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Hare kṛiṣhṇa, hare kṛiṣhṇa, kṛiṣhṇa kṛiṣhṇa, hare hare, hare rāma hare rāma, rāma rāma hare hare. I would have loved to have been at the meeting where the gun control jihadis‘ marketing mavens decided what color their supporters should wear on June 2nd. Black? Too depressing. I wear black all the time. Green? Taken. Yellow? Too cheerful. Why someone didn’t remind the group that the Krishnas have staked out orange, I don’t know. But I do know that The People of the Gun should wear camo — yes hunting camo — on June 2. And given that everything in the world is available in camo, it shouldn’t be too much of a logistical issue. You in?

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  1. Good shit….want some.
    Oh wait….it’s the 29th…lol
    Oh yea…next month….I’m there dude.

  2. I see this as rather pointless. Odds are 90%+ of the people who happen to wear orange on this day are wearing it because it came up in their clothing rotation and have no idea about this “cause”.

    I’d bet the same for the people who wear camo on that day.

    • I think I have some of that blaze orange camo…… Hmmmm…

      FYI, it says ‘May 5th’ on the bottom of the article. Cut and paste not edited properly maybe?

      • I read the typo, which I assume is what it is. I LOLed especially hard when the first comment pointed it out.

        Either way, we need to ban high tech “assault” keyboards now!

        Edit: I now see that said comment has been removed. I guess that’s the “flaming policy” at work.

        • If that is the case (I saw it there yesterday) then the flamer, in truth, is whomever made the rather large mistake and STILL has it there. Major facepalm!

  3. Regardless of the truth in Wilson’s comment, I will make a point of wearing camo of June 2nd and NOT wearing my usual safety orange shirt to work. I’ll wear the safety green shirt instead.

    A lot of people wear the orange as a mater of course with nothing to do with bogus political statements and a lot of people wear camo. But the momentum of a movement does not start all at once like a rocket, it has to build over time. Camo on 6/2 may be symbolic, but what the hell.

  4. I have to wear orange on the second because I work in the township parks and our work shirts are orange. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  5. “The People of the Gun should wear camo — yes hunting camo — on May 5th.”

    Good. That gives us almost a year to prepare.

    And BTW, I’m not wearing orange unless I’m in prison.

  6. How about hunting camo with an orange hunting vest and cap–preferably a cap with an NRA logo?

  7. There are choices like this one:

    Or this one:

    Either one will probably make the Demanding Mommies (and their ilk) heads spin in “triggered” anger and they’ll run & hide in their “safe spaces.”


    • I usually wear a camo hat around anyway, but I can’t even find any demanding mommies around here to get worked up over it.

  8. Since both the title and the original anti item referenced in the article mention June 2nd, I think it’s safe to say May 5 is a typo. Having said that, I agree that they really should proof these articles before they’re posted. And yes, my wife and I will wear camo on June 2.

  9. I have a orange hunting vest with a Montana FWP hunter-ed grad patch on it.
    Missoula is the only place that heads might spin but the the town I’m in I’d be
    asked why I’m wearing the vest in June… So I’m not going to.

  10. I think you meant June 2nd not May 5th unless you are working on next year’s Cinco de mayo

  11. Wear Orange NRA/Pro-gun items and visit a Starbucks and pay with a $2 bill — that should be wonderful since many of those gun hatters frequent that coffee shop.

  12. If I stay home on June 2, I can tell people that I wore camo so good, they never saw me…

  13. I’ll be wearing a digitized tiger stripe ensemble courtesy of Uncle Sam.

    • Macy’s and Nordstrom both sell camo neck ties. Basspro and cabelas do not. Strange world. Several online sources also.

  14. I will wear my blaze orange Browning hat that I wear during hunting season.

  15. Sometimes, a counter-protest just draws more attention than the original protest would have garnered on its own. I think it’s better to ignore stupid shit like this, and let the two or three dozen people who think they’re “making a difference” by wearing a certain color have their sad little circle-jerk while the rest of the world continues to ignore them.

    • Mine too, gonna OC that day. I’m going to the range as well, so I won’t wear camo. I don’t want to be “that guy” at the range.

  16. That sounds like a wonderful day to go to the range. If I didn’t have to work, I would totally go to the range and shoot more than I normally do. I even have orange targets. Alas, they have chosen a day that does not work for me. Oh well, better luck next time.

  17. Really wish they wouldn’t do this shit on my birthday, also wish they would pick another color as well I’m sure any people of the gun of Dutch or Ulster heritage can agree

    • I would be very surprised to find any Orangemen that didn’t toe the unionist line on guns – publicly at least.

  18. I’ve just never seen a gun get violent. If I did, I’d probably ignore it and mind my own business. Best not to get into a quarrel with a firearm that has acquired not just independent mobility but also a personality and a tendency toward grumpiness.

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