closely mirrors your delusions. But not even THAT, if you were being honest. Jill Stein MUCH more closely mirrors your idiot narrative than Senile Joe or Kamala the Ho, but you’ve thrown in your lot with the Dim power structure. If you had ever made the acquaintance of honesty and self-awareness, you would be embarrassed for yourself.

          Fortunately, you’ve never met self-awareness, and honesty is as foreign to you as reason. You’re going to support the candidate who gives Leftist fascism the best chance to achieve power. If you were HONEST (Heh!!), you would admit that. Instead, we have you (poorly) trying to rationalize the irrational.

          Look, I’ll be up front (I always have been) – I have spent YEARS both educating myself and contemplating my ‘view of the world’. Individual freedom, limited to non-existent government, and a basic degree of innate conservatism (‘new’ =/= ‘better’) are my approach to life, and I can justify them rationally. Leftism (AND fascism) have literally NEVER been successful, yet we get sub-morons like you telling us “just trust us; it’ll work this time, ’cause we’re going to do it RIGHT!” (without ever ONCE giving serious thought to the obvious issue that . . . the flaw is in the philosophy, and fascism is an inevitable outgrowth of it).

          You remain too stupid to insult.

    • The POS has been known as one of the most useless and stupid grifters in the US Senate/DC for DECADES. AND as a truly nasty despicable SOB.

      • neiowa,

        Don’t forget a kid-groping creep and a serial pedophile. Hell, even his own SON referred to him as “Pedo Pete” in email conversations. Also, he has been accused of at least two rapes (which accusations are WAY more credible than that of the lying fabulist, E. Jean Carrol).

        • “which accusations are WAY more credible“

          Interesting, did the accusers ever testify under oath in a court of law as did E. Jean Carroll?

          • MajorLiar,

            I won’t even dignify such stupidity with a serious rebuttal. E. Jean sued, in a LEFTIST court, before a LEFTIST judge, on a bogus claim of slander for Trump denying that he had raped her (or even had sex with her). A quick look at the women that Trump has been attracted to would make even an idiot like you forced to admit that . . . Trump wouldn’t screw an ugly hag like E. Jean with YOUR d*ck. Her story has changed several times. She did NOT share her alleged ‘rape’ with friends or family at or near the time it allegedly occurred (as both of the two Biden accusers I am aware of DID). While Trump certainly has ‘power’ (he mostly didn’t, at the time), he had no power meaningful to E. Jean at the time of the occurrence – Biden and his cronies could have easily RUINED the lives of either of his accusers. And, while E. Jean was CLEARLY in it for the money, Biden’s accusers have no financial upside.

            If you had the brains to pour p*ss out of a boot, you would recognize that those are ALL factors relevant to proving the credibility of oral testimony (but you are completely ignorant of how law and the legal system works, aren’t you MajorMistake??).

            E. Jean has approximately the same credibility as Christine Blasey Ford . . . and is pursuing her claim for exactly the same reasons (she has since ‘capitalized’ on her claims with a book. What kind of ‘advance’ did she get???).

            You remain too stupid to insult.

  3. Love ’em or hate ’em FJB is a spent casing with a full mag of Lib nut jobs waiting for their turn in the breach. Unfortunately for US they consist of duds and blanks.

  4. Why is this left wing nut child still allowed to submit these nonsensical articles to this site?

    • Exactly.

      The little twit would try to save a drowning man…by handing them a glass of water.

    • She’ll talk a good story, then vote for the lefty candidate.
      Cuz, women’s body rights – you know, abortion and all, in case her and the wifey dont use a condom and have to opt for retroactive birth control.

    • johnnyboy is a bigoted pos who wants to Control Free Speech…Not f-ing happening fork tongue johnnyboy.

      • Kinda why you’re still around, innit, MajorIdiot???

        Yes, free speech is a good thing . . . and so is the unfettered ability to tell stupid people (like brain-dead Leftist/fascists) how stupid they are being. While I have wished you gone, many times, I have not ONCE asked, or even suggested, that you be banned from this site. But you knew that, and are pursuing your lying Leftist/fascist agenda and narrative.

        Jennifer occasionally writes something semi-readable, and if I don’t like her POV, I am free to skip over her stories (which I usually do). I come here, when Jennifer writes something stupid, for one purpose – to play “whack-a-troll” with idiots like you. I’m sure YOU think that Jennifer is just the bee’s knees – she shares at least much of your Leftist idiocy. I can agree with her (relative) 2A support (she is NOT anything close to a 2A absolutist), I find her political views (like yours) objectively irrational (and often gratuitous to the subject). Just like I find yours, quarter-wit.

    • “still allowed to submit these nonsensical articles to this site?“

      Probably for the same reason low functioning hateful misogynist and racist keyboard kommandos are permitted to submit their nonsensical posts to this forum.

      Here in America, we call it ‘free speech’.

