defensive gun use

In the last few days, I’ve been seeing a story pop up on social media and on gun forums, telling us that Chinese military personnel have invaded the United States and are preparing to shoot us.

To be completely fair, I wouldn’t doubt for a second that Xi Jinping is slipping people in to the United States to do things we wouldn’t want done. The United States does this, too, and for good reasons. So, yes, we must be very vigilant and watch out for these kinds of threats, because they are very much real.

But, at the same time, we shouldn’t forget the horrors of communism and other authoritarian -isms that people around the world are dealing with. China isn’t in the midst of a purge like the Cultural Revolution, with tens of millions starving to death, but it also isn’t the utopia the Chinese government would like us to believe it is. Freedoms that were gained in the 1990s and 2000s are now being stripped away, and the return to more of a command economy is causing financial ruin for many people in China.

So, it also makes a lot of sense that people would legitimately flee China today. Xi Jinping’s China isn’t the China many young Chinese people grew up in, and they’re really looking for greener pastures in the United States.

This presents the United States with a big, big challenge.

On the one hand, U.S. citizens want America to be the country our ancestors came to when they left other parts of the world that weren’t free and prosperous. Freedom-loving people who are willing to work hard and make a better life is what America was built on, and we want good people who can help us continue the American project. We also don’t want people to suffer under communism or whatever Xi Jinping Thought would rightly be categorized as.

We also need to keep in mind that Chinese people fleeing Xi aren’t safe when they get into the United States. It’s well known that the CCP engages in a lot of transnational repression, including threatening, attacking and kidnapping people who make the government mad. So, getting the means of self defense not long after moving in isn’t unreasonable at all!

But, with the stream of people legitimately fleeing Xi’s China, an easy opportunity for infiltration is there for the Chinese government to take advantage of. What better cover for lies than the veneer of truth? By mixing in a small number of bad actors in with honest, hard-working people, it’s a lot harder for American officials to weed them out.

In the midst of this challenge, videos like this one start popping up on the internet:

But, when I looked into this deeper, it isn’t what the conspiracy people are claiming. Some of the people out shooting are recent arrivals, but they’ve moved in with a relative who has been here for quite some time. So, it’s not new arrivals with no money getting ready to kill as much as a guy who wants to share a new freedom with friends and family who just arrived.

As for legalities, this isn’t illegal, either. Once an asylum seeker checks in, they become a U.S. resident, and they aren’t barred from possessing firearms. Yes, that presents a security gap that can be exploited, but there’s no indicator that these particular immigrants (who don’t seem to be very well trained) are taking advantage.

Sticking To Our Guns

While these people probably aren’t up to no good and don’t seem to be breaking any laws, I have seen people disapprove in spite of all that. After all, the Second Amendment is for citizens! But, I think we need to remind ourselves that the Second Amendment doesn’t grant us crap. The right to keep and bear arms is a natural right that predates the formation of the United States and applies to all people. Those who think the U.S. government has any business deciding who has gun rights and who doesn’t are falling into a mental trap laid by the civilian disarmament industry.

Worse, going even more extreme and placing Chinese asylum seekers and citizens of Chinese descent in internment camps would play right into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. They’d have the perfect propaganda opportunity if they got to tell the world about how America doesn’t respect human rights, including the right to keep and bear arms. If we ignore them and disarm asylum seekers, Xi sends agents to threaten, torture, kidnap and otherwise abuse them.

So, instead of taking the easy but wrong way out, we need to put the work in of vetting the stream of asylum seekers better. We don’t have access to Chinese military records, but there are other ways to check the truthfulness of people’s stories and we could sort people into higher and lower risk demographics, only detaining those who are more likely to be a problem (single young men) for a more detailed process.

It also shouldn’t be very hard for the NICS system to be used to flag sales to asylum seekers. This could give law enforcement an opportunity to watch out for unreasonably large sales that an asylum seeker likely can’t afford and give opportunities to check in on them and see what they’re up to.

It’s also important that we don’t spread the idea that any Asian with a gun is a threat. There are many, many Asian-Americans who are upstanding citizens, many whose families have been here for as long as people of European descent have. If we knee-jerk react and start treating all Asian-American gun owners like dirt, we’re no better than the CCP.


