


  1. A winchester repeater from the 19th century and a cartridge belt full of bottleneck fmj ammo. Gotta love budget westerns.

  2. If I am going to violate one firearm safety rule, I might as well violate all four firearm safety rules!

  3. I’m sorry but you’ll have to get in the back. Someone already called shotgun… and you don’t have one.

  4. I don’t care if that girl at Skinny’s laughed at you, the big hat and gun aren’t gonna help.

  5. I know what you’re theenking. Did he fire 13 rounds, or only
    twelve ? Well in all thees excitement I kinda lost track myself.
    So what chu gotta ask yourself is: “Do I feel lucky ?”
    Well do ju, Gringo ?

  6. (sniff sniff)

    That’s not Hoppe’s….that’s Ballistol! And the cotton strands on the muzzle confirm it, amigo…you’ve been listening to El Gringo Hickok Cuarenta y Cinco on the telegraph again, haven’t you?!

    La vida es buena…

  7. Put it in your mouth and inhale reeal deep man… You aint lived until you’re sure you’re alive…!

  8. ‘If you’re gonna shoot, then shoot,” says Tuco while sitting in bathtub in “THE GOOD, THE BAD and THE UGLY.

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