Last week’s winner was leopoldstotch. The author of the best caption for this week’s photo will win a box of CapArms 9mm Superior Range Ammo. Just have your entry in by Sunday at midnight to be eligible.


  1. now when Dorothy shows up with the lion, you shoot the lion for my trophy room, what happens to the rest of them is up to you, then you will get your heart!

  2. Safe sex? When Dr. Smith is around you better wear your helmet and have a laser pistol handy.

  3. Hey there, you shiny spaceman. How about you and me go to my place and you could show me that shiney gun?

    • wait, if both your hands are on my shoulders how are you planning to check my prostate?! I’m not even sure robots have prostates!

  4. “Silverfinger” got me, and if you think that “Goldfinger” was a “coldfinger”, lemme tell ya …..

  5. Continue to point your Golden Gun at me and you will find it Lost in a Space you don’t want filled!

  6. “Dr. Smith, where should I put my pants before my prostate exam?”

    “Why, over there next to mine, you bubble headed boobie!”

  7. Watch where you put that hand Smith, or this Blaster is going where the Sun don’t shine!

  8. My brother the tin man had an axe, but I prefer the best tool possible for self defense.

  9. Okay, Tin Man, blast the Lion and the Scarecrow. I’ll grab her Ruby slippers and then we’re OFF this planet and back to Kansas !

  10. The golden man carries a golden gun because carrying a coward is too hard on his back.

  11. “Wait. If your hands are on my shoulders… what’s that hitting me in the back?!”

  12. At the range, creepy RSO approaches an unsuspecting customer;

    “Hey Man, want to try my GLOCK?”

  13. When Dr. Smith, your proctologist, has both hands on your shoulders during a prostate exam, you might need to defend yourself no matter what planet you are from.

  14. What? I like to wear my full metal jacket when I shoot full metal jacket… and my hat matches!

  15. “yes, yes, a wagner spray gun, indeed. but next time you must remember to replace the rear cap before applying protectant to the ships hull.”

  16. “how will we become rulers of this miserable little planet, you ask? it’s quite simple really. all you have to do is shoot that robot over there. once he’s out of the way the rest will be child’s play”

  17. “Excellent…now I can prove to that mechanical meddler that I am NOT the most FLAMBOYANT thing in space.”

  18. Just because I’m dressed as the Tin Man doesn’t mean I’m into dudes, Doctor, so please stop touching me or I will vaporize you!

  19. No, no, no, my friend. You should be pointing that at Will, Will Smith. He’s the one you want.

  20. “We’ll do it when I say I gotta take a leak. Remember: leave the gun, take the ruby slippers.”

  21. Silvie, baby, I’m sorry. We just didn’t have the budget to buy the new Glock 218 blasters. We’ll just have to make due with these Hi-Points.

  22. No that’s not a weapon my dear boy, I’ll show you what it does later.
    Yes Dr. Smith, my lubrication system is fully functional, why do you ask?

  23. “You’re interested in that ninny-headed robot? I’m sure we can work something out….”

  24. I was trying out different types of gun oil. I had this jar of Anti-seize lying around. Next thing you know…

  25. Spaceman Spiff discovers the “wonders” of universal health care from his “doctor” and decides it’s time to exit stage left. Heavens to mergatroid!

  26. And if you can get that silly looking death ray pistol to work then we’ll get you a nice iwb holster that matches your outfit.

  27. “It’s alright, Keema — savvy? The Masked Man will be back, and he’ll bring Silver, too.
    “In the mean time, is that really the way he taught you to hold that pistol?”

  28. Gold paint, a gold suit, and a gold gun. Where is my gold ammo?…my friend, until your marksmanship improves, steel case fmj is all you get. Don’t you realize our investors are holding us accountable to our expenses? Now get down to the range!

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