  5. “To drop the campaign for a second term because he believes in something (right or wrong) more than he believes in his own ego shows that he’s serious about doing the right thing…”


    He dropped out ’cause : One, he failed in a spectacular fashion by founding his presidency on his own delusions of his ‘grandeur’. Two, despite the claims he made about the economy and all the other stuff it was all a lie and his own party knows it and forced him to not run again because the lies were being uncovered and seen by the public, for example, every time they went grocery shopping. Three, he is not a well man and it became obvious. Four, for all of the foregoing his own party turned against him, he even alluded to them turning against him with his statements about ‘for the sake of party unity’ in one of his ‘post quit the campaign’ speeches – when a republican or democrat politician says he/she is doing something, or does something, for the sake of party unity in relation to running for office it means the party is displeased with them and want them to do it.

    The president is the leader of their party. Its got to be pretty bad or a lot of pressure behind the scenes, or a very weak president, if the president bows to their wishes to not run for office. Even though there were some who did not join in the overall voice and majority leadership of the democrat party made it very clear (even publicly) they were not exactly enamored of the idea of another four years of Joe.

    • …. or in other words it was a back room ‘soft coup’ by Kamala and the democrat party

    • “despite the claims he made about the economy and all the other stuff it was all a lie“

      So you have actual facts to support your claim?

      “Since Biden took office, overall employment is up 11%, average pay is up 17% and unemployment is down from 6.7% to 4%. It’s particularly a sign of strength that job growth and sub-4% unemployment have coincided with interest rate increases and a subsiding in inflation“

      • Oh, PUH-LEEZE, MajorMoron!!! We all KNOW this is complete male bovine excrement, of the purest ray serene!!

        1. People RETURNING to jobs they were forcibly taken out of by (fascist and unwarranted) government mandates DOES NOT equal “new jobs”. As for the alleged “new jobs” Biden supposedly added, (i) how many of them were GOVERNMENT jobs (i.e., not legitimate ‘jobs’, at all)?, and (ii) why does EVERY SINGLE ‘jobs report’ under Biden get quietly ‘adjusted downward’ after the fact (and after he’s boasting press releases claiming credit)?, and (iii) what percentage represent second or even third jobs???

        2. While Senile Joe and Kamal-toe the Ho lie constantly about how ‘inflation is down’, the FACT remains that only the RATE of inflation has (slightly) slowed (and things like the PPI and a few other leading indicators warn that that may be a fleeting ‘victory’, but the CUMULATIVE impact of inflation, since Senile Joe stole his way into the White House, is well over 20% BY THE BLS’ OWN BOGUS NUMBERS. And how can even an idiot like you try to run that stupidity based upon a “CPI” number that EXCLUDES HOUSING, TRANSPORTATION, AND ENERGY???? Even for a submoron like you, that is clearly nonsensical.

        3. Senile Joe’s vaunted ‘wage increases’ are equally bogus – ACTUAL wages, adjusted for inflation, are DOWN over his hapless, feckless, incompetent administration.

        4. What percentage of Senile Joe’s vaunted ‘new jobs’ are manufacturing, or even service sector, jobs?? Second or third jobs, forced on people to try to cope with Bidenflation, may be productive, but how many of Joe’s ‘new jobs’ are with, or subsidized by, government??? How many are people returning to jobs that Joe, and his idiot COVID policies, forced them out of??

        To an intelligent person, I would recommend that you actually cogitate before you sound off an make a fool of yourself . . . but you are not equipped to cogitate, and you are a known fool to being with. One point of consistency I must acknowledge, MajorMistake – you approach every subject with an open mouth. Perhaps you should consider the old folk wisdom of “engage your brain before putting your mouth in gear”. Ah, but that assumes you even HAVE a brain to engage. Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh at the handicapped.

  6. Lifetime of service to government:

    Xi Jinping
    Vladimir Putin
    Joseph Stalin
    Robert KKK Byrd
    Orval “segregation now, segregation forever” Faubus
    Dianne “turn’em all in” Feinstein
    Carolyn “shoulder thing that goes up” McCarthy
    George W “Patriot Act” Bush
    Joseph “racial jungle” Biden

    Lifetime government service is not a flex unless you’re posturing up to be a proud psychopath.

  7. Jennifer,

    I don’t know if you actually believe Senile Joe voluntarily dropped out, or you’re just repeating the Leftist lies, but EVERYONE knows that Senile Joe, the serial pedophile, did no such thing. He, and DOCTOR Jill Biden, fought, scratched, and clawed to stay in office, and were forced out by a coalition of party bosses and big Dim donors, who KNEW that Senile Joe’s mental incompetence had become obvious, and he was going to get his butt kicked, and take a bunch of down-ballot Dims with him. PERIOD.

    That you would foolishly assert that he did it “selflessly” (whether you actually believe that tripe or not) is totes adorbs!! George Costanza was wrong – a lie is STILL a lie, even if you believe it (and, as I said, I’m fairly certain you’re not that stupid).

