Want a free holster courtesy of SHTF Gear? No prob. Just get your creative juices bubbling and come up with the best caption for this week’s happy snap. Not feeling it? Don’t worry. Thanks to SHTF’s Clay Moultrie, TTAGers can take advantage of a 15% discount off the regular price of any holster they make for orders placed through midnight Sunday. Just use the discount code TTAG-15.


  1. Bipod? Oh, that’s not a “bipod” it’s a tripod. See? This is a tactical telescope. Pistol grip is extra…

  2. To cut back on cost, mayor Mikey introduced his new security forces.( he STILL has trouble seeing over their shoulders

  3. That’s right – The UN uses one hand.
    Your terror amuses me.
    It’s not the size of the gun…

  4. Even Lego Land, that oasis of peace and prosperity, began to see it’s share of that phenom known as “Swatting”.

  5. Dear god ban the evil black polymer shoulder thing that goes up tactical sniper gun for the Lego children. Just think if it even saves one brick, it will be worth it.

  6. Sgt Pepper from the Lego PD prepares to raid the Littlest Pet Shop during the recent crackdown on assault inducing Chinese catnip.

  7. “You thought Legos® were expensive? Introducing the Heckler and Koch brand Lego® firearms! Fifteen times the price of any other Lego® firearms, but you* will buy it.. Because nothing says “Operator” like HK® plastic imitations of real firearms!

    *Citizens need not apply. Because you suck and we hate you.”

    (Heh, PSG1 legos…..)

  8. If gov crusty thinks he’s vonna get my 50 cal he’s got another thing coming

  9. The militarization wasn’t happening just in agencies like the DEA and FBI, most local police departments were organizing SWAT teams. Even Lego police were tooling up and terrorizing Legotown with no knock 3:00am raids.

  10. Budget cuts have forced the fire department to scale back its services. As such, the SWAT team will now handle all cat-in-tree calls.

  11. “Damn FNGs! One hit and they go to pieces!”

    “I’ll knock yer block off!”

    “My gun floats! Holy Friggin’ Moley, my gun FLOATS!”

  12. Incidentally, I wonder how many laws this thing violates….

    Barrel length is under 16″, overall is under 26″ and there are no detectable metal parts. It’s sold by stores without a background check and can be purchased across state lines without a transfer. Operation is completely silent with no NFA stamp required. It’s manufactured outside the U.S. and imported without conversion to include the minimum number of domestically manufactured parts. It’s even marketed and sold to children who take it into Gun Free Zones!

    Did I miss any?

  13. One last thing–I feel obligated to point out that the character holding that rifle has a shoulder thingy that goes up.

  14. Badges, badges, We don’t need no steekin badges. Your El Presidenta and El Holder gave me this gun and uniform.

  15. Get your limited edition Boston SWAT team member toy! Fill out your ATF forms 4 and 4473, rub the belly of a unicorn, get a certified picture of you with bigfoot, and when all your children have attained the age of 18 your toy will be sent to your FFL.

  16. Looks like a scaled down version of Nick getting ready to give us Pt. II review of MDT TAC21 Rifle Chassis. And in his stealth EMT uniform with badge no less.

  17. Draft Heckler and Koch press release

    “For years fans of HK products have asked for a game changing shift towards MSRPs below an arm and a leg. We’ve heard you. Now introducing the Lego line of HK products for a clientele that recognizes that arms and especially legs can easily be replaced…”

  18. If we start the indoctrination when they’re young, maybe we won’t need “re-education” camps.

    • I think we’ve got a winner here folks.

      elbushy’s comment of 18:07 above was my previous front runner, but I think TR’s is gonna be hard to top.

  19. “When all guns are LEGOs, only LEGOs will have guns.”

    “Ken got Barbie, but I’mma get Ken!”

  20. The new “LEGO movie” received a R rating today by the Motion Picture Association of America, for gratuitous violence strong sexual content. Sylvester Stallone commented on his casting as Headshot cop in the new film, saying “I don’t support gun ownership, or letting little kids play with toys that have guns, but then I saw how much they were gonna pay me, and figured, hey! I guess I could do that!”

  21. You’ll get my gun when you pry it from my room temperature plastic hand.

    Those who melt their guns into bricks deserve neither guns nor bricks.

