HIST Cicero_watch

[h/t Aharon]


  1. With a terrible sense of dread, Saul realized he had become the anti-gunner’s wet dream on “Bring Your Phallic Symbol to Work” day

  2. Before Larry, Curly and Moe found their niche in comedy, they had a rather unsuccessful attempt in making a gangster movie. It all came unraveled when a grouse flew into Curly’s overcoat.

  3. Dateline late 2012. Robert, Nick, and Dan discuss their career paths realizing guns aren’t terribly useful without ammo.

  4. Dan Zimmerman, This is a very interesting photo. Can you tell us what it really is – when it was taken, who is in it, and what they are doing or what is “the occasion” for this photo?

    • These are the fathers of the Mothers That Demand Action. It is sad how far the apple falls from the tree.

  5. As if the Depression weren’t bad enough, in 1936 New Yorkers endured the zombie subway rising for several weeks. Shown are three alert commuters taking the “A” train. (photo: Bettmann Archive)

  6. The guy on the left just shit his pants and is deciding how to proceed. The guy in the middle suspects as much and is informing the guy on the right. Not much of a caption, but those are the eyes of a man sitting in ruined-pants.

    • Ha! I had to take a second look, but dang it if you aren’t right. Looks like a shart just took the poor guy by surprise.

      Or, as we used to say when I was in high school, it must have been a Starburst: the juice is loose! Or maybe a Duncan Hines…you know, back when they had puddin’ in the mix.

      I shouldn’t be laughing at this, but I can’t help it.

  7. As the IRA learned from their Americal rebel counterparts from 150 years earlier, don’t wear red coats, Micheal O’Donnel, Rory O’Brien and Kevin Kilkenny model the new “just blend in with street clothes” camo.

  8. “I still don’t get it, we could get our meat from the butcher shop and be home in time for supper instead of freezing our bollocks off out in the rain!”

    -Not Much Has Changed since 1913

  9. Just like a wop….bring a pistol to a dove hunt. No offense to my Italian compadres out there, just always liked the unaltered line in the movie.

  10. As Bill and George discussed their plans for all the birds they’re going to take, Roger suddenly came to the unhappy realization that he forgot to buy ammo.

  11. Yeah I know but da boss says business is slow so I’m da back up. I got 6 shots you’s got 4. Make em count boys or we’ll all be sleepin wit da fishes. Capiche!?!

    Where’s DeNiro when I need him….
    I’ll even take Joe Peschi at this point…

  12. Having bolded both the 11th and the 18th as the date of their planned robbery on the calendar, the trio sat there in a state of stark confusion, never actually carrying out their plan.

  13. Lets go over the game plan again…

    Do I leave the gun and you take the cannolis or is it the other way around?

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