  8. 1. He was forced out.
    2. His calls for unity are subordinate to efforts to have Democrats get and/or keep power.

  9. “Of course, he was under immense pressure from his own party and major donors to step aside, so that naturally had to have figured into his decision as well.”

    In other words, just ignore the “selfless hero” media talking points that you were just parroting. If you can’t get basic things right like that, then how can anyone expect you to get anything right?

    They had to peel the Puppet’s fingers from the Resolute desk. They had to drag him out kicking and screaming. He was ready to go against the “party elites” (Joe’s words, not mine.) What he couldn’t do was go against the donors. They stopped giving. So he had a choice. If he went ahead and dropped out, they would puff him up as a “selfless hero” willingly giving up power. They would rewrite history to protect his legacy. How does it feel, Jennifer, to be part of the lying media? Why can’t you people be honest? The evidence of you being a fraud is stacking up.

    • Doucebag media lasted one fucking news cycle. Asking real questions. Now they are right back to lying and rewriting history. Screw them!

  10. “ Like Biden or hate him, you do have to at least respect him a little for engaging in personal sacrifice. ”

    Delusional Jennifer.

    With that, I no longer have use for this site. The other one is far better written, pertinent, and this tripe never would have seen the light of day.

  11. Pressure, pressure from within the democrat party and from deep pocket donors ultimately led to Biden’s decision to withdraw. Party unity was a mere excuse that allowed him to withdraw without losing face.

  12. Talk about seeing something that isn’t there. Biden was removed through a soft coup in a backroom deal.

  13. My guess is that Harris compelled Biden to drop out.
    She put on her knees pads in preparation for doing what she’s always done best.
    She pumped Joe up with a potentially lethal dose of Viagra.
    Kameltoe then placed that letter in front of him and told him that he needed to sign it.
    She promised that she’d swallow if he signed it
    When Biden demurred, Harris bit down, hard.
    She told Joe that she’d bite it off if he didn’t sign.
    Joe signed the letter.
    Kamala swallowed.

  14. My previous comment that remains in moderation not withstanding, I think folks are being to hostile to Ms Sensibia. She isn’t suggesting that she’s going to vote for Harris. She’s simply expressing respect for Joe’s alleged decision. Of course the obvious evidence that Biden had facial bruising suggests either a serious fall or a mild beating persuaded him to allegedly resign.

  15. Time for Sensiba to go. Every one of her articles is garbage. You are driving people away.

    • Feel free not to read it Victor. I don’t personally agree with everything she says either, and definitely don’t think Biden stepped down out of his kindness and love for the country, but I’m cool allowing someone with a different political perspective or take on things to share their opinion. It’s good for discussion and through the comments section, we allow our readers to disagree and share their views as well. All opinions in the op-eds–and the comments–are those of the writer, not any official position of TTAG. Hell, even Fox had Alan Colmes as in Hannity & Colmes for many years to offer a different view point. And again, don’t feel you need to read everything. I don’t read everything on every other site I visit either. And I definitely don’t agree with all of it. Disagree and make your own points, it’s the nature of our democracy.

  16. What are you talking about Joe Biden didn’t sacrifice anything for the good of the country or the party. He simply took his money and ran. That is the only thing he’s ever worshiped.

    • Ross,

      No, it wasn’t JUST money; he (and Mrs. DOCTOR Jill Biden) totally worshipped the power, the servants, the cool crash pad, the private ‘copter and jet, the nifty weekend getaway at Camp David. But his increasing dementia and mental incapacity had gotten so bad that it was obvious to EVERYONE. They couldn’t nide it anymore, and it was bad enough that it was likely to start taking out “down ballot” Dims. So, he gets to keep his grift, and go be bitter and nasty in Delaware, grumbling about how Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, Kamal-toe, and the Leftist media all betrayed him. Personally, I hope the bitter, thieving old creep lives a LONG time, and manages to maintain enough of his pathetic ‘brain’ to be bitter about it for a decade or so – he deserves it, as does that evil elder abuser, DOCTOR Jill Biden.

  17. I disagree that the Democrats do not have a great chance to win. The last election was decided by less than 100,000 votes in three battleground states. Now with Gropey Joe out of the running, independents will be tripping over themselves to vote for Kamala “to be part of history.” I think it is also very possible the Dems will take the House, but not the Senate.

    Rejoice, Sensiba! Kamala has a little better than even odds of winning, but the vote will be close. You’ll get your Democrat president, but you’ll be well on your way to losing your gun rights. Think about that the next time you go down on your wife.

    • Shit just winds up in the Pending folder for some reason that I can’t explain. I’ll have the tech guys look at it again.

  18. To Cacklin’ Kamala, permanently “cancelling” a double-digit percentage of the US population would be a way of getting the extreme left factions of the DNC on-board.

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