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I took a month off because I didn’t have much to say. But I’m back now, refreshed, revitalized, and drinking clear liquor. On tonight’s podcast, I discuss the finer points of working out as a busy cubicle dweller, an update on my ill-fated sausage closet experiment, and my new favorite TV show. Other topics include gin, Skrillex, and veteran suicide. Give it a listen, and as always, leave a comment below to let me know what you want covered in future podcasts.


  1. Tyler I don’t mean to be rude but that was almost like listening to an infomercial at 3 o’clock in the morning for an hour period LOL maybe stick to gun related stuff if you get into a writer’s block send me an email I got a bunch of stuff you can talk about brother would be glad to help out.

    • Oh i have plenty to write about. I make missing deadlines look like a professional sport.

  2. Brockmire rocks! I laugh my butt off watching that.

    Bowling? I gave up bowling for sex.
    Your balls are lighter, and you don’t have to change your shoes…

    And veteran outdoors rocks! (So does JWT).

  3. Tyler that was hilarious buddy if you could I don’t know whole lot about Electronics & computers but I do know a lot about firearms I’ve been building a AR-15 since 1984 and I was in the military for five-and-a-half years 82nd Airborne participating in Iraqi Freedom Desert Storm. I know what a podcast is but I think it would be so much better if people could actually call in and talk to you as your doing the podcast and have it real time so that people can bring up discussion points and get the answers right away from you and other participants that are listening to the podcast and commenting or calling in I don’t know if that is even possible or if that would be considered a radio show. However it would be really cool.

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