    Tread on me barefoot again will ya!

    Molon Labe Legoum!

  22. Sometimes the tree of Lego needs to be refreshed with the plastic of heroes and tyrants.

    What do you not understand about “shall not be made of plastic”?

  23. Collect all 6 members of the Lego™ Task Force!

    Sniper Bob – Comes with one police-only high precision rifle. You can see he has his headset on, vigilantly waiting to take the order to make the hit. However, his 5-o’clock shadow and non-spec baseball cap show us his cool nonchalance. With the perfect balance of duty and character, he makes a great asset to your Lego™ Team!

    Other characters include No-knock Larry, Warrantless Willie, K9-Capper Carlos, Desk Duty Dave, and Double Barrel Joe!

    *WARNING – Not for sale in NY, NJ, MA, MD, IL, CA or CT.*

  24. THIS is how you build a better police force.

    “assemble” your own team.

    New Lego LEO comes with full auto accessories. *Civilian model only available with musket.

  25. Even his Lego jackboots connect to other Lego heads.

    When seconds count the Legos can be there in minutes.

    Assault Legos only sold in OFWG color schemes.

    Lego Kristen Weiss version coming soon!

    TTAG version comes free with common sense and 4 rules pre-installed!

  26. Senator Schumer announced today a ban on 3D printed soldiers after it was reports that these toys can be made by the millions for pennies and children could be endangered by having fun. Schumer said we must stop 3D printing of toys “for the sake of all children, it is not safe for them to have so much fun”

  27. Lego’s new swat team line up, with permanently fixed rifles. For those that believe only “properly trained” legos should carry guns.

  28. OK smart ass, you got about 5 seconds to show me some I.D. before I start shootin’ off yer toes

  29. Get Lego’s new Boston Marathon Bombing Watertown set.
    Go house to house with tactical teams and roust your Lego
    neighbors. Boat and Tsarnaev figure included.(Not shown)

  30. “Yes, sir, due to the sequester, we’re just going to prop this on top of the white house… life-size of course. “

  31. Lumberg voice:

    “Um, yeah. If you could just quarter my troops this weekend that would be grrreat. And, uh, I’m gonna need you to quarter them next weekend too. Thanks for that.”

  32. News Flash:
    Create your own large caliber gopher exterminator !!!
    Data for 3D printers now available .

  33. “LEGO S.W.A.T. Officer with Rifle- $2.99
    LEGO Chris Dorner sold separately.”
    Lego Chris Dorner- Out of Stock

  34. After the obama administration bailed out Hasbro (r), they replaced the dog with a UN soldier in the game of Monopoly. His only plays were to take over Boardwalk and Park Place to redistribute the value of those properties and monitor the other players.

  35. Breaking news: An 8 year old child threatened another child today with an assault sniper rifle. Sources say that the police departments SWAT team was called out and shut down the entire town looking for the other accomplice. Reports say after the child was arrested, it was found that he had multiple dangerous weapons in his toy box, including some maximum capacity clips.

  36. The militarization of the police force is being pushed by the new “Law Enforcement Girding Office”.

    “Law Enforcement of Giants Officer” John McClane has a short temper, when it comes to miniature size.

    Can second place get that Lego guy?

  37. Here’s officer Jones responding to the kindergarten where it’s alleged a partially eaten Pop Tart shaped like a bullet was found in the trash!

  38. With the success of modern polymer weapons several precincts have been moved to fully polymer officers. They are much lighter, fatigue resistant, and more intelligent than their biological counterparts.

  39. With the success of modern polymer service pistols, several precincts have been moved to fully polymer officers. They are much lighter, fatigue resistant, and more intelligent than their biological counterparts.

  40. “A number of anti-gun Democrats have introduced legislation banning dangerous, deadly assault weapons in hopes of curbing the excessive LEGO on LEGO violence plaguing children’s imaginations.”


    “Of course I’m compensating for something! I’m a damn LEGO!”

  41. Swatman lego man ™ here for a limited time to up hold chicago’s gun laws with “no knock raids” on the otherwise law abiding lego men

  42. New from Lego, the New York Police State collection, “because if you your kids have nothing to hide, then nothing to fear”

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