  1. “So, it also makes a lot of sense that people would legitimately flee China today. Xi Jinping’s China isn’t the China many young Chinese people grew up in, and they’re really looking for greener pastures in the United States.”

    Then let them do it legally. Crossing our undefended and open southern border illegally isn’t the way.

    • Everyone is welcome to come to the front door and ask if they may come in.
      If they jump the fence and try to sneak it the back door they should be barred from ever coming in. if they don’t get shot.

      • +1

        Pretty much the same example I use when explaining my stance on the matter with someone. Want to come in? Please approach the front door, identify yourself, and patiently wait for me to recognize you and provide my permission. But if I see you coming in thru my bedroom window or garage door because you’re attempting to gain access without me knowing, don’t be surprised if I confront you with the appropriate force to repel you.

        • If a bunch of ethnically-Chinese military-age men suddenly launched a surprise sapper attack inside the USA, I would *really* hate to be President Xi…

        • Why, Geoff? President Potato wouldn’t do anything. And the rest of us would just cower under our beds. No one is going to China to “teach Xi a lesson.”

        • “Why, Geoff?”

          I will tell you why.

          The Chinese economy is hanging on a thread, and any attacks on the US will be met with a cancellation of trade with China.

          It has *nothing* to do with president potato, he won’t have a choice in the matter. When Congress says respond, he will fold like a cheap suit…

      • “The Chinese economy is hanging on a thread”

        Yep, three years of Joe Biden’s policies has the Chinese economy in the shitter, while the American economy is stronger than ever, record stock market, record low unemployment, high GDP.

        “US Economy Outstrips China, Adds a Korea Worth of GDP
        By Chris Anstey
        The US economy handily beat expectations in the final quarter of last year, with an expansion rate that left it adding the rough equivalent of South Korea to the world’s GDP.
        Despite 2023 opening with widespread expectations of a recession, it ended with US gross domestic product rising by some $1.6 trillion for the year, official data showed on Thursday. That’s a little less than Korean GDP for 2022, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

        The growth rate — unadjusted for inflation — clocked 6.3%, outstripping China’s 4.6% pace. Some of the outperformance was of course due to the faster pace of consumer-price increases in the US compared with China, which has hit a patch of deflation.“

        • “three years of Joe Biden’s policies has the Chinese economy”

          What policies? Be specific and show how each has affected a facet of the Chinese economy.

          Otherwise — “that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

          “Some of the outperformance was of course due to the faster pace of consumer-price increases in the US compared with China, which has hit a patch of deflation.”

          Ouch. That doesn’t sound beneficial to the American consumer. Was that also a result of Biden’s policies?

  2. Would not be a problem topic had POTUS DJT remained at the helm. If you want in my home I will over your dead body know who and what you are. Contrary to sneaky democRats attempting to refill their ranks with illegals if people want to come to America they must do so legally. America or now at least Texas determines if the individual’s intentions are good or bad.

    TRUMP 2024.

  3. A very sad reality: truly ruthless people who wish to do you harm will use every possible advantage–including the advantages of deception, surprise, and zero self-imposed limitations. In other words there is no way to predict whether someone moving in your general direction is a “friend or foe”. The only surefire way that you can know whether someone is a “friend or foe” is through their actions. If they respect your rights, they are a de facto friend. If they violate your rights, they are a de facto foe.

    This applies to all human beings in your midst. External appearances (including race) are almost entirely irrelevant. Any given Asian, brown, black, or white person could be a respectful hardworking wonderful human being, a criminal scumbag, or a foreign assassin. Plan accordingly.

    • And to emphasize my point above, note that a white person could be a paid Russian assassin, paid Iranian assassin, paid Chinese assassin, etc. And the same applies to anyone of any other race/color.

  4. If they aren’t legal immigrants, then they have no more right to possess firearms than they have a right to vote.

    BTW, I know a refugee from China. China doesn’t allow people to emigrate legally. She had to swim to Hong Kong to escape from China.. After spending time in refugee camps, she immigrated to the US legally with a valid visa. She is now a US citizen.

