0 thoughts on “Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win a Diana Hufstedler Poster”

  1. “Banana Splits loyalists, patrolling the outskirts of Fremont CA in a technical, circa 1973”

    Been there, done that… It’s a side effect of watching Rat Patrol re-runs.

  2. See! I told you little Johnny was too young to shoot rifles. Crew served weapons are much safer.

    I don’t remember the first place I heard roughly that but it stuck

  3. Francis Ford Coppola’s kids working on some of the dialog for an upcoming project their father is working on called Apocalypse Now.

    Billy : Smell that? You smell that?
    Johnny : What?
    Billy: Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that.

  4. Breaking news! Racist white supremacist hate group roams the streets of southern California town looking for innocent unarmed minority teenagers to gun down. Brian Williams was told by an anonymous but highly reliable source that they may be members of the Tea Party. Stay tuned for updates…

  5. It is NEVER to young to learn of the beauty of “Ma Deuce”. As a side note, I love these kids parents. My kind of folks!

  6. California State Code #FU2ndA states…all toy machine gun carts shall be safely and permanently chocked in the driveway

  7. “Paul (standing) and Danny (seated) were often picked on by local elementary school bullies. Things were about to change.”

  8. After fielding complaints from subscribers on their paper route concerning stolen newspapers, Timmy and Buster devised a plan to deter further theft attempts.

  9. The First of the Ninth was a old calvary division that traded in their rocking horses for radio flyers and went tear-assing around SoCal looking for the shit.

  10. “Hey Luther…Come and see what the boys built…Think we can sell it to the Army for $110k a pop??? I’ll bet some dumb General will buy it…!!!”

  11. These little boogers took over their local playground, Radio Flyers flew. Those they spooked grew to become legislators, some migrated to New York…….

  12. Safety first, boys…

    Finger off the trigger…check
    Both hands on the wheel…check
    Parking mechanism firmly in place…chock

  13. “When dad gets drunk he talks about the gun truck thing he had in The Nam, whereever that was. A little boiler plate and some sand bags and we have dad’s Veterans Day present. Can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees it.”


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