    The number of illegal immigrants from China currently entering into the US is far to great to be plausible escapees. The Chinese government enabled them to become illegal immigrants into the US. They are almost all military age males. I strongly and reasonably suspect that they have had military training. This isn’t immigration. This is an invasion.

    • “The number of illegal immigrants from China currently entering into the US is far to great to be plausible escapees.”

      Evidence to support your claim?

      “The Chinese government enabled them to become illegal immigrants into the US. They are almost all military age males.”

      Evidence to support your claim?

      “I strongly and reasonably suspect that they have had military training.”

      Strongly suspect? You must have very credible evidence to strongly suspect, what is your evidence?

      “This is an invasion.”

      Another claim, what is your evidence?

    • “If they aren’t legal immigrants, then they have no more right to possess firearms“

      You may be interested to learn that the militia act makes every non-citizen in the United States, who has declared their intention to become a citizen, members of the militia with all the same rights and privileges.

      So yes, asylum seekers are part of We The People and have many of the same rights as citizens. There is a reason the constitution speaks of ‘people’s’ rights.

      • “asylum seekers are part of We The People and have many of the same rights as citizens.”

        Do they have the right to possess firearms?

        • Well, Congress says they are part of the militia, and the second amendment directly relates to the militia bearing arms…

          Perhaps you might consider doing, as you say, ‘your own research’…

          In other good news, we’ve discovered more about the Republicans attempted overthrow of America:

          “Kenneth Chesebro, the right-wing attorney who helped devise the Trump campaign’s fake electors plot in 2020, concealed a secret Twitter account from Michigan prosecutors, hiding dozens of damning posts that undercut his statements to investigators about his role in the election subversion scheme“

          Oh Lordy, there are tapes!

        • “Well, Congress says they are part of the militia, and the second amendment directly relates to the militia bearing arms…

          “Perhaps you might consider doing, as you say, ‘your own research’…”

          Ah, I see. “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

          Oh, in case I haven’t mentioned it lately — go fuck yourself, asshole.

        • “go fuck yourself, asshole“

          Boy, you got an awful potty mouth.

          Do the members of the militia have the right to bear arms under the second amendment?

          Are the laws under the constitution the supreme law of the land?

          “10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes
          U.S. Code
          prev | next
          (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.“

          I understand you may have difficulty parsing out the meaning of the text, here’s the pertinent part for your consideration:

          “who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States“

          The black letter text of the federal code outweighs any particular individual’s opinion.

        • Let’s see — who shall I believe?

          Miner49er, with a track record of obfuscation, misquoting, misrepresenting, outright lying?

          Or GMU Law Review — written by real lawyers and people who have made a scholastic career in their detailed study and analysis of the law?

          Hmm … gonna have to think long and hard about this one.

          “The Second Amendment does not provide a right to keep and bear arms to noncitizens. From the Supreme Court’s metamorphosis of the Verdugo-Urquidez standard to its emphasis on citizenship throughout Heller, the decision offered convincing evidence that the right is limited to citizens only. The right guaranteed in the Second Amendment should be limited to members of the “political community,” as Heller mandates.”

          I’m going with GMU.

          Oh, and if I haven’t yet mentioned it on this fine Wednesday morning — go fuck off, Miner. When you get there, go fuck off some more. And when you’re done, you can go and fuck off even more.

        • At the risk of being redundant, I’ll post it here again.

          The black letter text of the federal code outweighs any particular individual’s opinion.

          “who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States“

          “go fuck off, Miner“

          Yes, the childish personal insult, as a substitute for a rational response. Got it.

        • Let’s go back to the original statement (which Miner altered by cutting off the last part):

          “If they aren’t legal immigrants, then they have no more right to possess firearms than they have a right to vote.”

          No one has posted any evidence that this statement is false.

          So my response stands, to Miner and/or Serpent Vision:

          “Fuck you — fuck off — fuck yourself.”

      • I’m more than willing to accept that risk — much more so than I am willing to risk my computer to malware. Besides, you’re a liar, and your idea of “seven minutes of almost unbearable beauty” is most assuredly a blatant lie.

        Oh, one more thing — go fuck yourself.

        • “Oh, one more thing — go fuck yourself“

          Once more, a proud conservative Republican demonstrates his keen wit and intellectual ability, bravo!

        • Prove your contention that I am either 1) conservative, or B) Republican.

          BTW, we’re still waiting for you to prove that you possess either a keen wit or intellectual ability. Still waiting.

          “That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence,” you needle-dicked bug fucker.

        • “you needle-dicked bug fucker“

          Once more, you seem to enjoy posting about other men’s talliwhackers.

          I’m sorry, but no matter what come-on you use I am not interested in any sort of sexual activity with you.

          Of course, it’s a free country so you may continue to think and post comments about my massive endowment.

  5. The large NW INDIANA Baptist church we attend has a large Chinese church service as well as a huge Spanish speaking congregation. Do they vet anyone? Not being privy to the inner workings I doubt it. Not really a criticism but a comment. Next door to us Spanish speaking people moved in seemingly unable to speak English(across the street too). I’m all for LEGAL immigration but asylum for the whole world is insane.

    • Read Col. Kurt Schlicter’s fiction book (basically based on Oct 7th) ‘The Attack’.

      Fiction but ???
      Comming for us?

  6. I’m not really worried about a foreign agent showing up on my doorstep. I am concerned about one on our boarder trying to enter illegally.

  7. IDK if the news only shows males ( I saw one female ) but I have yet to see CNZ children or old folks. I agree the PRC doesn’t just let people flee. Could be emptying jails and mental asylums. I would send my dregs if I ran some country. Save a lot of money not having to feed them. Schumer would like to form a secret pooleez of CNZ immies to go after anyone he hates.

    • The irony is that this is occurring just as China’s population is beginning to implode. Thanks to China’s totalitarian one child policy, their population is rapidly getting older as well as smaller. Their population pyramid is now inverted. China desperately needs its younger generation that can not only work to support their elderly but also procreate to sustain their population.

      Of course since we are talking about China, there is an easy solution to the problem of supporting an enormous aging population with a dwindling number of workers. China can solve the problem by systematically exterminating their elderly.

      • “China can solve the problem by systematically exterminating their elderly.”

        And make a handsome profit on it, as well.

        There’s a massive market for transplant organs… 🙁

      • Can you blame the men for leaving? They have almost no family -no brothers or sisters, no uncles or aunts, no cousins. If they are lucky they might have four living grandparents and two parents. That’s their whole extended family. Many have lost their grandparents and even parents and see what little family they have rapidly shrinking towards zero.

        To make matters worse there are very few women available to them because boys were favored and females were often aborted or even killed as infants so the parents could have a son.

        Almost no family and little hope of starting one of their own unless you are very lucky and wealthy enough to attract one of the rare females out there anywhere near your age. Old rich guys sniping at that pool too to make it even harder for the younger guys.

        Yeah, I’d be emigrating somewhere else too. Why not the US? Lots of successful Chinese people here and some might even be distant relatives or maybe from the same village to help them with a leg up. It seems like a no-brainer to me…There is nothing left for them in China. No future at all.

        • Something something made their bed something.

          Come here legally or don’t come at all. It’s a slap in the face to those who followed the rules. I’m married to a legal immigrant, now a citizen.

      • in China there is a massive demographic shift. 1st there is a large imbalance between the number of males and females with males numbering tens of millions more. 2nd to be considered eligible for marriage a man has to have a high paying job, a house, a car, and a significant amount of money. Girls can afford to be very picky.

        Despite the relaxing of the one child policy and allowing up to 3 children per household, birth rates are declining to the point where the average is a lot less than the replacement rate.

        Now Xi is embarking on Cultural Rev-olu-tion 2.0, the economy is tanking, foreign investors moving elsewhere, and the new national security law making setting up a branch in China too difficult for western business, it looks like a good idea to get out while you can.

        Just watch out for the “little pinks” who act as the CCP’s volunteer eyes and enforcers around the world.

  8. Non-citizens from hostile powers don’t have rights. We do not need to respect their gun rights, their due process rights, their privacy rights, or any other rights our constitution affords to our citizens. They are not us. They are not supposed to be here and should immediately upon detection by apprehended and deported.

    • This. Rights are the obligations of the state to the citizen under the social contract. Foreigners and felons aren’t party to the social contract, by definition. We used to take this concept seriously. The 12th Amendment says, among other things, that only US citizens have standing to sue in a US court. That went away a long time ago, of course, along with everything else in the Constitution, and doing the Ghost Dance for Muh Constitution isn’t going to work any better for us than it did for the Paiute or the Lakota, but it’s right there in what they keep telling us is the highest law of the land, for anyone to read.

    • I absolutely agree with both of you: Where you have no right to be, you have no rights period. Illegal immigration is one of many problems where people act as though the solution (deporting or even catching every single one) is too hard, so let’s do nothing. There is, however, a simple and practically cost-neutral solution.

      This problem is one subset of a much broader issue: as believers in self-evident truth, the Founders did not feel the need to enact much of what they (more or less unanimously) believed into law. Despite their brilliance, they did not adequately fortify the Constitution against people who either oppose the idea of unchanging moral principles, or – much worse – invent ridiculous anti-principles like the “right to asylum”. In this particular case they spelled out the right answer, but in the unenforceable Preamble: “We the People” wrote the Constitution and BoR “for ourselves and our posterity”.

      An amendment to enact this truth – specifically, that no taxpayer-funded resources, officials, or employees may ever protect a criminal invader of our country against an American citizen in any way, for any reason – would immediately (and without massive government action or expenditure) create an impossible environment for anyone here illegally, like curing an immune-system disease.

      • The open border fiasco is another case of the commies/interlopers taking advantage of a system that was set up for moral people.

        • Exactly. The system was set up to safeguard moral people’s mutual interests and agree to respect each other’s rights [only], and was perverted into a system to coerce moral people to treat immoral people as “equals”.

          Are you getting message notifications? The only e-mails they send me now are ads.

  9. “After all, the Second Amendment is for citizens!”
    Nope. It’s for “the people.” So… one more time, here’s the actual text:

    “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” (Emphasis added.)

    • Since making the above comment, I have spent a couple of hours reading what the Supreme Court of the United States has had to say about the Second Amendment over the course of the nation’s history. And I would like to commend that literature to the reading of other commenters to this forum who, like me, are not well-read on this particular topic. So.. without further ado, here’s the link:

    • We the People of the United States (citizens) are the same People referred to in the 2nd. Could also reasonably include resident aliens and others in the US legally.

      • The constitution makes a clear distinction between citizens and people, the framers knew exactly what they were doing when they granted rights to the people as opposed to limiting them to just citizens.

        And because many of the people are members of the militia, they also have the right to bear arms under the second amendment.

        • Wrong again, dickhead.

          “The Second Amendment does not provide a right to keep and bear arms to noncitizens. From the Supreme Court’s metamorphosis of the Verdugo-Urquidez standard to its emphasis on citizenship throughout Heller, the decision offered convincing evidence that the right is limited to citizens only. The right guaranteed in the Second Amendment should be limited to members of the “political community,” as Heller mandates.”

        • “Wrong again, dickhead“

          Boy, you got an awful potty mouth.

          Do the members of the militia have the right to bear arms under the second amendment?

          Are the laws under the constitution the supreme law of the land?

          “10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes
          U.S. Code
          prev | next
          (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.“

          I understand you may have difficulty parsing out the meaning of the text, here’s the pertinent part for your consideration:

          “who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States“

          The black letter text of the federal code outweighs any particular individual’s opinion.

        • Let’s see — who to believe?

          Miner49er, with a track record of obfuscation, misquoting, misrepresenting, outright lying?

          Or GMU Law Review?

          Hmm … gonna have to think long and hard about this one.

          “The Second Amendment does not provide a right to keep and bear arms to noncitizens. From the Supreme Court’s metamorphosis of the Verdugo-Urquidez standard to its emphasis on citizenship throughout Heller, the decision offered convincing evidence that the right is limited to citizens only. The right guaranteed in the Second Amendment should be limited to members of the “political community,” as Heller mandates.”

          I’m going with GMU.

          Oh, and if I haven’t yet mentioned it on this fine Wednesday morning — go fuck yourself, Miner. And the horse you rode in on.

  10. This is very strange.
    For arguments sake, let us say all of the Chinese illegal migrants are not terrorists, but good people.
    They went to all that effort and expense to flee their country to come to this country.
    Is China, the great commie utopia, not the best thing since Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith?
    These people would run from the great commie utopia to come to the evil capitalist USA?

    • China is no longer commune-ist, except in name. They morphed into a form of fascism. Lots of wealthy folks in that commune-istic country.

      Commune-ism really does not exist anymore in the wild. The only social-ism that is still left is national social-ism.

      Fascism won. biden, stalin, mao, all were and are fascist.

        • Actually, they really aren’t. they see all too well the danger in their ‘social credit’ system and want no part of it. (except what they can apply to us, that is). They also have a problem with the Uyghur forced sterilizations and ‘work camps’…

        • Canceling people based on the “wrong” beliefs? We already have a form of the social credit system.

          “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China…There is a flexibility that I know [Prime Minister] Stephen Harper must dream about: having a dictatorship where you can do whatever you wanted, that I find quite interesting.” -Justin Trudeau

          Trudeau said that, and people still voted for him. Then they were confused when he did his best dictator impression.

        • “Canceling people based on the “wrong” beliefs?“

          You mean the way Donald Trump banned those believers of the Muslim faith?

          And you really should reread your Justin Trudeau quote, he was actually accusing conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper of dreaming about a dictatorship.

        • Trump banned Muslims? Another lie.

          Fuck yourself, Miner. Get fucked, fuck off, fuck you early and often.

      • Communism is alive and well in the american university system. It’s supported by federal tax dollars. Unfortunately, people didn’t want to listen to President Eisenhower.

        Who said the greatest danger to the United States was federal spending on education. The communists have access to an unlimited supply of money.

    • As someone else put it in this discussion, “China’s economy is hanging by a thread”.

      Three years of the Biden administration’s economic policies have forced China into an economic crisis. This is why we’re not very concerned about Chinese expansion, they just don’t have the economic resources to pose a serious threat in the region any longer.
      They could fly all about and create some serious damage, but they don’t have the depth of forces to be a significant threat.

      Just like the Russians, Chinese military forces are in terrible shape because of corruption, mismanagement and incompetence.

      And now that the Biden administration has engineered the largest expansion of NATO, bringing on Finland and now Sweden (Bofors… mmmm!), they’ve closed the door on Russia’s dreams of empire.
      In spite of of fascist Viktor Orban, the Hungarian legislature voted 97% to approve the entry of Sweden into NATO.

      Isten hozta a fedélzeten!

      • “Three years of the Biden administration’s economic policies have forced China into an economic crisis.”

        What policies of Biden’s have affected China’s economy? Be specific. And remember — “that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

        • Here’s your evidence, glad to do your research for you:

          “ORLANDO, Florida, Aug 18 (Reuters) – Of all the economic and market curve balls investors have had to bat away this year, few will be as unexpected as the U.S. economy growing faster than China’s.
          This was not how the 2023 consensus looked in January, when China was poised to break out of its COVID lockdown like a coiled spring, and the United States would buckle under the Fed’s most intense rate-hiking cycle in 40 years and slip into recession.

          But China is struggling to get off the ground, and the narrative around the U.S. economy is shifting, remarkably, away from a ‘soft landing’ towards a ‘no landing’ scenario.
          The contrast in the fortunes of the world’s two economic superpowers has been extraordinary, perhaps the starkest reminder that investors’ priors, rules of thumb and models have been completely ripped up by the pandemic.”

        • “What policies of Biden’s have affected China’s economy? Be specific. And remember — “that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.””

          You presented no evidence of Biden’s individual economic policies and their specific effects on China’s economy.

          Fail. “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be told to fuck off with no evidence.”

  11. This is another article lecturing us on acceptance and inclusion.

    “It’s also important that we don’t spread the idea that any Asian with a gun is a threat.”

    Jennifer must not think too highly of the people who read TTAG.

    • As a white leftist, jennifer, I’m sure was a supporter of the racist policy of affirmative action.
      A policy created by the white liberals that she has voted for. That kept deserving asian students out of colleges, that they had excelled in all the entrance exams for.

    • “It’s also important that we don’t spread the idea that any Asian with a gun is a threat.”

      Well you know, the Israelis are Asians, Jesus was an Asian as well.

      Hell, even Santa Claus was an Asian.

      • Well, you know, that was a mind-numbingly stupid, vapid comment.

        Here’s a suggestion — go fuck yourself, asshole.

  12. Perhaps time to reread his speech? He called put 2 threats:

    “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

    “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.”

    • He warned about public-private partnerships, including education.

      “…the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity.”

  13. I don’t think we should tolerate our chekists telling us, “We let in millions of unvetted crime, terror and invader suspects, and now to protect you from our malice we need to suspend everyone’s civil rights.”

  14. What do you mean “we?” You don’t speak for me. We have no obligation to allow half the world to immigrate to the US. We need a 1920s-style immigration moratorium immediately. If the Chinese people don’t like their system, it’s their own responsibility to fix it.

    • “We need a 1920s-style immigration moratorium immediately“

      And that turned out so well for us:

      “The Great Depression began in the United States as an ordinary recession in the summer of 1929.“

      You may not remember, it was 2 conservative republican presidents, Coolidge and Hoover, who drove America into the ditch of the great depression.

      Just like eight years of George W. Bush put the American economy in the ditch in 2007–2008, it required in both cases a democratic socialist president to put America back on the right economic track.

      Thanks Roosevelt and Obama!

      • “We need a 1920s-style immigration moratorium immediately“

        And that turned out so well for us:

        “The Great Depression began in the United States as an ordinary recession in the summer of 1929.“

        Post your evidence that the Great Depression was caused by limiting or even restricting immigration. You made the claim, now let’s see you back it up.

        Remember — “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” Asshole.

        • In addition to the failing economic policies of the Republican administrations of both Coolidge and Hoover, the immigration moratorium damaged the labor markets in the United States:

          “The Effects of Immigration on the Economy: Lessons from the 1920s Border Closure Ran Abramitzky, Philipp Ager, Leah Platt Boustan, Elior Cohen, and Casper W. Hansen NBER Working Paper No. 26536
          December 2019, Revised June 2020
          JEL No. J6,J61,N21
          In the 1920s, the United States substantially reduced immigrant entry by imposing country- specific quotas. We compare local labor markets with more or less exposure to the national quotas due to differences in initial immigrant settlement. A puzzle emerges: the earnings of existing US-born workers declined after the border closure, despite the loss of immigrant labor supply. We find that more skilled US-born workers – along with unrestricted immigrants from Mexico and Canada – moved into affected urban areas, completely replacing European immigrants. By contrast, the loss of immigrant workers encouraged farmers to shift toward capital-intensive agriculture and discouraged entry from unrestricted workers.“

          Yes, there are many big words in the research, let me highlight the pertinent points:

          “the earnings of existing US-born workers declined after the border closure“

          “the loss of immigrant workers encouraged farmers to shift toward capital-intensive agriculture and discouraged entry from unrestricted workers“

          Do you understand, US born workers earned less after the immigration moratorium, and mechanization on the farms reduced the number of jobs available for unskilled workers.

          If you have evidence to the contrary, you really should present that so you can claim your Nobel prize in Economics.

          I understand those who win a Nobel prize actually get to meet the king and queen of Sweden, how wonderful that will be for you!

        • “Post your evidence that the Great Depression was caused by limiting or even restricting immigration. You made the claim, now let’s see you back it up.”

          Posting a lot of words, whether big words or not, makes no difference and does not support your contention. You fail to prove how the Great Depression was caused by limiting immigration. The paper you quoted speaks to differences in local labor markets, a deflection from the issue. It says nothing about restricting immigration being a cause of the Great Depression.

          Another failure, fuckface. Therefore, “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

        • Lame strawman, I never claimed immigration moratorium ‘caused’ the Great Depression.

          Here’s what I said:

          “You may not remember, it was 2 conservative republican presidents, Coolidge and Hoover, who drove America into the ditch of the great depression.”

          The immigration moratorium was just one of many failing policies of the Republican administrations that led to the great depression.

          Read the actual research paper, immigration moratorium led to workers making less money and closed down entry level jobs, that’s why so many folks had to hit the road in search of work.

          Clueless Republicans:

          “On March 4, 1929, at his presidential inauguration, Herbert Hoover stated, “I have no fears for the future of our country. It is bright with hope.”

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